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At 14:32 in the video he miss quotes the Bible.
God the Father sent His only begotten son to die for our sins.
I look to Mark 13:32 https://biblehub.com/mark/13-32.htm
But others have their interpretations, like
I could not let a miss quote of the Bible go untold. I would have posted in the video’s site, but there was no place to post it.
If you are hinting on what I think you are, I have about question on 290 verse about the subject.
The reason the Son doesn’t know either is because he was not God. Many scriptures make sense when they are read without the belief of the trinity. In the New Testament Jesus is called the son of God 46 times. He is never called God the son.
Seemed to be a very good discussion of forgiveness and praying for each other, no matter our differences.