Pfizer Director Assaults James O’Keefe And Veritas Staff

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2 years ago

Admittedly a liar trying to impress his butt-buddy on a date, then the libtard sodomite goes bat shit crazy. He gets the Emmy.

2 years ago

Hmmm…let’s see….they can throw us in jail and call for our death and bill us as terrorists and force us to be jabbed and…censor us and….but we aren’t allowed to question them under penalty of arrest. And what did he say about a date?

Hammers Thor
2 years ago

This goes to the top of the list of examples for the famous idiom “when fact is stranger than fiction.”
Isn’t it interesting that they are working on modifying viruses that they can create vaccines for -- a “cash cow”.
This can only mean that they intend to release the viruses they create.

2 years ago

Bread and circuses.

2 years ago


2 years ago

I think just giving a narrative to follow to keep you distracted from the DoD and other government agencies. The DoD developed and Pfizer and others manufactured it

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Time to buy some long dated Puts on phizer.
These people are FREAKING out!!!!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

“Like a normal person I went on a 3rd date with a man…”

Men don’t date other men you sodomite degenerate!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Oh gawd, this is hilarious to watch, worth your 7+ minutes. Every second is GOLD!!!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Great Post, this video is amazing, perfectly captures a fractal of what is going on in our society. Bear with me here, idea has been percolating:
Look at how this guy reacts to the confrontation. After disbelief, he immediately does what? Get the police, i.e. get someone else in here to solve my problem.
The correct response in this case would have been to punch the guys lights out, but he wails and flails around in very non-masculine ways, and the entire restaurant staff is in a tizzy over the whole scene. Again, a John Wayne type of man would just deck O’keefe and walk away, but thats not the pattern…
More wailing, more flailing more cries for someone to do something. Anybody but him.
Never once does this snowflake look to himself to solve the problem. Restaurant staff are told to detain O’Keefe (again, a real man wouldn’t do that). Cops are called to fix the problem. Never once does he acknowledge the videos he has been recorded saying. Claims he was lying on the date (why can I trust you now?) No personal responsibility ever in the entire video, not for one second.
When it finally all comes crashing down at the end, he literally flips out, assaults people then cries ‘you’re hurting me!’ as they hold him down to prevent further assault. The aggressor usurps victimhood. Ultimatley you know the evening ended with him crying in the fetal position.
Where have we seen this pattern of behavior before?
They reject personal responsibility for their actions (even when on video).
They look to authority to solve evrything (cops, staff, but not him!)
Total paralyzing disbelief that this is actually happening to them (it happens, but to other people, not me, I’m a unique and perfect little snowflake). See the comments about how he knows about the Project Veritas people.. What? Me, I’m being victimized? Unpossible! Guarantee he has never been punched in the face. Obviously the instant he turned it kinetic, he lost brutally, so he simped and claimed victim status.
Heres the meat of my message: this is why we have the blue-city/red-country divide!!!
They WANT to be taken care of, cradle to grave, big gov, free healthcare, school, etc. They crave someone in authority to just tell them what to do. It is their soul and fabric of their lives.
We WANT to be left the phuck alone, make our own way, our own style, our own terms. We don’t want big brother, we want a simple set of rules that works for and is applied to everybody. We want to run our lives as we see fit, not conform to someone elses ideals. In many ways the antithesis.
Thats why we can’t get along. Everything else, all the sundry issues, stem from this basic personality trait.
Gun laws are minutia, its about self determination and responsibility. Those that want it, see that as a tool to secure what they want. Those that don’t want self determination, see it as a threat to their collectivism. It enables the individual to stand as an individual, to not cow to their collective. Thus it is evil and must be eliminated (not be me, oh no, the state will take care of that!) They don’t ever see themselves stacking on the door enacting their desired outcome, its always someone else who bears the weight of their desire. We desire to make our own destiny, they wish for someone else to make theirs for them.
Thus is the reason we will have bloodshed soon. Sad but true. Sorry to be so long winded, its been brewing nearly 3 weeks now.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
2 years ago

We bet ‘Jordon’ was most concerned with two things. First, he thought he was going to get laid and so upped the ante a bit.
Second, his employer may not appreciate that their plans (if true) were unveiled in this way, at this time, for these reasons, and seek retribution or alternatives.
I suspect Jordon realized the enormity of what he did, and discovered that there might actually be consequences this time.
He panicked. He lost his cool. And the result was this ridiculous scene.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago

He was telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Pfizer has some explaining to do.

the real enemy
the real enemy
2 years ago

looking forward to when people like this have no cops to call

2 years ago

Pfizer is in the same hot seat as Biden. If they fire this canary he could make a fortune singing with the truth. If they keep him they had better fess up. Either way an investigation is in order. Which, of course, will never happen.

Elder Son
2 years ago

Pfizer: We’ve seen, and done things that you all imagine we have done. And?