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He blasphemed our Lord.
You are right Jane, he has mocked the Triune God and Blasphemed his holy name, I would like to go a step further but I believe I could be wrong, but maybe not, he and his entire bunch of satanic cultists which includes the entire demon-rat party, but mostly Obiden, Obama and the Clintons have committed the unpardonable sin in the scripture which means there is no salvation for any of them due to this type of sin.
Most Christian Conservatives don’t fully understand that this was done (and is continually being done) INTENTIONALLY by the leftists to mock and degrade your beliefs. Now it has come out that Biden admitted on camera the ‘he didn’t do that’ (meaning issue the proclamation--which I believe is true. This was a sheet of paper shoved in front of the old man to sign over his bowl of breakfast oatmeal by his handlers… who BTW are all freaks, lesbians, homosexuals and communists (plus all other forms of sexual degenerates).
I read his greetings to the other religions and they were pleasant as they should have been. But for the Christians, he went Satanic. Deliberate. In our face.
Pedo Joe isn’t aware of his own name half the time and it wasn’t him who issued the proclamation. Virtually ALL the Executive Orders that come out of the White House were dreamed up, written by and released by OTHER PEOPLE. Not the Dementor In Chief.
Bath House Barry and Big Mike issued that proclamation.
Yes--most likely it came straight from Barry Seotoro and the First-Tranny, Michel.