Prepare to Protest or Buy More Toilet Paper: White House Drawing Up ‘Solemn’ Lockdown Speech

Lockdowns are coming

Lockdowns are coming. The Great Reset agenda is hitting its stride as world governments engage in lockdowns over the Delta Variant. Data shows it is more infectious but less dangerous than previous variants, but the fearmongers driving the narrative are treating it like an existential threat to society. In reality, THEY are the existential threat as they prepare to unleash their lockdown hysteria on the United States.

It’s coming. According to Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec:

WH official this am: “B lockdown speech being drawn up this week…they’re planning to make it sound like one of the most solemn in history, real Bush on the night of 9/11 type stuff. Would start stocking up if I were y’all”

— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) August 2, 2021

There’s a choice that will need to be made by every American in the coming weeks. Are we going to stand up and object to the unnecessary, draconian lockdowns the White House plans on unveiling shortly or are we going to hide in our homes refreshing Amazon to see if they have toilet paper in stock again?

Please read the entire article here…

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NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

We will just sit on the net under lockdown and bitch about it while the other countries are out protesting.

Francis W. Porretto
3 years ago

No. The hell with them. Live a normal life. No masking, and no social distancing. Go where you like. Shake hands and give hugs. Pretend the political class doesn’t even exist. Nothing else has the ghost of a chance of retrieving this country from utter insanity.
The hour has come. We can revolt quietly or loudly — with lots of gunfire but we must revolt.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

Turn off the tv. Turn off the radio. Live your life.

3 years ago

Got the flu shot for 15 years. The VA gave me a double dose because of my age. Developed food intolerance for eggs. You don’t want to know what happens if I were to eat eggs. No more shots. Vitamin D3 and zinc work real good. They mitigate Covid and flu. Already stocked up. Good luck.

robert orians
robert orians
3 years ago

The COVID Fraud is Over.
The Illusion of Demand- from the Anthrax attacks to Covid19 (at 1:14:07)
Intentional Release of a Respiratory Pathogen (at 39:58)

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago
Reply to  robert orians

Not sure about him. On another video he said that if you think someone like the Rothchilds run the planet you have your head up your butt. He said it’s all about insurance companies or something like that. At this stage of the fight, I don’t have time to separate the truth tellers from the gatekeepers. I prep in hoping for the best but am prepared for the worst.

3 years ago

Screw M. Stock up on Vit C, Vit D3, & zinc. Lets party.

3 years ago

Flu season is right around the corner. You know they will call it Covid just like last year. Of course there will be lock downs. I’m ready. I warned everyone I could.