NC Parents’ Bill of Rights

I have read the comments on this post from yesterday regarding the veto of NC Bill SB49, Parents Bill of Rights, and appear to have gotten pushback from two individuals, Joanna Martin and David DeGerolamo whom I very much respect. I have been thinking a great deal about this, and am at a loss as to what kind of solution exists that could possibly correct the glaring conflict between parents’ rights to have control over the education of their children and what they are subjected to in schools, and the existence of these state schools. Overriding the veto appeared to me to be a move in the right direction IN TERMS OF the atrocities and abuse educators and administrators seek to subject our children to, and making an effort to notify the parents about such abuses. However, I do indeed see PH’s concerns that it [SB 49] clearly states that the rights of parents are understood to be dictated by the state, and not God. Let me be clear: OUR RIGHTS COME FROM GOD.

We must remember that our rights were not taken from us all at once. We will not recover them all at once either, but I believe we must make forward progress toward restoring ALL of our rights.

Clearly most parents have been asleep at the wheel for far too long, and this is where we are. Is the bill, which Cooper vetoed, actually an effort to further erode our rights as parents? Does that put Cooper in the bizarre position of saving us from a bill that would have done so? It seems hardly likely that this was his intent. Is it the intent of the legislators to usurp our rights as parents even further? Only they know that, but it’s not unreasonable to suspect this, either.

It is my opinion that the vetoed bill, if overridden by the house and senate, might do more to help awaken absentee parents, and those who are simply too busy NOT GOING GALT as to the festering madness that now permeates our schools. Do we truly hope to have a bill that puts us back to where we should be, with parents the absolute final word regarding education? In an ideal world, yes. But that seems hardly likely in today’s environment.

I’d love to see someone not only point out the flaws and issues with the legislation, which has been done by PH, but to, in a concise way that can be understood by all, come up with something better that could actually gain traction and pass, even if a veto has to be overridden. Something that gives absolute recognition as to the God-given rights of parents and their authority, as well as requiring administrators and educators to keep parents apprised of all activities, with sufficient penalties to those who violate that requirement. Perhaps Mark Robinson will be able to accomplish this when he becomes the next governor of North Carolina.

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Yes this started a long time ago, Hilary the rod Clinton pushed for children’s bill of rights. They have pushed God out and the state in charge of our natural rights, sooner or later we either surrender or fight.

1 year ago

Sir -- you ask for a lot in your closing paragraph

I have read many of your earlier posts and respect your intent. However, I believe you are limiting yourself by thinking “within the box”.

The primary “flaw and issue” is an expectation that conflict between “parents’ rights” and the “education system” can be fixed with additional legislation. The “education system” is an artifact of years of legislation.

You are asking agents of secular government to redeem themselves, and switch their allegiance from government back to God. If men were to truly embrace the first two Commandments in the Decalog, they would of necessity renounce their positions in civil government.

No human penalty, criminal or civil, has ever been sufficient to deter men from acting on the evil of their desire -- to control other humans through legislation and their municipal mercenary enforcers.

No new legislation will deter them. There is an answer, but … it’s complicated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hans

BAM! Spot on.

1 year ago

Try not to take this the wrong way. To use God as justification is an Appeal to Authority. When Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling, it’s said to have been the first time an anatomically correct human brain had been painted. Most concede it to represent a human’s ability to think and act for themselves, ie sentient.
Our ability to think for ourselves makes us sentient. Ergo we have sentient rights, giving us the ability to think beyond the group think consensus of any governing body.
Rarely is it brought up, that the US Constitution has a clause that NOT ALL of our sentient rights are covered in the Bill of Rights.
Yet when we violate the First Amendment out of our own self righteous interest (really BAR bait), things fall apart in slow motion. “Congress shall pass no law…” and still government is allowed to control marriage (the family) through the courts. Until this is corrected, We will continue to be our own worst enemy. (a victim’s sanction)
It may not happen to you, but somewhere down the line it will affect your life in one way or another. You’re only beginning to see the result, and it’s just a distraction to keep you from identifying the attackers.
All humans place priority on their offspring, it’s human nature. But ‘they’ know that, and exploit this fact. And who gets thrown under the bus? The very individuals we expect children to become.
Remove the catch 22.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

Animals are sentient. We are sapient.

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David, I just now posted a comment -- but it disappeared! I made an error in a link and when I clicked on it and saw that it got a 404, I went back to edit my post but it was gone. Is it in a limbo space which you can retrieve?

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Noted for further research. The current Blacks Law only mentions sapient in reference to language, and sententia relating to judgment or opinion, and an alt of determination, will. Either way, the BAR has no intention of capitulating.
What happens in CA, sooner or later goes nationwide. FC is the BAR’s most profitable genre of practice. Qualified immunity is a selective enforcement standard put in place by the BAR, not a statute or anything close to lawful.
I remember when you ban me about ten years ago, so I started posting on FNC. Started back posting here about a year b4 his health turned. You’ve come a long way, my friend, and I thank you for allowing me to post. Me thinks the trolls help to realize we are more peers, than adversaries. No animosity held nor intended.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

I just found the difference between sapient and sentient last year. Remember, we are home sapiens. Don’t remember banning you. I banned very few people in the first ten years.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Would not have a real clue to know the screen name used.

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
1 year ago

SB 49 does not protect parents’ rights in any way. As I pointed out in my paper, every “right” which is supposedly granted to parents is qualified by an exception which may be carved out at any time by the federal or state gov’ts or the “governing body” of the school. I read SB 49 (and all other legislation) the way a lawyer reads it -- I note the qualifying language. The legal community uses standard phrases -- we all know what they mean. When you see a “right” granted and then followed by a phrase such as “as provided by law”, “consistent with the requirements of law”, etc.; the legislation just took away from you the right you think you were granted.
The drafters of SB 49 knew exactly what they were doing.
SB 49 also institutionalizes the radically new conception of “rights” which the globalists have long been pushing on Americans: It rejects the Principle that rights come from God and are unalienable; and imposes the new conception that rights come from governments -- and that governments determine the scope and extent of our rights. Michael Farris, the primary author of the proposed “parental rights amendment” to the US Constitution, has long been pushing this new conception of rights on us. Here is the first paper I wrote about his amendment: the first para of that paper -- I warned 10 years ago of the gullibility of the people on our side.
Parents need to start obeying God and home schooling their children. Parents don’t need the permission of government to exercise their God-given duties, responsibilities, and rights. A home schooled child is a far greater blessing than is a new car; a cruise; or designer clothes.
Parents must STOP being permission seekers. It is Time for them to stand up and resist the evils of the public schools.
[I note that the Courts are moving to our side. God bless Justices Thomas and Alito.]
If parents would pull their children out of the government schools, the public school system would collapse. The public school system is kept in place by parents who refuse to accept their God-given responsibilities and duties to their children.

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

thank you for fixing the link.
Re the $50K new car: Right -- Americans have a moral problem -- WE are the problem. All we care about is eating and buying stuff; and we love to blame-shift.
The governments we have reflect the moral collapse of the American People. The only solution is for Americans to turn their faces to God & repent of their sins; and then He will heal our land.
I stopped buying the big corporations’ stuff. I stopped shopping in their stores. I don’t buy their food. My printer died (when it was intended to die -- after some 5K copies). I’m not buying a new one. My expensive Samsung refrigerator died; I’m not buying any more fancy appliances. I have an Amish washing machine and will use that when my Samsung washing machine dies (at the pre-determined time). Go Amish! They don’t have tools they can’t fix themselves. What freedom! And I NEVER took big Pharma’s drugs. If you need medical care: consider an osteopathic physician. After the Medical Doctors’ shameful behavior re the JAB; I’m done with Medical Doctors. Osteopathic physicians want to get you healthy.
Everyone: Learn to grow your own food. Get an independent water system. If you have your own well, get a pump which will allow you to pump water manually if the grid goes down. Do this now. I can get the link to the website which sells the pump if you want it.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago

Our current governor does not know the difference between right and wrong, good or evil. Thank God for lame ducks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

Not only does he not know right from wrong for the last twenty-five years he is the mouthpiece and spokesman for the democratic party. He also takes his orders from the sodomite Obama, the Clintons, Obiden and eric holder who is a syndicate type criminal going back to the Waco Tx. massacre as well as the murdering of the weaver family by the ATF, FBI under orders from the DOJ; Eric Holder is Coopers sidekick in bringing lawsuits into our courts for the redistricting based on color, he is against parents’ rights and everything that is moral and just. This demon possessed man really needs to be in prison because he surely did not win the last two elections, he won by massive voter fraud and to this day is still covering up the true vote count. This perverted vile dog is full of every unclean bird and fowl spirit and told to us in the scripture.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
1 year ago

It’s real simple. Call your representatives or send them an email.
As for me, I spent four hours last week doing it. As for SB 49, Cooper and company must keep his nose out of NC children’s bedrooms. I have no problem telling anyone.