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- Big Ruckus D on Update on Brain Dead Morons
- Latigo Morgan on Not No, but Hell NO
- Stan Sylvester on The Turnaround, by Robert Gore
- phil1350 on Update on Brain Dead Morons
- Fido on Not No, but Hell NO
GODLESS Marxist/Bolshevism(judaism) considers ITSELF to be God.
Therefore there ARE no God Given Rights as is amply demonstrated by their murderous ENSLAVEMENT of their own People, under EVERY-ONE of their regimes. Under Communism/Socialism You are the Property of the STATE, not a Child of God.
Your Rights do not come from the Constitution. Your Rights come from Our Creator, and the Constitution was written to SUPERVISE, REGULATE, and CONTROL government actors. The 9th and 10th Amendments help make it ABUNDANTLY clear to even the densest of intellects that we truly have NO “Constitutional rights.” What we have(at the risk of being redundant) is Constitutionally-SECURED rights, but these rights are ONLY as secure as:
a) the honor and integrity of those taking the oath, and
b) the ability of the People to COMPEL obedience on pain of perjury charges and removal from office.
The United States of America is the only nation in human history established by mostly Christian people, founded upon 2,000 years of Christian thought, Reformation preaching and Biblical Natural Law principles—and dedicated to the purpose of religious and personal liberty and equal justice under the law.
Why are your Churches under as much attack as your guns?
Because the religion of the slaves, poor, and downtrodden is the source of Human RIGHTS and Human DIGNITY
Above God……Democracy also is a sort of socialism. The Empire is your intellectual creative work……now come the democrats, saying your vote equals the vote of the lunch lady.
Also “democracy”, an already B.C. failed ABSURD political system (yet very tempting to idiots), will inevitably (worst case scenario = as we see in the USA an UK) become the “mask of sanity” for a TYRANNICAL “deep state” of socalled political “adapted compensated psychopaths” of the Zbigniew Brezezinski or Allen Dulles type, on “a deviant frequency of their own” in common collusion (internationally):
I have told you on numerous occasions that democracy is an absurd self-defeating concept. The reason is simple – you cannot have a system where ignorant (also morally) stupid people have the same vote as intelligent discriminating people, who they vastly outnumber.
The result is mob rule and politicians getting voted into office not because they are conscientious individuals who will work for the betterment of the lives of their constituents, but because they kiss babies and promise the mob the Earth. The result is the current unsavory collection of shameless gangsters and opportunists who now run Western societies and who milk their constituents on the one hand while serving as compliant stooges for their NWO Masters on the other.
Thus, true democracy can only be a temporary state of affairs and must cycle through to tyranny, which is what we are seeing now, and in a way the masses deserve their fate. Whilst it is certainly not true of everyone, a very large number of people these days are brainwashed, careless, cowardly, indulged, insouciant, ignorant of what really matters, physically soft, timid and vapid individuals. If they weren’t, the NWO could never have pulled off what they have so far this year.
Are you ready, church? Do you believe what you believe is really real? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to the one and only true God? if you do, prepare yourself. You are witnessing Biblical history.We will be persecuted.
Why so scared of Jesus?
Told you it would happen here.
It has already happened in the US.
Even Jerry ‘the penguin’ Nadler sated before Congress, ‘there will be NO mention or talk of God’ in this Congress!
If this is not the End Of Days, I do not know what they will look like!
Lousiana obviously has not paid attention to recent Supreme Court rulings. CA just paid $137’,000 in court costs to a CA church that won a lawsuit. The state lost at least 5 in state and federal courts, seceral in US Supreme. May this pastor, his church and his members get theirs. “As you see the day approaching, forsake not the assembling of yourselves together”.
They tried it out in Canada with several pastors in Alberta, going so far as to arrest Pastor Pawlawski in the rain on Canada’s busiest highway (Trans Canada #1) No synagogues, no mosques, just churches. Trudeau is a died in the wool communist as is Biden. Traitors from within. God’s speed all
God Bless these Pastors who bring the word of God to the Public. May our Heavenly Father Through Jesus Christ our Savior Bless each and everyone who Preaches his word and those who listen to the Gospel. Stand strong with God, WE WILL PREVAIL!!!!!!! THIS IS OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHT!!!
Why is there such a disconnect in America? In NY People are able to come back to church without masks then you hear this. Clearly this is not a covid issue more than a control over the people issue. This must outrageous evil must be confronted immediately and fearlessly!
serious chuch goers should follow another way to handle this…..your religion is dead in these people minds….i am speaking of life and death here….it’s your religion, what are you going to do about it…..
i guess i am next
You can gather at big box stores but not little churches? WTF?? Feed your stomach but not feed your mind?
The One True God, The Lord Jesus, The Son Of God The Father, is getting ready for His Grand Entrance. Ready yourselves, Christian. Repent, you heathen, and receive Jesus, The Lamb who was slain that all may inherit the kingdom of Heaven, that you be found redeemed and have your place in Paradise.
…Do you have a trigger, Ed?
I know this family and no one has more true Christian faith, honor, and love for their fellow man than this family. Lousiana you should hang your head in shame over this. Choosing a corrupt law system over a true man of GOD and a true patriot.
May GOD have mercy on you.