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The war in Ukraine may expand quickly. If Poland sends troops in Ukraine, Russia will retaliate to de-nazify Poland:

Russian lawmaker warns Poland is next in line for ‘denazification after Ukraine’

Russian lawmaker is warning Friday that recent comments from Poland’s leaders are encouraging Moscow to “put it in first place in the queue for denazification after Ukraine.”  

Russian State Duma Deputy Oleg Morozov, using language Russia has sought to justify its bloody invasion of Ukraine, made the remark on his Telegram page, according to Russian state media. 


If you think this war was about Ukraine, please consider another alternative: the globalists need a world war to initiate their Great Reset to institute One World Order. Where do people fit into their plan? Six feet underground.

David DeGerolamo

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

You and I have differed in our opinion of the timing of things (the direction and destination we already agree on!).. we are finally seeing eye to eye. The time is nigh. I doubt we will make it through summer without some major conflation.

2 years ago

Like the layers of an onion, plans with in plans, alternative plans by other players, all with two primary goals more power and money for the elite!
To do this they must impoverish, control or kill those who can’t be controlled, or are not needed.
While we see them as united, and they are, against us, they are also greedy and all want to be at the top, conspiring against one another. This is the only reason we have anything left.

America with its armed citizens are the last bulwark against them. We must not fail in reclaiming the Republic, if we do it will be decades if not centuries before real freedom reappears!

The system they created is failing, help it, Galt out, they of course plan to rebuild it to their liking, we of course want to reclaim the Republic, there will be a fight to the death. They know it and most of us know it, as freedom and tyranny can not coexist.

We need to be able to withstand the crash and then fight to reclaim the Republic! Friends and family will likely be against us just like in the war of northern aggression. Get ready, fasten your seat belts and say a prayer!

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

Several different people are calling for prayer and fasting beginning June 1st at midnight through June 4th. Holy Nation is having an open mic, I believe, which you can sign up for a time to speak. It will be 24hours open until June 4th. What strikes me about this fast and prayer call is the fact that different people have heard the same call; and they have the same purpose: to repent on behalf of our nation and ourselves and ask for God’s enduement of graces for what is imminently in front of us. Yes, it is time to say our prayers with conviction and joy. Thank you for your words of wisdom.

Robert Orians
Robert Orians
2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

Gail , do you have a link or website for Holy Nation ?

2 years ago

Fellow Patriots -- --
If you read this intro and watched/read the Fox News report about the approaching Poland/Belarus/Ukie conflagration, you must realize that NOW is the beginning of YOUR LAST CHANCE to overstock your home with foods/supplies needed to get through next Winter.
Time to go AUSTERE, spending only for things that will give you a survival edge over the Sheeple who will be totally unprepared when food prices double starting in late August.
There are numerous websites on how to prepare, checklists and ideas on how to survive, that is, if you have made the preparations suggested.
So, cancel the vacation and instead stay home and prepare, learn how to grow foodstuff, even if all you have is an apartment balcony. And BETTER YET, make plans to move away from the hives to less populated areas where you will be around MAKERS INSTEAD OF TAKERS….!!!!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

We have turned our backs on our duty, if you think prepping ang growing food will save you, you will be a prime target for the starving masses. Just where will you grow this food? Out in the open to every starving person to see, if it relieves the fear and anxiety do it, it will not change a thing. We cannot even get two people to agree to organize and come together. God have mercy on our pitiful souls.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Prepping and growing food will prevent starvation! You will also need to secure and protect your food and person. Food, water and weapons are essential for life, Jesus and and prayer are essential for the after life.

To be sure, getting independent people to get together or agree on the same path has been impossible for me; none the less it will really be impossible with out food.
Maybe we can get a consensus on direction with food. Preppers and Patriots may be more likely to work together after the SHF, I sure hope so!

2 years ago

Also the plan could be to suck us into Ukraine by sending all our weapons while China is preparing now for an attack against us. It appears to be the plan according to the leaked audio from China.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

comment image

2 years ago

Of course this “Ukraine War” is not about Ukraine. It is GLOBALISM and Putin, Russia, doesn’t support globalism and neither do I. I didn’t think Poland or Hungary were supportive of globalism either. Now, I don’t belong a Putin support group, but I am glad he doesn’t like globalism and hope his health holds out so he can put a bump in the road of communistic globalism.