Once again, TINVOWOOT

Peter Bayou Renaissance:

I’ve said before that there is no voting our way out of the political mess left behind after the massively fraudulent November 2020 elections.  I honestly don’t think we can resolve the situation through another election, because it’ll be just as fraudulent as the last one.  It’s going to take more than elections to dig our way out of the political and constitutional Augean stables in which we find ourselves.

I’m obliged to TwelveRound for putting the situation in a nutshell.

We are not going to vote our way out of this.  That’s no longer possible.  I suspect the solution may have to be some form of division or partition of these formerly United States, where the statists can go their way while the constitutionalists can go another.  Of course, that begs the question whether either side will have the sense to let that happen, or will insist that they want all the marbles – complete surrender by the other side.  That’s not going to happen.  We all know that.  That way lies civil war.

Meanwhile, our enemies abroad are making hay while the sun shines.  They know the USA is effectively leaderless, hamstrung by a mentally challenged geriatric in the White House who’s being stage-managed by his handlers in what is blatant elder abuse, and torn by partisan division in Congress.  They know that our nation is now a house divided:  and, as Christ warned us, “if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand“.  They’re counting on that.  They foresee the fall of the United States as a superpower, and they’re salivating at the prospect.

Friends, we face a very, very difficult time ahead.  Our problems – political, social, economic and cultural – are so vast as to be intractable.  I don’t know whether there’s any solution short of war that will deal with them;  and, even if there is, it’ll take years to work itself out.

All I can advise, to each of us as individuals and as families, is to prepare as best we can, and look for like-minded folks with whom we can come together for mutual support.  We’ll get precious little support from the powers that be.  Our own clans, tribes and communities are going to be critically important in the years to come.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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3 years ago

We are entering into the most Evil Satanic controlled time that ever been or will ever be according to the Word of God. Only the Blood of Jesus Christ can protect and defend us. SEEK the Lord Jesus Christ Now,for the time is at hand,when darkness falls and no man can work.

3 years ago

Most of our political, social, economic, and cultural problems are racial. Until we grasp that fact we’ll continue getting our azzez handed to us.

Last edited 3 years ago by Oldtradesman
3 years ago
Reply to  Oldtradesman


3 years ago
Reply to  Oldtradesman

“Most of our political, social, economic, and cultural problems are (((racial))).

And sorry, Bob, “Jesus” is not coming to “Save” You or Me or the Nation. Only the Blood of Tyrants, running in the gutters, is going to Change things.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

I’m so tired of this jesus is coming to save us BS. The entire thing is a massive old jew-op so we we will stand down today. Funny how that’s exactly how it’s working out and they just can’t see it.
Your enemy is the jew and they are 100% out in the open and committed to killing you off. They KNOW there is no heaven or hell, they KNOW there is no judgement, they KNOW there is no such thing as karma. Who do you think sold you all this crap ? Ever read Sun Tzu ? Defeat your enemy without them ever firing a shot ? YOU BOUGHT INTO IT. It’s ok to have fallen for it, just end the lie now and get in the game.
Gryphon is dead on here. He knows who the enemy are and exactly what we have to do.
You afraid of blood Bob ? You afraid to actually use those guns ? If so, give them to someone who’s not. Pray to your jew supplied god and die on your knees. It’s not about dying for your …. ‘fill in the blank’. It’s about killing for it.

just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago

He who does not believe is condemned already… I pray that you find your way before it’s too late.

Father God,
Let us also pray for Bob and all those to whom these written attacks were directed. We pray that we are all equipped with your armour to defeat these fiery darts. Help us to keep your word close to our hearts and arm up with the sword of the spirit.The belt of truth will keep us grounded in your ways with the helmet of salvation will direct our actions, knowing that we are saved by the blood of your son,Jesus. With the shield of faith, we know that you are with us, and will protect us in these tumultuous days. Your breastplate of righteousness will provide the virtue that will be needed to build again, and bless us with the gospel of peace to remain content in troubled times. Father, we pray that you will send your Holy Spirit to us all and we thank you for giving us all the power to trample the enemy and forgive evildoers as we are forgiven. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.You have shown us the way, the truth, and the life so that we may be your light amidst the darkness. We rebuke the negative words written against Bob and all believers, and we bind their effects from the spiritual realm. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

3 years ago
Reply to  just sayin'

gee …. do you think if you were born in the Middle East you’d believe in Allah instead ?
And save your prayers, it’s bullshit.
The key word here is believe. HIGHLY suspect. And frankly pathetically weak minded.

Last edited 3 years ago by preparetodefendyourselves
just sayin'
just sayin'
3 years ago

In July 1942 Warren J. Clear published his eyewitness account in “The Reader’s Digest” and elaborated on the scene with the unidentified sergeant:

I remember jumping into a hole during a particularly heavy bombing attack. A sergeant crouched lower to make room for me. Then all hell broke loose, and I wasn’t surprised to find myself praying out loud. I heard the sergeant praying, too. When the attack was over I said:

“Sergeant, I noticed you were praying.”

“Yes, sir,” he answered, without batting an eye, “there are no atheists in foxholes.”

1942 July, The Reader’s Digest, Eyewitness Epic: The Heroic Defense of the Philippines by Lieutenant Colonel Warren J. Clear, Start Page 1, Quote Page 2, Column 2,The Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, New York

3 years ago
Reply to  just sayin'

never said I was an atheist. It’s very small minded to automatically assume this.
Always amazes me so many of our people think the White race had it’s head up its ass before this giant lie was thrust upon us.

3 years ago

no wonder why this country and our race is going down ..

3 years ago

exactly. That’s what most believers project.

power of prayer
power of prayer
3 years ago

comment image

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

Have you changed your ways or is this what you have always said?
i remember you saying many horrible (in my opinion) things about God and those who believe.
Was that all an act to generate a response?
“Better than ewe” seems like the same old t- fAt

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago


3 years ago

In order for The Great Reset and world domination to be finalized, a few more goals must be achieved by the evildoers. Anyone watching how pipelines, supply chains (transport w/ all forms), cyber attacks, food supply, and the nefarious activities with the plandemic continue to happen?
This FR thread about the Cyber Polygon drill currently taking place under the auspices of the WEF is worth reading through — are you ready for more destruction? Grid-down is a probability, total internet control (no anon) is a goal… and more. https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/3974911/posts
(Why weren’t political leaders stricken with coronavirus?)

3 years ago

Just who is going to do all this? Your government is taken over and there is no rule of law except for what the powers that be says there is for their benefit. The courts are controlled and all associated are also controlled. No one would touch this with a ten foot pole for fear of “having an accident” or coming home to a dead family. Quit living in your fantasy world of law and order and someone will surely save us. No wonder the left laughs at us.

3 years ago

I have long thought it was too late for a election cure to what is ailing our country. Not to mention the fact we can’t trust elections anyway. Don’t know what will come next but we are on life support here. And read a piece this morning that has made me aware of the continuing and worsening hatred for Whites in S.Africa. Could this be as global as the coup in our country? It is a global race war????? I don’t think it is individuals that feeding this but rather political powerful parties of global presence. This seems to validate a theory of mind that the UN and US cannot be equal “partners.” We as traditional Americans are natural enemies to EVERYTHING the UN stands for and has enacted. We are America, exceptional, spirited and freedom loving people.