I Can’t Stress This Enough. Buy Guns & Ammo
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) May 15, 2024
Nothing says there will be absolute chaos unleashed on The American People before the 2024 Presidential Election like a group of Syrians freely walking across the U.S Border wearing 5.11 tactical gear pic.twitter.com/jxltWbRgh2
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I read an article suggesting these military-aged foreign invaders are in reality trained members of the United Nations Army set to control US citizens with the next declared “health emergency”. Makes more sense than to think they will settle into a terrorist cell. They are not scruffy, poorly attired, underfed “refugees”—not that I ever drank that kool-ade.
Better yet…just call George Soros and ask for “The Plan”: (212) 548-0600
Well let’s hope that they are mostly UN Army in disguise--waiting to pounce upon the go signal. Tell me what else are we going to do with all that reloaded ammo and kit purchases we’ve been working on for the last 20 or more years?
They seem nice……….
Missouri GOP Candidate’s Videos Go Viral: “Don’t Be Weak & Gay” She says to hamas FAAFO
Don’t you realize that there are 511 outlets all through Mexico. How else can the cartels kit themselves out?
Nice 511 attire! Wanna bet the first place they go once settled into their destination city…the local rifle range! Everyone of those Mf’s was military…notice the trimmed beards. All they need is BDU’s and AK’s!!!
The firearm background check will save us.