President Biden is opening the border wide open.

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3 years ago

Sp1 for President! I would back him 110%
We need HONEST MEN. A realists. Imagine how much safer you’d feel right now… yet we get a Hillary or Trump, Trump or CraXi Joe.. Looking forward to a RESET on these garbage “representatives”

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago

I agree with nearly everything said. From another angle, I suspect many of these people, and not just childrn, are being traffic. ed, for several reasons and they’re all things that are abhorrent. There is so much more going on that isn’t visible at this time, and some of it, to most people, is unbelievable or unimaginable. Pray.

R. Shooter
3 years ago

And we continue to reward them by paying our taxes and then we complain about it.