The North Carolina elections board declared this week that it has the power to bar Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) from running for office due his actions related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. It insists that it can enforce Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment and declared that he is an insurrectionist. It is a position that, in my view, is wholly outside of the language and intent of this provision. Cawthorn is right to challenge any such action as unconstitutional.
In a filing to dismiss a lawsuit by Cawthorn, the board wrote
“The State does not judge the qualifications of the elected members of the U.S. House of Representative. It polices candidate qualifications prior to the elections. n doing so, as indicated above, States have long enforced age and residency requirements, without question and with very few if any legal challenges. The State has the same authority to police which candidates should or should not be disqualified per Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
The asserted authority would invite partisan and abusive practices by such boards. It is also wrong on the purpose of this constitutional provision. Moreover, there is a vast difference between enforcing an objective standard on the age of a candidate and enforcing the subjective standard whether that candidate’s views make him an “insurrectionist.”
As I have previously written, (here and here and here), Democrats are playing a dangerous game with the long-dormant provision in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — the “disqualification clause.” The provision was written after the 39th Congress convened in December 1865 and many members were shocked to see Alexander Stephens, the Confederate vice president, waiting to take a seat with an array of other former Confederate senators and military officers.
I first heard of Madison when he was running when I saw his video where he stood from his wheelchair. He was outstanding in my opinion and so glad he won his seat.,…. Fast forward to when the national guard had to sleep in the stinking dc parking garage and Madison brought them pizza.., a reason or two as to why he is now being targeted.
And don’t forget him voting for red flag laws…
Kid is not too bright. Nice jawline, though. Lots of female blightwing…oops! It appears Cawthorn is wheelchair-bound.
Cawthorn Runs Scared After Voting For ‘Red Flag’ Gun Law
Send the board members letters…….
Peaceful protest isn’t working, and it won’t. Covidiocy is a tactic to achieve the goal of total power. Even if protest gets them to abandon the tactic, they still have the same goal, and will simply use tactics that are less abrasive to get it. Covid protests are merely begging massah to loosen the chains a bit so we can harvest the cotton more efficiently.
I agree about them wanting a disorganized chimp out though. That is matching our weakness with their strength. What we need to do is get local and state power in flyover country in order to fend off federal overreach.
The criminals in power have only one rule….WIN. By whatever means required. They listen to only ONE language…..the language of violence.
If they suffer no violence they have zero incentive to care one whit about what the peons think, feel or want. This all end one of two ways. The collapse of America and abject slavery for the peons who survive or total civil war. There are no longer any meaningful alternatives.
Great comments folks, but take it to the next two or three logical conclusions.
They are scared, the masses are starting to awaken. We are organizing all on our own, and protesting all on our own, shutting parts of society down all on our own… You want to light that match? Didn think so.
They do not survive November. Period. We The People still think we can vote and protest our way out of this, and that is how its supposed to go. When they step too far, it will all come crumbling down on their heads (literally and figuratively). Thats what The Duke of New York means… Both sides are just waiting for the trigger to unleash justified holy hell on the other. The dems are pouring diesel and fanning the smoke trying like hell to get it to catch! And when they do, the fire will burn so hot and so fast they won’t believe when they themselves get burned.
Get your list of names and hard friends ready for action. It will cone suddenly, and you will have a very small window for opportunity.
Peaceful protests and the vote are not going to work, they may give some concessions but, they will not stop. Do you really think that after pushing and mandating a poison shot on the world that they will suddenly give up their plan of mass genocide? We would then be as delusional as they are, I for one see only one way out of this, and it is not a peaceful way.
The very genesis of the 14th Amendment is tainted; passed literally at bayonet point it is unconstitutional to the core. So far it has given us such wonderful gifts as anchor babies and sodomite marriages. This amendment needs to be repealed.