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- tom finley on We Will Never Move Forward until Racism Is No Longer Allowed to Be a Tool to Divide Us
Another few million pissed away where they know who the ring leaders are.
So she is saying this another government attack on The People and they need to cover it up?
Think Major “King” Kong in Dr. Strangelove, at the end. That’s the democrat party. Or the party of “Kong”!
Go for it, Nutty- Nancy. Let’s show the country WHO, EXACTLY, was behind the “riot” and prosecute them to the full extent of the law.
My G-D, I’m 70 years old, and never have I heard such utter and absolute BULL SHIT. These jackasses will undoubtedly win an oscar for such a stellar performance in the fiction category.
Maybe she needs to be asked to testify again -- she knows exactly what happened.
LOLOLOLOL, Pelosi? LOLOLOL Who would trust anything she does to be accurate and true????
Not gonna stop as long as we keep giving them OUR money that they use AGAINST US. It is as if we are the inmates, and they are our wardens. And, now they wanna deal the final blow on the 2A. F Biden and the rest of them. The only “common sense” gun control I will ever recognize is the 2A. Anything else is null and void. Think they are gonna shove it down our throats? Come on out here and see, Mr. Federal Agent. F you.
So if the investigation is legit, all the democrats, and rinos will go to jail. If it is not legit, the FBI will cover for the israelis, and blame it on the Russians.