One Man or 56 Men?

One man can make a difference for his community or in rare cases, he can make a difference on a much larger scale. 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence. A few good men today can make the difference between tyranny and Liberty if we have faith.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Are you on GAB or Telegram? I think Twitter and Fakebook are the last resort.

2 years ago

I’d like to see a new Declaration of Independence … signed by thousands of us. Millions of us.
Independence from the State, be it American, English, or whatever.
Such a document would leave ‘them’ with but two choices. They could acknowledge our right to reject their Governance, OR, they could inform us that we WILL be Governed, irrespective of our Consent.

The latter course would be an admission that they consider us to be their property.
Then, let events take their course.