A Second Amendment group and a New York state senator are opposing legislation that would prohibit those on the federal terrorist watch list from obtaining or renewing a license to carry firearms in the state.
The bills, introduced by state Sen. Jeffery Klein (D.) and Assemblyman Thomas Abinanti (D.), prohibit “persons named on the consolidated terror watch list from obtaining or renewing a license to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms,” according to a joint statement by state Sen. Robert Ortt (R.) and the Second Amendment group Shooters Committee on Political Education.
“Any legislation or proposal attempting to tie the federal no-fly list to state firearm licenses will be impractical, ineffective, and most importantly, unconstitutional,” the statement said.
Cuomo the bastard child is on the move to destroy all conservatives in his sate as well as all chritians. this man in the governors mansion is a child of the devil and her does the sodomites bidding in the white house.
Welcome to the Peoples Republic of New York. Screwing their citizens and driving away businesses since 1955. The implosion is long over due, for the city which houses and fosters the “Frankfurt School” and the UN/CFR. No matter how bad things may get, Greater New York City and it’s residents deserve everything they get, and then some.
I pray that, when the power goes out, all those bankers and stock brokers are at their desks, trying to steal just one more dollar… and that they are eaten alive by the dregs of Queens, Harlem, and the Bronx in their attempt to get home to their mansions in Suffolk, Westchester, and Farifield counties.
May it all burn to cinders, as a prelude to Justice.
The fact that his suggestion that anyone on the No-Fly list should be made to surrender their weapons was as unconstitutional as it gets. Of course, that has never been a deterrent to Barack Obama. His absolute disregard for the Constitution is so widely documented it barely justifies recognition. But, just as an exercise, I would like to point out that the deprivation of life, liberty or property without due process of law is patently unconstitutional, and that is not who we are.
People in OUR government would never stoop to adding those with differing political opinions to a government watch list, would they? Like Hades they wouldn’t! They would, and they do.
The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution declares, “No person . . . [shall] be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Depriving an America citizen of his or her liberty to purchase a firearm (thus denying the fundamental right of self-defense) by the simple act of a government bureaucracy adding one’s name to a list (with no criminal conduct being committed) smacks of totalitarian regimes.
The push is now on to pass Peter King’s backdoor gun-control legislation: H.R. 1076. I urge readers to contact their senators and congressman IN MASS and let them know that the American people will NOT tolerate this extreme violation of constitutional liberties. This might be Barack Obama and his gaggle of gun-grabbers’ last opportunity during his administration to enact more gun control. And, again, they are capitalizing on a mass shooting in a gun-free zone as impetus for their tyranny. It never dawns on them that these shootings always take place in a gun-free zone. Instead, they want to turn the entire U.S. into a gun-free zone.
If the government can ban a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms (or any other constitutionally-protected liberty) by simply putting them on a list, WE ARE ALL IN SERIOUS TROUBLE. Trump touts a pro-Second Amendment position, but if he would support this kind of governmental overreach, his commitment to the Second Amendment (and to the Constitution in general) is non-existent.