I took a weeks vacation last week and took the family to the beach to hang out and relax and try and forget about the trouble that is heading our way for just a little bit. One last break before the world goes to hell. After all there are only 62 days until the election. And no, it won’t make a bit of difference who wins, Trump or Biden. Some people will say that it was ill advised to take a break. You have to get your mind right. I tried my best to stay away from the phone and I usually only read the headlines after the kids were asleep for the night.
Who feels almost sick that something terrible is just around the corner? I know I do. It’s nauseating. Most of us have known for many years that the cliff was in sight and now your whole body is screaming that time is up. This is it. The powers that be have decided to make their play. First with the virus and now with the riots. The pressure is building. A bad wind is blowing and we are simply waiting for the pent up aggression, anger, and hatred to be released when the dam bursts.
I watched the CBS evening news last night just to see if they would cover the CDC revising the Covid numbers. They didn’t. For those of you who do not know what I am talking about I’ll provide a link here. But basically the CDC quietly updated the COVID-19 numbers, and only 9,210 Americans died from COVID-19 alone, the rest had underlying or other serious Illnesses. How’s that make you feel? People’s lives, families, businesses, our country have been ruined over this. But let’s take a look at some other figures:
0.011% of the US population under 65 have died of COVID
0.005% of the US population under 55 have died of COVID
0.0009% of the US population under 35 have died of COVID
0.0002% of the US population under 25 have died of COVID
0.00008% of the US population under 15 have died of COVID
And as for the most “high risk” people?
0.23% of the US population over 65 have died of COVID
Was it worth it? All the ruin, was it worth it?
We need to quit letting our government control us with the fear of this virus. It’s time for people to take their lives back, their businesses back and tell the government to piss off. They have no right to do what they are doing to us.
That’s all I’ll say about the virus. Let’s move onto BLM/Antifa.
These Marxist are using some useful idiots to try and overthrow our way of life. This is an insurgency. Local governments and law enforcement are encouraging and providing cover for this to continue. The literal hunting of whites and Trump supporters is now taking place. Why is the Portland Antifa shooter who killed Aaron Danielson, a Trump supporter and member of the conservative group Patriot Prayer, not under arrest? You know why. There is no Rule of Law. And the laws are only being enforced on us law abiding citizens.
There is only way this blm/antifa crap ends, and that is when good men finally decide to kill these communist insurgents. Our government will never save us from this, it can’t, it is incapable of doing the right thing. Our kids deserve better. We shouldn’t pass this mess to them. We have a duty to fight evil. Even if you think the enemy is more powerful, we have to fight.
Then I am asked, what will we be fighting for? What will be our end goal? Those are some mighty big questions and I am looking forward to hearing what your answers are to those questions. The quick short version of my answers to those questions are, I would like to hang every traitor to the Constitution and our country. To restore the Republic how our Founders intended. To bring back the country, not of my youth, but the country of my Grandfather’s youth. However this can’t be done alone.
Remember, the most difficult thing is the decision to Act, the rest is merely tenacity.
What else is there left to say?
The Constitution was the foundation of everything good in this country and the beacon of freedom world wide, as a nation we have set it aside to our own peril! We must restore the republic of our forefathers, if we wish to regain freedom and justice. Socialism will lead to tyranny and poverty here , just as it has in all other countries!
People here today generally don’t realize we are suppose to live in a Republic not a democracy and don’t even know the difference. We must educate others on the virtues of freedom and why a Republic is essential! We must also defend our Constitution, freedom and our Republic with our lives if necessary!
There is no difference between a republic and a democracy. All pure democracies DEvolve into republics as those most interested in control come to “represent” those with less time or inclination to be involved in the details of that control. A republic is a representative democracy — a TYPE of democracy. All representative democracies DEvolve into aristocracies, and those aristocracies devolve into oligarchies. Sometimes, oligarchies further devolve into dictatorships.
What distinguishED (past tense) America was the limits imposed upon government by the Constitution and the BoR; NOT the fact that it was a republic.
This will continue to fall on deaf ears.
I am sure our founding fathers are turning over in their graves at your comment.
America was great only because America was good. America turned away from YHVH. America is gone.
“Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms” Aristotle
Natural Law?
A republic is a bottom up, of the people, by the people, for the people government. A democracy is of the elite, by the elite, for the elite. There is no we the people component in a democracy. Rule of CONSTITUTIONAL Law is a republic. Rule of Law is a communist democracy.
LOL, a keeper for future reference Sancho P. …
Thomas Massie
“Article IV Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government”
Does your copy say democracy?
I totally agree on the restoration of the way the Founding Fathers of this Republic intended it to be, Not a ‘democracy’ as so many try to pound into peoples heads….A Republic based on a Declaration of Independence!……THAT is the Foundation for this Republic…The Constitution was written to ‘chain up’ the ‘government’ and restrict their powers to what We the People allow.
I have been ready to tar and feather these out of control ‘poly tick shuns’ for a long time.
The battle is coming to our doors and we need to respond appropriately, NOT with ‘kids gloves’
These radicals need to be put in their place……..I am not a suggesting violence, but they want a fight, they will get one!
and Dr. Lon, check your spelling!
I corrected his spelling.
I try to check my spelling, but I am using a kendal and the spell checker makes me crazy. To be sure I am old and never was a good speller any way, sorry and thanks for the help.
No worries
Well, lets start at the top and work our way down. Gather up all the good sheriffs and help them
to arrest the governors and mayors who endorse the rioters and pass unconstitutional laws that
hurt the real Americans. Let’s not forget all of the other “so called public servants” who are out
of control and could careless about anyone except for their money and power. Most should be
arrested for treason and/or sedition and tried by a military court. Let’s not forget the wicked
judges and attorneys who allow the criminals to go free.
Maybe this will give Pres. Trump enough will power to take care of matters from his end as well.
You are correct. And yes, the hardest thing is to first act, the rest is just tenacity.
Sadly, not one word has been said yet about God. The #1 reason that our country is in the shape that it is is because of moral decline. When you take the Lord out of the picture you remove His Blessings and all of the ills of man, greed, power, moral decay, indecency of every kind, etc., come in to fill the void. I am first a Christian and secondly a Patriot. There is nothing more that I want to see than for justice to be served to those that are guilty and for a restoration to the principles enumerated in our constitution. But, without repentance, and a turning back to God, this is not going to happen. Anyone who believes this is fooling themselves.
Amen brother!
What use is there to fight evil unless it is replaced by good? So I say amen as well.
Amen. Well said. I am an old lady, but if I was younger and capable, I would fight. Now I pray for those of you who can and WILL fight.
Old Sarg, Yip, it’s past time. But there is not time like the present. I’m old and certainly can’t march anymore, but I can still lay down expert covering fire. Never miss. When do we start, I’m only four hours out of Portland. I was an MP for a while and can still quote the rights under Article 31. If it’s a military tribunal then so be it. Blessings.
Yeah we CAN tell our government to piss-off, but unless the LEOs make the decision to support our citizens rather than the state in this Lock-down Fiasco then we would be fighting two fronts at the same time, meaning the state and the anarchist. It may be better if someone gives you a ration of “s”it about not wearing a mask or a cop tries to arrest you for not wearing a mask then shoot them.
Getting rid of those low IQ genetics will be an actual benefit toward maintaining our great American Heritage, IE: Either your WID us or you are AGIN us as the populace of this country. If you support the state then you will have a bulls eye on your backside as we have had enough of your BS. CAPICHE ???
You can’t reconcile the institution of public schooling with privacy of persons and property.
Because the public institution relies upon compulsory attendance and property taxes, it can only employ militant pinkos, radicals with sticky fingers — if not abstentionists.
Here is what you don’t want -- you don’t want a war with Russia. You don’t want a war with China. You dont want a war with IRAN. Above all, you do NOT want a US civil war. Does that sound reasonable? Anyway, the American people have a problem -- a cleavage -- but there is a sizable chunk of good people on both sides of this, for me at least, non-racial divide. You want these 2 large groups to keep their head and wait out all the hotheads who want to ruin their life while ignorantly trying to ruin debate and agreement in the nation. Both sides need to see that America aka the USA is screwed only because of the debt and maybe the drugs (white and black…) Working off this debt and re-building wealth one way or another is the long term goal. But right now the country is in a LONG EMERGENCY. Expect more bad news, keep your cool, watch out what you say to hotheads, and look out for one another.
None of us wants a civil war in the US.I personally don’t ever want to shoot another American unless they have intentions I have to defend against and it seems they do.
I do disagree that it not the debt and the drugs.More symptoms and not the disease itself.
Antifa,BLM,and all the very disgruntled true patriots,like myself,are all symptoms of a greater problem.
They are using all of us to bring about the culmination of a greater plan.Have been,longer than my 63 yrs on this planet and it’s almost come to the full now.If we turn on each other they win.If we don’t turn on each other and throw all these power hungry politicians,and absolutely don’t forget capturing the big hidden money men behind the scenes setting up all these corrupt politicians and judges and lawyers and lobbyists and,ect,ect.ad infinitum,
then the people win.I have doubts this will happen.
Does the scale of the what it’s going to take lightbulb light up and blind anyone yet?
They have been setting this up for so longs it’s all going to have to come crashing down before it can ever be made right as the founders of this nation had intent for it to be.
Way too much control over the people.Way too many enemies of our structure of government been allowed to come into this nation and lap the cream off the top of the milk and way too much perversion of Gods laws bringing in political correctness which has destroyed our society from within.
It’s either time to take out all the garbage or we might as well go hide out until it’s done rotting by itself .
I have little hope we will come out of this without great sacrifice.I am willing to make that sacrifice for my grandchildren.But even then,I have my doubts it can be done.Still,I can’t live in this world they are building.I won’t.
David, I couldn’t have said it better!
They don’t want to hang them. Only send police to shoot and arrest YOU instead. Where are the Sheriffs? They are committing treason and the rest conspire with them.
Look like even the Sheriffs.
If you don’t do nothing now you’ll wake up with the MOB at your front door, NO GUNS (they disarmed you remember?), NO police (they defunded them remember?) and at their MERCY.
Nancy Pssylosi, Chick Schemer, Bite’m, etc., will be outside smiling with approval.
JEREMIAH said it best,YOUR MEN ARE AS WOMEN,you’ll LOSE..it can’t be fixed and the war can’t be won,THOSE WHORES you call women hate men,and they have destroyed your boys,they don’t know if their boys or girls,they don’t even know what bathroom to use,WITH a fighting team like that,You need to go back to the drawing board…IT WON’T WORK..the old men can’t save america and the women and kids will be fighting you,REMEMBER WHAT THE LORD SAID,the members of your own household will be your enemies…and SO they are,YOU’VE LOST YOUR COUNTRY AND NOW YOU’LL LOSE YOUR LIFE,turning over america to the women was your first mistake,NOT taking it back from them was your fatal mistake…STAY on your knees,maybe the LORD will forgive you and you’ll get into heaven…
Trolling using the Lord. A new low.
I think you are confused .
It seems the men wanted to be women first; jealous of them, not understanding why they wanted to be a housewife, stay home and raise the children for instance, but rather viewed them as slackers-people to be taken less seriously. Now women make up more of the workforce than men and will likely be drafted along with the men, or perhaps after the loss of many men in battle, or due to a natural disaster, etc. There have been gender problems for decades, this isn’t new. With regards to the Constitution, it’s probably not worth fighting for as much of the youth don’t learn it anyway. There were, and still, are no explicit protections for the life of the unborn, people work more and are getting poorer, they’re getting sicker not knowing what’s in their food and the damage many of the vaccines are doing to them in the short and long term. Why preserve a document that is not helpful in preventing these things, but rather is useful in directing them?
Comparing the percentage of males versus females in the workplace as of January 2018, 66 percent of the workforce was male, while 54.6 percent was female. (Numbers do not add up to 100 percent because of reporting differences.)
Sancho P The constitution clearly calls for republican government in the states. The founding fathers at least thought there was a difference. Most dictionaries seem to cloud the issue, it is really hard to find a good definition, here is mine. A democracy is controlled by the people either directly or by delegates. The majority can vote for anything, no matter how unfair or vile. It is often said that the difference between a dictatorship and democracy is the number of boots on your throat. Our Republic has limits on both the government and what the people can vote for, protecting the minority from any majority with the bill of rights. If followed, it is an important difference!
Like Ted Bundy said: Murderers are amongst you and you don’t see them. These psychopaths/narcissists do not al turn out to become serial killers the type of Bundy.
They will infiltrate government to make their dreams of insane total control come to fruition. They want to steal everything from you, your identity, your trades, your character, your very existence….making you the culprit. Their motto is: What is yours is mine and what is mine is also mine. They are proactively violent, not reactively and with great hesitation.
They are THE ENEMY and they cover themselves mimicking being normal……: the socalled “mask of sanity”. Natural born actors this is very convincing and even (sort of strangely) mesmerizing.
A modern psychopathy test should be applied to all those craving for or being in positions of power and control A.S.A.P…..
@ Dr. Lon Schultz (Thnx to Maund and also stated in an 80’s work of mine on meritocracy):
I have told you on numerous occasions that democracy is an absurd self-defeating concept. The reason is simple – you cannot have a system where ignorant stupid people have the same vote as intelligent discriminating people, who they vastly outnumber. The result is mob rule and politicians getting voted into office not because they are conscientious individuals who will work for the betterment of the lives of their constituents, but because they kiss babies and promise the mob the Earth. The result is the current unsavory collection of shameless gangsters and opportunists who now run Western societies and who milk their constituents on the one hand while serving as compliant stooges for their NWO Masters on the other.
Thus, true democracy can only be a temporary state of affairs and must cycle through to tyranny, which is what we are seeing now, and in a way the masses deserve their fate.
Transhumanism,(ElonMusk) vaccines, microneedle(bandaid “do it yourself” modled after snake bite’, DARPA, nanotechnology,hydrogel,
Dr. Carrie Madej, explaining the 3 major components of the Moderna vaccine and their implications.
many gun bloggers, prep bloggers and survivalists are screaming “don’t be there” and “don’t go looking for trouble”. if our fore fathers had said that we’d wouldn’t be british we’d be german, or soviet more likely. do people really think they can hide in their basements until this goes away? some jews in germany thought the same thing, along with the polish and Ukrainians. if we do nothing they will WIN, and winning to them means DEATH to anybody opposed to them. sure, some of us are going to die as did many of our founders. such is the struggle for liberty, it is never ending.
• “Burn this answer into your soul … Whenever any government sends its agents to disarm you it is the universal signal to shoot with a clear conscience needing no ones permission but your own.” -- William James Murray ‘Uncommon Sense, The Real American Manifesto’
I’m with Curtis LeMay on this . it worked in Germany and Japan .
You got it backwards- the communist -rule of law- is exactly why the murderer is not in jail. If we still had the Rule of CONSTITUTIONAL Law- the shooter would have been jailed as soon as he was identified. The rule of law in an intentional misdirect under the communist tactic of lawfare. The RoL is the exact opposite of RoCL!
What Would Be Righteous Judgment? ~ Rex Reviews
Previously Posted https://ncrenegade.com/editorial/what-would-be-righteous-judgment/
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