On Wednesday, President Barack Obama met with former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to talk about gun violence. Specifically, the pair talked about what can be done to end the threat that America’s loose standards for access to them poses to public safety.
“The two discussed ways to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have access to them, and what more could be done at the state and local level to help address gun violence in America,” the White House said of their meeting.
The president’s meeting, held with perhaps the most influential gun control advocate in the nation, was a good opportunity to discuss lobbying strategy in light of the rash of mass shootings in 2015 that have sparked a renewed push for ambitious gun control legislation among reformers.
It also serves as a reminder of the unique political path toward any realistic change on gun policy, when Congress has proven almost pathologically incapable of passing even modest gun reform after years of debate on the matter.
The President’s Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett was also in attendance. Merry Christmas from the pResident.
David DeGerolamo
I have no idea what you are talking about.
“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Relax, Robert -- those aren’t David’s words, neither do they reflect his viewpoint. What David posted is an excerpt from an article at the very left-leaning websitesite called “Policy Mic” -- follow the [More] link at the bottom of the original post to see the source.
As for those of us here at NC Renegade, we continue to be appalled by all such caustic, collectivist drivel, regardless of its source.
Thanks for being a regular visitor with us, and we hope that you and your family have a very merry Christmas.
Heh, what do you expect from a ‘palestinian’ faggot of an author, writing for an openly communist website? “Zeehan” has made it his mission to defend the “rights” of imaginary groups (palestininans, gender-fluid persons, etc), as well as groups who have forfeited their rights (illegal aliens, prisoners, those committing treason, etc.)
Whiny faggots such as Zeehan are a symptom of the bigger problem which is killing us -- the normal and necessary social feedback for unacceptable behavior has been choked off by the PC crowd, and so these subversives and degenerates actually imagine their speech and behavior to be normal, reasonable, and acceptable.
The obvious correction for such PC insanity is the coming clamp-down on all such contrarian behavior. When it comes, subversives and degenerates of every color and stripe will be judged by their peers, and promptly hung from trees in the good old fashioned way of centuries past.
I say bring it, and bring it quick. After all, we’re under plain orders where such corruption is concerned -- “All those which bear not good fruit shall be hewn down and cast into the fire.”