This is a real news clip from people who purport to be journalists.
— Insurrection Barbie (@DefiyantlyFree) January 11, 2025
Riverside High School in Loudoun County taught a history lesson about the invention of the cotton gin and so cotton was passed around in the classroom.
What happened afterwards is nothing short of upside down…
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My sister lives there, this is not the least bit surprising.
What the rest of us so desperately need to realize is, these people actually think that way and believe this shit. I’ve had it out with my sister over it. She thinks its racist that the teacher passed a sprig of dried cotton around.
None of these kids have ever seen cotton au natural, never mind picked it, they all live in McMansions and drive their parents old beamer to school… especially the black kids!
So naturally anything historically accurate NOT expressly decried for its inherent racism, is racist.
They’re lost, totally fucked, you’re never going to ‘convert’ these people, black or white, they’re completely controlled by their programming.
There was a time when passing around actual raw cotton would be considered a wonderful enhancement to that lesson.
I wonder if they know some of the dollar stores sell a decor item that looks like a cotton boll? Perhaps those retailers should be sued?
Well let’s hope there’s no cotton fabric in your red coat lady!
Ahhh, the need to elevate oneself by claiming VICTIMHOOD appears…..
Again !!
Indeed. Victimhood is now a form of currency.
Used to drive the back roads from Charleston SC to Aiken SC & Augusta GA. I had no idea I was driving thru racist cotton fields. Did not realize all the Whites, Blacks, and Latinos I saw along the way were racists.
My bad /sarc
This problem will continue so long as we live in a multi-cultural state (not nation, state). Nations have common ethnicity, language, and culture. A state is just an area of diverse peoples governed by a central authority. How, pray tell, can the American state survive and prosper when it is populated by every people group found on the planet, each group being loyal to it’s own culture, language, and ethnicity? Here’s a hint. It. Can. Not.
Ever since desegregation, we’ve kowtowed to the blacks. Kowtow:
intransitive verb
: to show obsequious deference : fawn
kowtows to the boss
: to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in token of homage, worship, or deep respect
Allow me to remind the reader what happens when that kowtowing results in letting them run things. Rhodesia, South Africa, Baltimore, Detroit. Need I go on? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. It’s time to get over our insanity. Allowing criminals to be glorified? Putting police in prison for doing their jobs? Allowing riots that are “mostly peaceful”?
A return to an ethno-state, a real nation, would solve many of our problems. Call me a racist if you will, I just consider myself a realist.
We are merely ethnocentric. Like everyone else. The word “racist” is just a Marxist pejorative. Created by them to intimidate us.
You’re right. I noticed it years ago when I was living in NY and the Puerto Rican’s were encouraged to self-identify as PR-Americans. Nobody is American anymore. Everyone is an Adjective-American. African-American, Latin-American, Illegal-American, Asian-American… we’re divided, literally and figuratively. Until a united “American” stands up, it will continue to be this way. That’s why things were different 60-years ago. Despite all of our differences, we were all Americans.
Imagine how they would feel if they were taught true history instead of revisionist Yankee propaganda shoved down their throats every day. BTW, I AM a racist.
I knew a black man who died from a headache ’cause he refused to pick the cotton out of the aspirin bottle.
In 2025 clown world, that is too close to the truth to be truly funny. Still, I laughed for real. Well played, sir.
Babylon Bee is going to go out of business…
Amazing times we live in. The leftist visionaries were right, “they” are so easy to manipulate for the left’s own purposes…
I hope these people never use cotton balls or wear cotton clothing. The ignorance of this is beyond anything one could imagine.
The colonists should have picked their own cotton. That was clearly the MOST EXPENSIVE AND DESTRUCTIVE cotton in history.
Examples of both overt and subliminal White-perpetrated racism:
School lessons wherein a sprig of raw cotton plant is passed around--possibly causing painful pricking injury to a Snowflake’s delicate skin.
The (probably unknowingly) wearing of clothes composed partly/totally from fibers of the cotton plant.
All medications/supplements requiring the removal of White (thus, racist) cotton plugs before being able to access the contents of the container. This alone constitutes a denial of healthcare services to POCs, according to the ACLU and others.
All descriptions of the Cotton Gin, Eli Whitney, gin in general and any depictions of cotton plants deliberately cultivated--in plain view of POC students as they are bussed (another racist word) to schools.
Hurtful idiomatic phraseology (usually said by Whites) such as,“You’ve lost your cotton-pickin’ mind,” and “to cotton to” or “to take a cotton to.”
And, it goes without saying (even though I’m saying it) that Tom Cotton ought to be drummed out of the senate--or at least forced to change his name--as even greeting this blatant racist by his given name is clearly an ongoing deliberate and calculated slight to POCs everywhere.
Finally, “Cotton is King!” Really? To place ‘cotton’ in the same sentence with ‘MLK’ is the epitome of tastelessness, racism and thoughtlessness.
WARNING: The attached photo is to be viewed with CAUTION as viewing it could trigger severe psychological reactions that may require the intervention of professional counselors.
I think that most of the cotton from the US went to England back then. I knew White men in the Army who had picked cotton as teens. This is just a distraction, though. Screw the commies!
I picked cotton as a teen, albeit for just one day.
As a teen (living in the suburbs of Chicago), I remember reading a novel where it was mentioned that those who picked cotton would have calloused and bleeding fingers, and I couldn’t understand because cotton is a soft material. Then my parents took us down to Mississippi to visit relatives. My uncle showed me a sprig off a cotton plant and upon taking it I got stabbed by the thistle-like casing around the bole. Some lessons are best learned through experience. This also showed me the importance of the cotton gin.
If we plant a perimeter of cotton around different places, will it keep certain people out ? Asking for a friend.