This is a moment of choosing for the free world regarding Iran.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) October 1, 2024
The Ayatollah and Iranian regime are religious Nazis who want to destroy the state of Israel – their words, not mine. They want to purify Islam and attack the United States – again, their words, not mine.
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good sitrep on NC
Lindy Girl Graham is such a loser.
But I am sure his boyfriends think he makes his hair-do look really nice.
This is what happens when we go out of our way to get involved in the middle east. Besides the draining of its resources and the arms deals the only thing left is death and destruction. It’s not worth it.
101st deploys to Cyprus,,,and Israel.
Considering that Lindsey Graham is a homosexual nut-job who’s only purpose in life is to plunge the USA into dystopic thermo-nuclear war scenario where he will live out the atomic fire-storms safely with his butt-buddies (all swinging from the rafters with Viagra induced stiffies) in some government bunker,
I’m going to take these words of his with a grain of salt.
Lindsey Graham is absolutely psychotic. I cannot imagine how this clown-show keeps getting elected in his state. Just who are his base supporters anyways? If someone actually listened to him--we would be in the middle of WW 4 by now--fighting perceived enemies with rocks and spears.
I think he hasn’t been legitimately elected for the longest time.
With the benefit of hindsight, it seems plain that the test bed for vote stealing may have been getting the likes of Graham, McConnell, Ernst, Romney McStain and countless other rino’s (s)elected in “red zones” where the best guy was certainly not elected, but at least the guy/gal they installed is a “republican”, self proclaimed, so the actual voters don’t complain much. At first.
Lindsey Graham should be swinging in a stiff breeze. War-mongering old fool or is that tool?