#PLA military vehicles heading to #Beijing on Sep 22. Starting from Huanlai County near Beijing & ending in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, entire procession as long as 80 KM. Meanwhile, rumor has it that #XiJinping was under arrest after #CCP seniors removed him as head of PLA pic.twitter.com/hODcknQMhE
— Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 曾錚真言 (@jenniferzeng97) September 23, 2022
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WTF… are you saying that nothing is happening in China? That there are no troops on bridges in London too?
Or maybe you’re just arguing that we should put our fingers in our ears, our heads in the sand, and trust that god will save us even though we won’t even *try* to save ourselves by at *least* having awareness of world events?
Ok, I admit it. I have no clue what you are saying.
I think he is saying that a military coup anywhere is not good. When it comes to China, the military is a hardliner when it comes to expansion of the Chinese empire or just taking back what they feel is theirs. Then add nukes on top of that. Not to mention we get a crap ton of stuff from China and to have that turned off is not good.
Fido was responding to a troll’s comment concerning this post. I deleted the original comment and several other attempts to discredit this post. The original comment was not even worth reading.
Pretty sure this is a hoax…..
Vox Day has the scoop.
1. If it is true, the media’s lack of coverage is a large part of the story.
2. If it is not true, I wonder about the purpose of the 40 mile military convoy video.
Nothing good comes out of China but this is a critical time to be vigilant.
Also a story on Zerohedge about flight cancellations
I saw the airline cancellation at the time when I made this post. I left it out because I wanted to see people’s reactions to this information and do additional research. We were told that China would invade Taiwan in Autumn.
Fido was responding to a troll’s comment concerning this post. I deleted the original comment and several other attempts to discredit this post. The original comment was not even worth reading.
FYI the CiK troll post still shows up in the ATOM feed.
China has established an air defense zone. It has warned the US not to play with fire. If a military operation is launched they will not allow US intel to affect outcomes. They will blind our satellites. I got a Ph.D student in Taiwan. He follows open source material closely as he is hoping to get out by the first of the year with his doctorate. He may be one season late, if the attack comes this autumn.
Also, Putin is in regimen preservation mode. He too has said he isn’t bluffing and why should he? In his late 70’s after a major cancer operation, if he is to die losing Russia why wouldn’t he roll the moneyball? Neither Putin, nor Russia have anything to lose. He may toss a tactical nuke into Ukraine and depending on outcomes; Berlin, London and boom goes Parie, Washington DC, NYC, Chicago, Seattle, SF and LA.
You reckon the western globalists have any of this all calculated out? They were unprepared for Asian “Hot money” out flows in 95 and as far as I can see haven’t learned a damn thing.
Putin is 70. Next month. The Russian currency is the best performing currency on the market, so far. Russia is destroying the Ukrainian military. Russian energy business income is super. The EU is collapsing. He and Lavrov are professionals. Unlike the Globalist twits like Biden, Truss and Macron. If anything, I expect the US to perform another false flag and blame Russia. The reason for all the anti Russian fake news and Russia losing nonsense is to disguise what the Globalists are going to try and get away with. Just my humble opinion based on my research.
Awaiting approval? Fuck you. How about approving that and stick your censorship right up your ass.
Every day, this is what I have to deal with. People don’t read the information concerning the comment plugin. They believe that their wants and needs are their rights. They believe they are correct and must be listened to. No critical thinking, no manners and no patience.
I’m sorry you have to deal with that. You are fair and honest in your dealings on this site. It is YOUR site and people need to treat this site that way.
“fair and honest” aint the half of it. Can’t say I’d have that much patience. Hell, I quit using email around 2000 due to the spam, and I ran my own server at the time with my own perl based filters. Never looked back.
And thus sums up a large percentage of our few “allies” in all of this.
Why, yes indeed. We’re destined to win this! No question.
Humor will out … in the end.
This comment shouldn’t have been approved. On the grounds that it’s crude, disrespectful and vulgar, not belonging on a public forum. It’s the concept of censorship that chafts. We don’t do that in America.
Makes a good “example” though.
M Lopez, I’ve been posting here for awhile now and every now and then I still get the “waiting for approval”. It happens. Probably nothing personal.
The comments are moderated by a WordPress plugin. I have long since gave up how its algorithm works. I am about to the point where I may turn comments off and save myself hours of wasted time every week.
This is was on steven quayles site then haturner. The reason the ccp PLA suspended XI’s powers, he was neglecting the people. Food, Water and other sources.Their is martial law in Chinas capital. The world has corruption in every country right now. From Biblical perspective this what Jesus said be. The deceiver of the nations,will have the nations in dire perplexity. All these earthquakes are supernatural events manifesting in the physical realm.
You forgot to mention that the info. on Steve Quayle’s website was only up for 11 hours before he abruptly took all reference to it down, with no further mention of the topic at all.
No, Xi is not under arrest and there is no coup.
No need to make more out of this than it is.
Most of what is happening was predicted by numerous sources.
Yes, there are massive inflows to all major cities of military. Military is fully mobilized. It might even be the predecessor to martial law, It is also true that most all rail and air service has been suspended. But none of this is a surprise.
This is Xi making preliminary moves ahead of an expected very contentious Party Congress where he intends to secure indefinite control of both the CCP and PLA. It is correct that that all the major cities are essentially under martial law and will likely remain so until after the party Congress.