Principles Versus Power

by Fran Porretto

The statement supposedly comes from one of the Dune novels. Wherever it may have originated, it perfectly expresses the overarching methodology of Islam, the American Left, and any number of groups throughout history that began their rise from a minority position but had no real interest in freedom.

He who asks you to conform to a principle that:

  • You hold;
  • He doesn’t;
  • Which serves him at the moment;
  • But which he would not honor were your positions reversed;

…is a villain. He deserves no consideration and should get none. Worse, if you concede to him, it won’t be long before your positions are reversed. That’s why Saul Alinsky emphasized that Leftists should “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” He knew that “the enemy” – i.e., freedom loving Americans – would feel pressured to abide by a rule of conscience that could only be used against them.

Far be it from me to decry rules of conscience. Ultimately, they’re all we have. But if we know, with empirical certainty, that the petulant minority demanding that we give them a privilege – i.e., that a rule that applies only to us shall not bind them – we cannot accommodate them without consigning ourselves to rightlessness.


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