On Going Galt

I want to clarify two concepts from Atlas Shrugged.

  1. John Galt did not implement an offensive plan like Ragnar. He convinced the people who maintained the economic security of the country not to support evil. By withdrawing their consent, the economy’s collapse would be faster to allow him to bring in a new renaissance of power and technology.
  2. Most people do not have any influence on the economy, government, media or educational system. As the economy collapsed in Atlas Shrugged, people just gave up. Trains were abandoned as employees just walked away. Those who stayed on the job had no incentive to work as they waited for the collapse.

We now see the impact of people giving up on working or fulfilling the requirements of the job. The roller coaster that is shown above was supposedly checked every day for structural integrity. Based on another unverified report, this crack was at least a week old.

Think about the quality of the country in terms of news reporting, education, military capability, law enforcement or any other sector of the economy. I went Galt for many reasons but one of the main reasons was that I could never not do any work to the best of my ability. In today’s market, that does not mean anything as Duke Energy proved in the treatment of my business.

This secondary concept was outlined in Atlas Shrugged also: the government wanted to control all aspects of business and ensured that by using sanction of the victim:

The “sanction of the victim” is the willingness of the good to suffer at the hands of the evil, to accept the role of sacrificial victim for the “sin” of creating values.

So where does that leave us? The masters of the New World Order know their time is running out. But so do the people who actually make everything work. Going Galt for them expedites this eventuality. Where does that leave the working class that are enslaved by rules, regulations and taxes? We already know the answer: people are walking away or not doing their work. Bad products and services are now the American Nightmare that was once a dream.

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Pray for His guidance and mercy.

David DeGerolamo

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(((Doc B)))
(((Doc B)))
1 year ago

I went Galt on May 1st.

I will no longer work to support a culture that hates me. I sold my place and left the west coast to it’s own devices. I just bought my new place with cash, and will look to mine for a while.

1 year ago

It’s hard to imagine the company who owns that park did not notice a major stress crack with that ride. I don’t know who there inspectors are but if they turned it in which would be in there inspection report then it was the park owners who are in trouble here. Just looking at that crack tells me that where all the stress was being applied on that ride and it should have been sleeved and welded all the way down to the foundation.
The park owners are very lucky that a majority of people were not killed.

Mr Ed
Mr Ed
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

That ride is in Carowinds, just south of Charlotte. I played the opening season there …

1 year ago

Beautifully stated truth. Thank you! ✝️🇺🇸

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
1 year ago

You properly raise an elderly discussion, sir… if/when to give up and stop doing a good job for those who would exploit you, who depend on your sense of right to keep their wheels turning as long as possible?
Ms Rand did a magnificent job of describing this conundrum.
We now have to determine how it translates practically. I would refer you to the history of the word ‘sabotage’ as a starting point.
God Bless America, and all who would stand with her.

1 year ago

An excellent analysis of her salient points!
I encourage all to go Galt, or at least the best you can. If you can’t, move towards
self sufficiency, as the systems that support you all are failing!

1 year ago

Many people gave up working when COVID arrived. Even fewer want to work now. Many of those that are working insist on working from home.

Old Iron
Old Iron
1 year ago

I thank the good Lord every day I get up. I also ask for his guidance when making what I believe is doing the right thing. Lastly I never stop living freedom. I refuse to kneel to evil.

David Bovender
David Bovender
1 year ago

I went Galt two years ago. I was paying close to 40k yearly in taxes. Just said f?ck it I’m done. They SS now pay me 36k per year. By leaving 4 years early I deprived those POS bloodsuckers of 160k and they have to pay me close to that. A 300k swing against them. After 46 years working and being discriminated against for being white I say go Galt and break these assholes.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Some very good points made by all. Where, when, how… indeed, good questions each person needs to answer for themselves. We can show how, lead the way, share resources.
Likewise I haven’t ‘worked’ a job in almost a year. No no taxes, either 😉.
Time is getting short, we are indeed very close to some tipping points.
With the admission of illegals streaming over combined with this general trend, we must all prepare and guard ourselves. Did you have season tickets to that theme park? Better cancel them. Vacation plans? Flying somewhere?
As we are seeing worldwide, and in each and every industry: import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world. Act accordingly. Would I fly Zimbabwe air? Not on your life…. the US is vecoming a 3rd world shithole, one big city at a time.

1 year ago

Please excuse the generic description
I had an engineer on a project team who found a metallurgical problem at a client plant. Plant called BS but agreed to send out a sample. Of course sent it to the wrong lab. Anyway 3 months later results from the right lab proved the engineer correct. Someone at the plant researched their records and found a lettet from 15 years prior identifying the same problem. Obviously no corrective action took place.

1 year ago

Welcome aboard. Didn’t know about Galt, until well after adopting said principals. Some key points Rand inserted that are being overlooked.
The entire philosophy is a females POV on misandry. She saw for herself the old ways of the witch trial coming to fruition, aka kangaroo courts. https://youtu.be/gZdvkbR-Z40
Egalitarian is code for, undermine the head of household/business. Notice Dagny Taggart is trying to ‘fight the system’ on her own, in an attempt to save her family legacy. Only to see another woman in government over rider private ownership, conscripting trains for her intended uses. Mean while a bumper crop goes to waste in the fields.
Sit in one of these ‘family courts’, one day. Words cannot describe the absurdities you will here. An the court will say ‘we have to believe everything they say.’ No felony charges for perjury. Plaintiff can’t testify against themselves, ie it’s disregarded as not having been said. Violations of every logic fallacy you can imagine. One ancient Greek put it this way ‘If we allow them to be our equals, they will rule over us.’ And they do, by sophistry, character assassination (Bobby Kennedy has had it worse than T), claims of victim hood. Eighty percent of the incarcerated. The BAR and every public union enjoy piling on top. Short of nepotism, unmarried men make less than women in general. While married men, the one’s providing ‘protection’, make more than all, for their loyalty to the syndicate.

1 year ago

I run A boat dealer in the North, i can walk out to a customers boat, and in most cases point out 2-5 things they did not even know where wrong with their rig, some bad issues….then they usually say how did you know that so quick, or I didn’t even realize it was that bad…..see it every day, people cant see problems. now add in lazy, and underpaid people doing “saftey” related positions….Ya i can see it happening more and more.

Hammers Thor
1 year ago

“Going Galt” doesn’t simply mean getting angry. That would be “Going Postal.” It means having righteous indignation at the injustice of a political system that bails out individuals and institutions for irresponsible behavior and at the expense of those like you who prosper through hard work and personal responsibly.
“Going Galt” means asking in the face of new taxes and government controls, “Why work at all?” “For whom am I working?” “Am I a slave?”
“Going Galt” means recognizing that you’re being punished not for your vices but for your virtues.
“Going Galt” means recognizing that you have a moral right to your own life, the pursuit of your own happiness, and thus to the rewards you’ve earned with your labor.
“Going Galt” means recognizing that you deserve praise and honor for your achievements rather than damnation as “exploiters.”
“Going Galt” means recognizing that you do not need to justify your life or wealth to your neighbors, “society,” or politicians, or bureaucrats. They’re yours, period!
“Going Galt” means recognizing that the needs of others do not give them a claim to your time, effort, and achievements.
“Going Galt” means shrugging off unearned guilt, refusing to support your own destroyers, refusing to give them what Ayn Rand termed “the sanction of the victim.” It means taking the moral high ground by explicitly rejecting as evil the premise of “self-sacrifice” that they sell to you as a virtue— in fact “self-sacrifice” is an invitation to suicide.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Sums it up well