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4 months ago

I find it very difficult to believe that the Israelis would leave these fighters sitting around on taxi-ways or aprons.
They would be kept in well protected bunkers, perhaps even underground. They might have had Hollywood mock-ups outside to divert attackers and to convince satellites that they had many more on hand than on the inventory…..

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
4 months ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Reports on HT radio saying the same quoting Iran. At least that is the way I read it.

4 months ago

HT has good intel but is blatantly anti Israel. it colors his thinking.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Hollywood mockups? LOL!!!! And I suppose General Patton’s army is also there as well.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago

Why not 20? --Look at the photo above. And look at the markings on each plane. Those are French Carmelite Nun markings? And please note that they’re all lined up like ducks in a row--just like at Pearl Harbor. Most likely the planes destroyed were/are on ‘ready state’ to scramble--lined up as in the photo. Big mistake is the Israeli’s did this. FYI--Iran has it’s ISR supplied by Russia (tit-for-tat friends) and got the coordinates for such an attack--a major costly attack if this is true costing a few billion dollars. Iran is showing Israel that they can also reach out and touch someone.

4 months ago

I have the misfortune of having to SEE and HEAR these pieces of crap; all day; everyday. Watching these things fly directly overhead at 4-450 feet (instead of the 750 ft. required by law; which they ignore) is a pretty worrisome sight. They move like they can barely even maintain lift; and wiggle and wobble around like one of those flying saucer props in a 1950’s black and white B-movie. They are completely computer dependent; and can’t be flown by pilot alone. If this story is true; they had to have been destroyed on the tarmac. To say otherwise; would be to imply that these piles of junk were actually able to get airborne. I’ve got a row of around 12 of them sitting; about a mile from me; fresh off the assembly line and yet to be flown. Israel is welcome to come get these; but will have figure out how to ship them home. Will save me from having to endure the “joys” of their tests flights.

4 months ago

The important thing is that subcontractors in every congressional district already made their millions. That the plane is garbage is unimportant. That money should NEVER be stolen from US citizens and given to ANY FOREIGN NATION is obviously never considered anymore.

4 months ago
Reply to  MrLiberty

The irony is that Israel is perfectly capable of making its own weapons, planes, and munitions (e.g., they had developed the Lavi, but for multiple reasons (and doubtless American defense industry pressures too) it was cancelled. But the nature of American military aid requires that -- IIRC -- 80% of that aid be spent in the US.
Now, that’s good for American military equipment makers. But it has severely weakened Israel’s military industry. E.g., the Iron Dome rockets are, actually, made in the US.
Israel is now scrambling to build factories to make its own munitions. Good. The Potato’s hold back already promised, even already purchased, munitions as part of “leverage” over Israel is highlighting the folly of that dependency. NO NATION, Israel or otherwise, should be dependent on another country like this for self defense.
Longer term, as I’ve been saying for quite a while, Israel needs to voluntarily wean itself from American aid. For numerous reasons:

  1. As an American (whose father’s line goes back to frickin’ Jamestown, then to Plymouth) that money needs to be here in America. ALL foreign aid, not just to Israel, needs to be examined, curtailed, etc.
  2. As a Jew, Israel’s ongoing dependence on America is “apron strings” that hampers Israel’s independence -- and quite a few people in Israel that I know echo this; they want to get off American aid because it makes Israel into a client state.
4 months ago

It’s really not surprising given the number of problems these planes were having. I’m surprised its not more. Made in the USA has become the Made in Japan of the 1960s. How can we expect to defend ourselves in the upcoming war.

kal kal
kal kal
4 months ago
Reply to  Patriot_One

the difference is that the American businesses told the Japanese to make the products garbage, (read replacements needed) the Japanese were appalled. Yes, we build junk now!

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago

I think this story is true. Just watched on Fox how a swarm of Iranian missiles came zooming in--most of them hitting their targets BTW. Report says it was at the particular air base with these F35’s. Looks like the base was pummeled by more than 2 dozen missiles. Israeli air defense didn’t seem to put up much resistance. Perhaps it was overwhelmed. Long line of missile traces leading down into one area. I would hate to be on that AO. One hit brought up a large secondary explosion.

I think this is just starting. An opening act. And Israel is showing a weakness in the depth of their armaments. Most likely they will strike back at Iran tit-for-tat tonight. And then the games begin.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago
General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago

Looks like what you see in the video below is going to happen. Just a thought--if I were Iran and had the bomb (as in canned sunshine), I’d save it’s use until last--when Israel’s supply of missile defense is nearly depleted. Also I read speculation on how a missile can be loaded up with Fentanyl--and detonated over a target city--rendering any exposure to the Fentanyl lethal in even micro amounts (5 pounds would cover Tel Aviv BTW).


General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago

Looks like 80% or more penetration in first link--landing on an Israeli airfield FYI…

I think I’m on to something here… looks like swarm attacks into Israel are in-line, by the dozens and that somehow Israeli air defense systems cannot cope or lock onto such a steam of targets. This was probably discovered in the last attack a few weeks back. That or, the Iranians are now employing some type of jamming system to disable the Iron-Dome and Arrow defense systems.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago

4 months ago

I’ve seen this report before. Hal Turner was running with it. Hal constantly reports rumors that have never been verified because his sycophants worship him and give him god-like status. Most of the time they simply wish that his stories are true, and they forgive him for making a “nice try.”
The story could be true but, if true, I would give Israel a tip of the hat for being able to hide it from the MSM so long. The MSM would be expected to be all over it.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 months ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

I’m aware of Hal Turner--and I rarely act on his information. I don’t know if the guy in the video is a Turner-sycophant. Doubt it. He is s hard-core survivalist and evangelical Christian type. I see a lot of these people fly off the handle on phony information posted on the internet. I know some of these types personally who cannot be reasoned with--who’s heads as dense as granite. However he may be on to something here with the latest $hite going down in the middle east. Also I am hearing identical stuff from that ex-spec ops guy who has a YouTube channel and who interviews ex-military types (name?). From the sounds of it these rumors of ‘terror cells’ gearing up in the USA could be correct. However (part II) --any such mass, coordinated attacks here in the USA would be met with massive armed resistance from the population. It’s one thing to shoot up a venue with unarmed civilians--it’s another to break this style of operation here in the USA. Also--let’s say this stuff came about. Who would be directly to blame? Answer: 100% the US government for allowing, facilitating and financing the invasion of millions of illegals into this country over the last 4 years.

Last edited 4 months ago by General 'Buck' Turgidson
ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 months ago

I have heard rumors that the true effectiveness of “stealth technology” is a wee tad short of all the claims that preceded the massive taxpayer outlays, so those birds were all probably short for the boneyard anyway where they belong. So then we taxpayers can foot to get all the F-4’s, F-15’s and whatnot retrofitted with new avionics to keep the air force from being as irrelevant and vulnerable as the current US navy carrier fleets have become due to drone and hypersonics technology.