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- GenEarly on Release the Epstein List
- spaceman on Two Questions
- MrLiberty on The First of Hopefully Many
- Hammers Thor on The Urgent Call to “Return to Base” & The Chopper’s Strange Movements Make No Sense
- Thexrayboy on The Urgent Call to “Return to Base” & The Chopper’s Strange Movements Make No Sense
When will Gates, Fauci, and most importantly the entire leadership of the CDC whose names follow: Rochelle P. Walensky, Debra Houry, Mitchell Wolfe, John Auerbach, Sherri A. Berger, Robin D. Bailey Jr, Jeff Reczek, Reginald R. Mebane, Abbigail Tumpey, Dori Salcido, Jim Pirkle, Robin M. Ikeda, John Howard, Nathaniel Smith, Leandris Liburd, Henry Walke, José T. Montero, Daniel Jernigan, Rebecca Bunnell, Leslie Ann Dauphin, Brian C. Moyer, Celeste Philip, Karen Remley, Karen Hacker, Patrick Breysse, Christopher Jones, Jay C. Butler, Sam Posner, Rima F. Khabbaz, and Jonathan Mermin,
When will the Nuremberg 2.0 trails begin for medical crimes against humanity?
I truly wish I could give this question and up vote of 1000.
Not soon enough!
Article I, Section 8, Clause 15
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
Just because Congress fails to do their duty, it does not excuse Us from doing Ours. The problem is we are too few to do it right now.
Just a little note on this clause of the Constitution. We the People (except for the politicians) are the ONLY legal law enforcement and military inside the borders the US. Nowhere else does it give any other body to to do it.
Good lord this! The true owners of this country have all of the politicians and courts in their pocket. NONE of them work for you. DO NOT donate your money or waste your time with emails or letters.
There is only one way out of this and it is not voting nor complaining about it on forums.
When and where do we have this conversation?
I agree with you, but seems nobody cares to step up, and set-up anything.
Does being a leader or organizing this break any laws, or is it people are just scared of the TYRANTS now
All this needs to happen at local levels. And being discreet would not hurt.
Fear is a cancer that consumes. The question is to all those that fear. Do you fear slavery more than death? I for one do.
Yes sir. Clean up your yard before your neighbor’s yard.
Not even so much clean up as, this has to have local support before it can happen. I really wish more believed enough to at least come together as group just for support as the Amish do.
Truthfully and well said, sir!
I would expect rule 308 to be applied prior to any Nuremburg type trials. Not agitating for it, mind you. Just thinking some victim’s family member may decide to take matters into their own hands and one instance could lead to another and then multiply. I believe that is more likely than a Nuremburg.
The truth is out about what they are doing in the hospitals, these sick doctors are in on the mass genocide. We have never been in a situation like this and it is world wide. What is it going to take for us to step up and put a stop to this.
Not an expert but I would assume there will be guerrilla warfare. The billionaires best run for the hills. AI will not save them.
The sooner the better.
Yes. Save the children.
they are so to speak, many have invested in construction of giant underground shelters.
Was not aware of this
Allow me to advocate for the Devil. Assume you are a young person and want to become a doctor. Years of school and a residency which result in a mountain of debt AND you’re programmed by the pharmaceutical companies all along the way. You get your license and go to work in a hospital where you’re not allowed to practice medicine, but are required to follow ‘protocols’. You exist in a bubble where you are required to see too many patients each day to effectively help any of them and there is no time left to do self study and research. You. Follow. Protocol. Yes, they are complicit, no doubt, and I’m not willing to give them a pass, but at least one can see why they do what they do. We lost the health care system when we moved from altruism to profit.
I guess we could apply that possibility to our politicians and the rest of the entity’s as well eh. After all they are just excepting the money for the greater good.
“I was just following orders”
— Any random war criminal
This logic is no excuse for the lack of critical thinking. Would you trust the medical care of your children or grand children to such a programed individual?
I am going to make an outrageous statement here and wish everyone a happy and joyous Christmas, and ask that we stand united on our morals, principles and God given rights to restore our Republic by way of our 2nd amendment.
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, as well. God bless.
Standing with you! God bless.
You as well!!!!!