No, It Wasn’t A Software Update

This is worth 6 minutes of your time.

Pay attention, folks. AT&T is lying. This story is a pure and abject falsehood, likely demanded of them by a fraudulent government intent on deceiving us about what is really causing these outages. It wasn’t just AT&T that went down. It was HUNDREDS of unrelated networks that went down at the same time. This was caused by not one but TWO strong X-Class solar flares that happend just a couple hours before the outages.

An additional massive 6.3 X-Class flare hours later took down networks in Asia. Our Sun produces these flares on a regular basis. The difference is that Earth’s magnetic field is weakening, and can no longer offer the protection to our grid and networks we once enjoyed. It has declined by close to 30% since the late 1800’s, and 20% of that has been since 2000… the decline is exponential. It will continue to weaken, and these issues will become more and more common. Get used to it. It wasn’t a cyber attack, and it wasn’t a coding error. That is simply government-pushed garbage.

About Hammers Thor
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Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
1 year ago

Thank you for posting the video. Amateur radio operators well understand the issues cause by large solar flares. Who is $ John Galt?

1 year ago

that’s correct and from what I have learned there are worse ones coming in the next few weeks that could bring down the entire grid system, None of our power plants are hardened against these threats and the companies never wanted to invest a few Million dollars in securing the grid system in their regions, only government facilities are hardened so they can continue in the war against the American people, but they always seem to protect the deep m state and military facilities with our tax money.
Make sure you have an emp device on your car as well and fabricate faraday cages for all your electronic devices, batteries and anything that can be fried. You can purchase galvanized garbage cans and line them with cardboard and that becomes a faraday cage which you can store many items in them including automotive batteries and generator batteries.

1 year ago

Gee, what will the government do if they need to send us plebs an emergency text?

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
1 year ago

More dammo Bidenomics,, nothing is as good as it was..
C’mon Maaan!! No joke!

1 year ago

No problems in the North West. Or Ca. for that matter. Must have been isolated.

1 year ago

The damage to the grid and electronics is inconsequential compared to the massive biological damage that will occur if the magnetosphere collapses far enough. We could even start losing our atmosphere to the solar wind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

Dan if the solar wind strips our blue planet of its atmosphere what’s the problem?

You suffer and soon dead and before the Throne of the Lamb.

Of all preps having a good relationship with your creator is the most important.

Eve of War
Eve of War
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

VERY well-said, Michael.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Thankyou. Lighting was a very good example.
They are desperate to lead us away from the Truth, from our Savior and our Creator. the evil ones have been trying to turn each and every one of us against one another, dismissing God at each step, causing fear among mankind, because this works greatly in their favor.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
1 year ago

Why is it so hot now days, and what are we all doing in these hand baskets?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Randolph Scott

Weather ‘extremes’ going on world wide, and is becoming more noticeable as the magnetic field weakens. This is part of the cycle.

A Nonny Moose
A Nonny Moose
1 year ago

I’m a Ham and have undergrad training in solar astronomy. Please follow the discussions at They were unequivocal from the beginning of this: THE THREE X FLARES DID NOT CAUSE THE OUTAGE.
From Feb 23rd: THREE X-FLARES, ZERO CMES: Giant sunspot AR3590 is living up to the hype. In only 23 hours spanning Feb. 21-22, the active region unleashed three powerful X-class solar flares (X1.8, X1.7 and X6.3). The X6.3 flare is the strongest of Solar Cycle 25, so far, and the most powerful flare since the great solar storms of Sept. 2017.
Extreme ultraviolet radiation from each flare ionized the top of Earth’s atmosphere, causing shortwave radio blackouts over Hawaii (late on Feb 21st), Australia (early on Feb. 22nd), and Hawaii again (late on Feb. 22nd). Mariners and ham radio operators in those areas may have noticed loss of signal at all frequencies below 30 MHz.
You might think all these flares would have hurled at least one CME toward Earth. In fact, the number is zero. SOHO coronagraphs have not detected any CMEs emerging from the blast zone. Sometimes this happens. Flares can occur without CMEs, and CMEs can occur without flares.

1 year ago
Reply to  A Nonny Moose


a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

A flare does not need to be accompanied by a CME to effect earths atmosphere.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  A Nonny Moose

Suspicious observer also stated their was no CME.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

This is why I believe TPTB are trying to explain this away on software updates and cyber attacks. They don’t want people coming unhinged are panicking. I remember the 1989 solar event and this caused a high voltage transformer to burn up in Québec and exploded.I done some searching and found a energy dept review on the 1989 event and the past largest solar events on record. The 1859 Carrington event and a 1921 solar event. Scientist estimate the 1859 Carrington event was 10 times stronger than the 1989 solar storm. With the world becoming more sophisticated with technology a solar storm of 1859 would really do some damage, more than a EMP.
Energy Dept Brief

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

i also remember several of the “Star link” satellites being taken out last year or so.
They are trying to squelch this out. The powers that be are working for the opposite side. The desire from my view is distraction, chaos, blame men for what is coming. And we know they are preparing for their own.