One War Ends as Another War Begins


It’s Official – U.S. & UK Pressed Ukraine To Reject Peace Deal With Russia


The Russia-Ukraine War Is Just About Over

The war in Ukraine was a perfect proxy war for the West against Russia. There are still some naysayers out there that think Ukraine is winning this war but they are not relevant. What else is not relevant but should be:

  1. The number of people killed and wounded in this war that neither Ukraine or Russia wanted.
  2. The amount of arms and munitions that were destroyed in the war which now puts the West in a poor position as we enter WWIII.
  3. The destruction of Western Europe’s economy.
  4. The propaganda that Russia was not capable of winning this war and that their economy would collapse.
  5. How the United States and Britain started and maintained this war for greed, cover and power.

Some day, we may know the number of dead on both sides of this war. I would not trust any estimates from the western press which has consistently downplayed Ukrainian casualties, desertions and defections. It should be well known that Ukraine has lost a generation of its youth fighting a senseless war.

What is the most important consequence that has come from this war? Russia’s economy has grown instead of being crippled by Western sanctions. This growth includes war materiel production that surpasses all of Western Europe. And their “toys” are better than our outdated military equipment. Their troops are battle tested and they have adapted well to the next generation of battlefield tactics: drones, electronic surveillance and hacking, and effective front lines to deter offensive attacks.

Russia has also used this time to cement BRICS+ into a new multipolar powerhouse where the US dollar will fade into oblivion due to the actions of our “leaders”.

We may also never know how the Israel/Hamas war expedited the end of the Ukrainian war. I pray that endless wars fought for profit at the expense of our blood and treasure will not only end but that those responsible will be held accountable.

Have you noticed that no one is talking about bringing back the draft in the US? Do you think it may have something to do with the backlash that people would rather fight an illegitimate government instead of another proxy war?

David DeGerolamo

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Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

I’d definitely rather fight an illegitimate government than an unjust war. As far as Hamas vs Israel, no rest for the weary American taxpayer.

Joanna Martin
1 year ago

I made a comment but deleted it. Even though I believe it. It has to do with my hatred of warmongers -- people who strut around brimming over with “toughness” and righteous indignation as they push for sending other peoples’ children to a horrible death in senseless war. People like Nikki Haley, Lindsay Graham, etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joanna Martin

That’s because they’ve never been shot at. Pretty easy to be brave with someone else’s life.

Brad Long
Brad Long
1 year ago

Excellent commentary, OP. Brief, hard hitting, and you knocked it out of the ballpark.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
1 year ago

This all could have been over a year ago, but the same Neo-Con’s don’t want it to end. They are responsible for committing the mass murder of the Ukrainian people.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago

More than likely there will be no election in ’24.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I agree the great experiment unfortunately will not last. I do believe the best we can do now is focus locally at the town or county level. Research what resources you have within a few miles of your home and be prepared for crime to spike everywhere, not just the cities. Have a way to deal with that spike locally even down to the neighborhood level if needed. I think in a few years the USA will be no more and smaller autonomous entities will emerge as a result of the inevitable collapse of the American empire. Renew your faith in Jesus, prepare your family spiritually, mentally, and physically. Lastly know who you can trust within your local community, those connections will be all that matters when the inevitable collapse of the empire occurs.
Good luck and God bless.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

First, corrupt people were elected. Then, the system was corrupted. After that, elections were rigged. Next, I believe, elections will be suspended altogether.

There is nothing the ungodly Marxist crowd won’t do to maintain and increase their power.

1 year ago

Regarding the Israel/Palestine War, why is no one discussing this?
The Dark Deal not revealed in the mainstream news:“Israel is set to become a major exporter of gas and some oil, “If All Goes to Plan”.
In the current context, Israel’s “All Goes to Plan” option consists in bypassing Palestine and “Wiping Gaza off the Map”, as well confiscating ALL Gaza’s maritime offshore gas reserves, worth billions of dollars.  
The ultimate objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating the multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves, namely those pertaining to the BG (BG Group) in 1999as well the Levant discoveries of 2013. “

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

the October 7 attack was allowed to happen, Nut-in-yohoo’s false flag. The Egyptian intel services warned both the US and the Mossad of the impending attack.

1 year ago
Reply to  kal kal

Planned! Yes! Gas and oil!!!

1 year ago

The Dark Deal not revealed in the mainstream news:

“Israel is set to become a major exporter of gas and some oil, “If All Goes to Plan”.
In the current context, Israel’s “All Goes to Plan” option consists in bypassing Palestine and “Wiping Gaza off the Map”, as well confiscating ALL Gaza’s maritime offshore gas reserves, worth billions of dollars.

The ultimate objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating the multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves, namely those pertaining to the BG (BG Group) in 1999, as well the Levant discoveries of 2013. “

1 year ago

Don’t tell Aesop. He still believes the Ukraines are winning.

Hammers Thor
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Indeed. I find it more likely he’s not able to admit he’s been wrong for the last year. Pride, or something.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

As Robert Moriarity said, “Ukraine lost the war in March of 2022” The US has been propping it up and Ukraine has lost 40% of its young people, all for the American proxy war to de-stabilize Russia, which it did not.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago
Reply to  kal kal

War is one of the mechanisms used to achieve population reduction.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

Forgot to add the peace deal between Russia and Ukraine was already inked, then Boris Jonson made a trip to visit Zelensky at Bidum’s bidding and voila’ the peace deal was off the table.