Did you take this oath?
I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
I did. I was always told and I do believe this Oath never expires. I am struggling, as are many right now with what to do about this dilemma we find ourselves in. The debate about our oath is increasing as we drop deeper into the abyss of the communist takeover of our Country and their shenanigans.
Duty, Honor, Country!
Duty: a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
Honor: adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct.
We are now faced with a new world. Our country has forever been changed and that Oath has us labeled as Domestic Violent Extremist.
People are desperate for a peaceful solution and I understand that. But the Deep State has seized power and will remain in power by any means necessary. They will use our lack of spine to stand up to them. Oh they will give you the illusion of voting, but make no mistake, only Deep State approved candidates will be on the ballot all the way to the local level. From now on you will be told who your pResident will be and who your representatives are. Most people have no idea how corrupt it is right down to the local level and still think we can work within the system to take our country back. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I have no desire to try and work within the belly of the beast ever again. I hope so many people walk away from participating in the system, that the communist takeover every seat everywhere. I also hope they pass every gun control law and pass reparations, any communist bills they want to. Speed up the process and let’s get it on. Something needs to wake people up out of their slumber.
It’s sad what we have allowed to happen to our country. There is only one way to defeat communism, and yes we are now a communist nation, heck I think the Russians have more freedom than us at this point, but we are going to have to fight. This is going to be an elimination event. They hate us and everything we stand for. They want us dead and wiped from history. Personally I hope we get to write the History Books when this is over. Right now it seems all we can do is prepare, but sooner or later someone, some group, somewhere is going to have nothing left to lose soon and then that tiny event, that catalyst, will set this whole thing off.
I’m not military. Just a dumb hick with a few guns. I’m not turning them in though, I have my senior age parents to look after. I fight for them, and my nieces/nephews. That’s it.
The threat will be turn-in of face locked Bank Accounts…
The only question to ask yourself is if you will fight for our children’s freedom. Everything else is irrelevant.
Majority will not since apathy and nihilism infect over 90% of adults. I gave up yrs ago trying to inform anyone. Most patriots are dead and gone, few alive today even among retirees like me, as nothing was done after the recent Marxist coup now running the country ongoing. Voting is an utter farce has been for decades going back to W. Wilson and Warren Harding. There are slim to few patriots today of fighting age and I don’t expect them to org. and resist anything. Just look at the masses lining up for these experimental covid shots (not really a vaccine) and trusting the scum bags like Fauci, Gates and other unelected public health leaders in your state and believe everything they say on TV.
You are right about a lot of things.Voting especially. But the fact of the matter is that WE patriots, no matter how few, cannot mount a full frontal assault and hope to win…..anything. The key here is to do what you can do to screw up the machinations of those who claim to be in charge. Like one of my friends say do what you can, when you can. They also suggest that darkness is your friend. They go on to suggest that taking out he eyes and ears of the communists will go a long way in helping our cause.
I suspect you’re justified in saying that a majority of Americans will not fight. I’m shocked and alarmed every time I relax and just think about that. Even in a decent AO, I wonder what people will do. I do walk the area in my mind, thinking of all my neighbors and friends, trying to divine what their actions will be when chaos comes. The strong, tall, Army veteran. The retired ship’s pilot. The husband-and-wife team who have installed many anti-vehicular measures at the edges of their acreage. The extreme sports guy who always wears “threeper” gear in public. The deer hunter who skins bucks in his back yard. All just waiting, waiting, like me and my wife are waiting. Waiting for what? There is so much deliberate and unwitting noise and confusion in the dialog no matter where you turn. One thing’s for sure: nobody can go it alone. Whatever is coming, the skills, moral fiber, steely resolve, and productivity of the whole community will be essential.
As far as the set of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines available today, they are “lipid nanoparticles” (same as the shell of a natural virus) with a custom strand of mRNA inside. They replicate in an uncontrolled manner, just like the natural virus, because they have not just the “spike protein” coded for, but the viral RNA replication machinery, as well. You may guess at what else it can do to the human body besides stimulate the production of antibodies. They tried to keep it quiet last Summer when volunteers, themselves scientists, took the new vaccines and had profound symptoms and distress after the second dose (reactogenicity). That’s because they didn’t want the public to reject the vaccine. And even they don’t know if there are any long-term effects. Drooling politicians who can barely wipe their asses unaided certainly don’t know.
I took that same oath at 17 when I joined the Army in 1968, we are not going to vote are way out of this. At some point like the article states it is going to go kinetic hopefully sooner than later buddy up train up and prepare. God bless.
This shit gets me wrked up badly! I am trying my best to pray more then I ever have before! I never was a true Christian or whatnot… I am trying! I don’t feel comfortable sitting and waiting on any gods, of any religion to save us here. Keep us clear headed and steady hands though, I do believe he would assist in a good vs evil battle. I am scared to see how “modern men” have become!
I also blame the education system along with any other things! I still can’t write a proper punctuated story or paragraph for that matter. I know I never should have passed all my classes.. they just are underpaid baby sitters last few decades at least! I am not trying to blame anyone though! I do look in mirror and realize, “this is something you will have to explain to kids and hopefully grandkids ” 😡 Then, it’s all worked up and that stress is wiping us out alone! Idk Sick of seeing these damn mask everywhere too! I am sickened by the “new world” less then 1% trying to destroy our way…how is this possible?
HELP! Keep that oath PLEASE!! I have oaths to my loved ones, they all bleed red, white and blue! Quit getting divided over Q, race, left_right etc etv… Going to have to realize some people had vwry bad experience w/ bad churches too. I KNOW QUITE A FEW!!
If they are atheist, but will fight for our freedom and kids..so be it! Is that wrong?
I will prey, I will love mine more then a tv/computer/ phone, I will try to make conversations w/new neighbors, I will keep trying my best!
I am realizing a lot of this BS we have let happen and some religion has made more issues…when do WE CHANGE THAT?
The unimaginable support that will come 🙏🇱🇷💪
Man, those that are down voting you are either trolls or aren’t comprehending what you wrote. Those were very humble statements about yourself and you also call out a number of ways that we are being artificially divided.
When things go sideways, a lot of people like you just self described are going to be the ones that have to stand up.
Thanks man! It is sad. I am not bashing anyone’s religious belief. I know it sounds bad to some, BUT this division over it is just not necessary!
How many different types of Christians are there?
How many Baptist?
How many Catholic?
And so ON
Why is that? Anyone know… I am pretty sure I know now!
P.s. the down vote means zilch at this point in my life..HA! Voting on opinion..what a joke!
An important Maxim of Common Law: Fraud Vitiates All
The oath you took was to a fraudulent government.
For an explanation of how this Maxim is applied, read here:
A comprehensive explanation of the Fraud perpetrated on us can be found here, and it concludes with a template to withdraw ones’ consent to be governed:
The republic died not too long after its formation. Since then uas has been any other empire so any oath taken to any such republic or constitution is a fraud . So I agree with you on that point.
we are warned about oaths.
Do yourself a favor: lose the stupidity of the 1871 corporation conspiracy theory. It’s irrelevant to the simple notion that we should withdraw consent. Cronyism is the default state of all government, and in the end, whether or not cronyism was installed by a “legal entity” of incorporation is wholly irrelevant, even by your own argument. After all, the legal system created and monopolized by the state is wholly illegitimate, so therefore the supposed 1871 incorporation was therefore illegitimate.
Why lend legitimacy to their illegitimate incorporation?
Another common law Maxim: All Presumptions of Law are Rebuttable.
To sustain a claim that our current government is fraudulent, one must be able to point to one or more acts of that government that are rebuttable … acts which are unlawful presumptions.
What you labeled “illegitimate”, the Organic Act of 1871, identifies one such act at a specific point in time. It clearly exists in the Congressional Record for all to read.
Choose a different event to suit your particular rebuttal and present your case here on NCRenegade as a carefully researched post.
I merely pointed to a document which was thorough and convenient.
My point is that it is wholly unnecessary as the state is an illegitimate construct to begin with. Bringing up a DC-specific statute from 1871 just makes you sound like a conspiracy nut.
The state is illegitimate because it uses force and dicta to destroy the property rights of the individual, under the guise of the bogus “social contract” which neither exists nor bears my signature. Case….Closed.
The “Incorporation” of government, at all levels, is not ‘conspiracy theory’, it is Conspiracy Fact. The Declaration of Independence, and the ORIGINAL Constitution had no basis in Law creating a “Corporation”. After the War between the States, the “Incorporation” of government bodies, down to the County and Town level, proceeded apace, in conjunction with the “Uniform Commercial Code” Fraud that was pushed by (((bankers))) and lawyers, who Were and Are, Agents of the English Crown. The 1871 Act of the Congress is only a small part of the Fraudulent ‘government’.
A good place to start looking into this issue is here:
Microsoft Word -- James Traficant.doc -- webjamestraficant.pdf
The Bankruptcy of the “Corporation” was the Root Cause of the situation we find ourselves in Today. As Senator Traficant pointed out, the “Congress” SOLD US OUT, Gold, Property, Persons (as Debt slaves) to the (((jew))) Bankers.
Hope everyone does themselves a favor and reads the AntiFederalist Papers. Self explanatory: https://thefederalistpapers.org/anti-federalist-papers
been looking can’t find a good article on the 1871 thing. (first i had heard of it is today) That said i tend to lean towards old TJ’s mention about when a gubberment becomes jacked it is the right (perhaps duty) of the people to dissolve it. Our side is clearly labeling the other, Commies, they actually took the lead again and call us a host of things, none of which are Patriot. Having taken the mentioned oath, I dunno anymore how i feel about skin in the game for THAT gubberment. Having been through the big D once, I recognize we have a very present case of irreconcilable differences. I dont see an amicable resolution. Our side would be cool with “go in peace” but the other, nah, we need to enlightened and punished at the same time.
People have a bad habit of running to Snopes and Wkipedia for confirmation of facts, the reality is; they’re both run by the Bolsheviks. You’re not going to find an honest answer from them.
It takes other sources to find truth. And most folks don’t care enough to dig deeper. So they stay brainwashed by misconceptions and media lies.
If you look a little harder, the information is not hard to find. The scanned images of the Organic Act of 1871 in the Congressional Record are available at:
Interpretation and consequential impact of the Act is more controversial, as pointed out by Palmetto Cynic (above). One such presentation (good interpretation but poorly formatted) is on the web at:
As much as I disagree with the style in which the Palmetto Cynic argues against my example, he is basically correct on most of his points.
The holy parchment (US Constitution) was a coup d’état against the governments of the 13 sovereign but united States.
Cynic’s perspective is fully consistent with that of the great American thinker Lysander Spooner when he says “The state is illegitimate because it uses force and dicta to destroy the property rights of the individual, under the guise of the bogus “social contract”
For a more thorough understanding of the illegitimacy of government as a source of authority, an excellent contemporary reference is:
“The Most Dangerous Superstition“, by Larken Rose
Thanks very much. I did find the national liberty alliance but the formatting made me suspect hokey BS. Seriously. Like I was waiting for a midi tune to auto play. Education is a wonderful thing. I will take a look at links provided.
Babylon has been falling for many years:
And the power elite want us dead, Biden (a puppet) shut down all the oil & nat. gas drilling forcing many out of work. ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44Jk-rTAewM want us dead ref: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/you-need-to-understand-this-they-do-not-care-if-you-draw-another-breath Where are men w/ spines who will resist and fight back while there is still time for their kids and g’kids? does anyone care to org. and take this coutnry back? It’s about outa time.
If you could find enough people that you trust in order to help you fight back, as some have said, who would you go after? I can’t even get anyone to read a book about the global agenda of the New World Order and its pundits. When you try to tell somebody what is going on, they call you a conspiracy theorist. Why on earth would you trust them to defend you against this tyranny when they won’t even listen to you about who the real enemy is? They don’t even recognize that it is a spiritual war. So why on earth would I expect people to pick up a gun and fight people they don’t even know, when they won’t even read a book about the enemy or pray and ask God to bring our nation to repentance? If you gave them a weapon, they would come to all the wrong conclusions and shoot all the wrong people. And when foreign soldiers show up at their door, they won’t even care. America has just become a nation of homosexuals and feminists who can’t make love or war. They are drugged and vaccinated out of their minds and so full of Hollywood, alcohol and pop culture that they can’t even tell the difference between men and women. The only word left in their mind numbed vocabulary is the word “Equality.”
I am military! I’m so sick with what is happening and worry for my children.
Your sentiments are echoed. I took a similar oath (for civilian DOD personnel) and while everything you stated resonates, there is another aspect many (including myself, initially) did not understand. Because of the Act of 1871, there are two countries sharing the same time and space. One is a corporate UNITED STATES and an organic United States. So, those of us who took the oath to fight for and protect our beloved country, many of us were unwittingly led to believe they are both one in the same, when they are not. I say that because the corporate U.S. views us as expendable human resource. The organic United States and the organic United States Constitution, which accompany it, view us a sovereign citizens and patriots. The corporate UNITED STATES now sees modern-day patriots as bad human resources, which must be purged (assassinated).
It may well be that before patriots of the organic Constitution and the organic United States can have any possible degree of success in abolishing the corporate version (which currently no longer serves the interests (or the will) of the people), they had best learn just who their primary adversarial target is and effectively respond in kind.
As you know only too well, best informed is still best prepared. Thank you for your service and everything you have been doing to realistically and psychologically prepare your readers for what is coming. Sadly, the first movie of “The Matrix” franchise, is already here. And “Mr. Smith” takes no prisoners.
As ex-military I took that oath. But now that I am older I now realize that it is the Constitution itself that has installed and cemented the unlimited centralized government that we have in DC now. Yes, I know, this is blasphemy to most, but realize that the constitution was a coup upon the loose confederation bound by the Articles. And the Bill of Rights, although a step in the right direction, was simply a compromise made to appease half the country.
So as we see, appeasement to the diktats of the central government is nothing new, and that Bill of Rights? Well from the leviathan’s perspective, it is nothing more than a list of temporary privileges that government believes it can (and will) rescind as it sees fit. Abe Lincoln provided the dictatorial totalitarian template. Why else would HR127 make it to the House? I challenge you to answer that question honestly!
Too much to swallow? That the constitution has been nullified by the central government? Believe it!
“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable…” -- H.L. Mencken
Your first challenge is to view the constitution for what it panned out to be: one massive consolidation of power with 10 “scraps” (bills) tossed to the peasants to be rescinded at the convenience of the state. It was a noble idea, but we need to get over it…it failed!
Very well said.
I agree, we must fight soon, Old vets who took that oath, should also recognize that the president in that seat is unlawfully occupying it. It is our OBLIGATION to remove him/her from it. The unlawful crooked, stolen election is as obvious as hell, I only know two people who voted for the idiot ant they are so DEMONRAT the stink like rats when I’m around them.
I’m 74 now, I still shoot and hit what I aim at. Yes, I have a new set of BDU’s and enough basic equipment for a squad. I think I can put together about half of a squad easy, the other half will have to be scrounged up. Yes, let’s pull together and do it
Relax, and stay loose. Events are about to take a hand, and the socialist idiots who think they are running things are about to find out something different. All you Non-Comms out there, active and retired, you know your job, so do it. Keeps the ranks quiet and busy. Waiting ain’t fun, but being poorly trained and unprepared is worse. Wir Kommen.
Our feet were pointed to the grave when we came out of the womb . Embrace it and make the most of the time left to prepare . The spark will come and we will die like men and not alone . “Judgement is without Mercy to the one that has shown no Mercy ” James 2 : 2-6
Agree, and the older people lived during the best times post ww2-2019. Do younger generations even care about their future to org. and take the country back to the way it once was? Doesn’t seem that way.
“A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control”: Jordan Peterson
Let The Sky Fall …..
The best thing military men can do is train others. Become a force multiplier.
“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears.”
indeed and they are scared and doing everything possible to avoid it, but we’ll be hunting them down in their hideaways for the pain they have inflicted on the world and they will not escape. they should have stopped before they began but since they began and we have to clean it up, so be it -- it shall be cleaned and permanently at that.
Excellent comments.
Well put. They’re already in eternal trouble.. Your closing thought says it all for those of us who want to be left alone. “Don’t tread on me or mine or a dark place we will find.”
I also took the Oath of Enlistment so I feel entitled to address this issue. First you cannot cherry pick what you want and or don’t want to follow or accept in the Oath. It says ” . . . and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me.” To do otherwise is treason. How do we separate “. . . I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic ” . . . from the president and the officers appointed over us? Especially with the supreme court refusing to take a stand or even review the material on the past fraudulent election. I’m no lawyer, not even a sea lawyer so . . .
The oath of enlisted officers is far different than the oath taken by commissioned officers.
Why didn’t you include that oath?
Knock yourself out
Enlisted officer??? Or does he mean Warrant officer? Either way, sounds like another Wikipedia expert.
Not many people know about this, but yes there are different “oaths.”
I’m not army, but an Army Brat. Dad told me about that oath and what it means to our family. I took that oath in an unofficial way. I’ve been slowly rebuilding myself with PT and light training with my gear when time allows. I am by no means a soldier. Not like my dad was. But I hope that when the time comes I can do something, maybe draw some bullets away from the guys that are worth more than me. I’m not one to start things, I’m not a leader, but I’ll sure as hell help you fight and finish it for as long as I’m able. I’ve got nothing left to loose.
Yeah, know what you mean. I’ve had lots of guys try to impress me with “I almost went in the Marine Corps” like it meant something. So what exactly do you mean “unofficially”? You either take it or you don’t. I’ve taken that oath at least 6x, maybe more between USNR, USMC, and USMCR.
There is no halfway, or sorta.
“People are desperate for a peaceful solution and I understand that. But the Deep State has seized power and will remain in power by any means necessary.”
Exactly! WE have let freedom slip through OUR fingers. Like you say many are jaded into believing there is hope in the persuit of a peaceful resolution and if that didn’t work voting our way out of this. Nope. No more. Voting was a figment of the imagination. WE can take OUR country back. Like the old saying goes how do you eat an elephant?…………….One bite at a time. The junk yard dogs that occupy the peoples house expect an assult and are afraid of their own shadows. Ergo fences, barbed wire, troops. So anything that’s put out on msm constitutes a threat by US. They are hunkered down now. The dogs will never trust WE THE PEOPLE. WE should take this time to consider that to be effective in resisting WE look to the things that are small. WE look for the eyes and ears of the surveillance state. WE embrace the darkness. WE don’t seek fanfare, media coverage and the limelight. WE are the shadows of resistance.
The reality is that we are on a path to total slavery. The ONLY way off that path REQUIRES violence. There is no peaceful alternative left. It is now hunting season. No tags required. No limits.
I have called that you must remove them BY ANY MEANS POSSILBE.
Open your eyes and look around you. The Constitution and Nation you swore to defend is dead. It’s “defenders” failed for a number of reasons. 57+ years of failure. Right in front of your faces. Lose the sentimentality. Engage your mind. There’s no resurrecting the corpse. This is a g*dd*mn empire. Caesar crossed the Rubicon in 1964. You boni lost. Re-assess everything, organize, and fight for a new nation. Get it right this time. If you can’t, then you and your legacy deserve to disappear.
i believe we need to watch out for feeling and acting as if we are ‘victims.’
This also is the agenda of our common enemy.
Things are not hopeless, and freedom if you are looking to where we should be looking,
does not elude us.
WORDS? Nice words,the constitution is a gd piece of paper according the the 911 perp bush and his krew,nothing was ever done to the 911 planners and their krew either ,nothing will ever be done about the takedown of the USA .The USA dies on 911 and will never be back,because nobody was held accountable or exicuted for 911 which killed more US citizens than died on D-DAY. “GO BACK to THE MALL!” i 911 destroyed the economy kill careers and put the USA in a lockdown for years and it worked so very well the chinavirus was inevetable,harvesting the sheep and their belongings is easy if they line up for the jab like shearing the sheep or jews into the camps with no real resistance of any kind. live with it there will be nobody coming to help in any way,the virus jab has beed done and the results are coming in of deaths and cancers ect.get set it is just begining now.
I picture something like this, along with some very “illegal weapons of war” that we are maybe not as prepared for. Maybe i am wrong, but i picture like insane laser guns and the amazing stuff done with drones now as well, China can pump out like 1 mil drones in a day… Kinda a scary thought! The things that could happen w/these makes me Nervous. I hope others know more about this stuff and can elaborate maybe
[…] Not one man, or woman, or any of the 64+ flavors of gender benders, prior or current military, has l… […]
So , Perhaps there are other things to be aware of before we escalate this war?
Signs in the Sky, Space Weather, Climate