Public Service Announcements

From TheStormIsUponUs17:

I’m hearing that Apple is going to do an update on all their devices to turn off emergency alert systems. The remedy for this is going to software updates, and turning off automatic updates on your phone. All signs lead to this EBS and internet shutdown coming soon! Whether you believe we get there or not… Well, it’s yet to be seen. Do it to be safe rather than sorry. I don’t know WHEN this is supposed to update but go do it now before you forget or before they have the option to get ya before ya do it! Carry on Patriots!

From Lin Wood:


President Trump will be using be using emergency broadcast system.

We have a man of courage & faith at the helm.

He will be at the helm for 4 more years per the RULE OF LAW.

Pray for President, our country & ALL.


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Johanna Hopkins
Johanna Hopkins
4 years ago


4 years ago

It’s looking like Mr. Wood needs a LONG rest in a rubber room…..

Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
4 years ago
Reply to  Dan

ever since he claimed epstein was alive I have thought the same or he is one of them

R. Shooter
4 years ago

Bla Bla Bla.

4 years ago

I’ll believe it when I see it. Been fooled too many times.

Fred Parsons
Fred Parsons
4 years ago

Team Trump is operating under the Rule of Constitutional Law. Bidenswine is trying to foist the communist rule of law on us.

4 years ago

Looks like Gab is down 1/10/21 10:35 AM , WRSA and Flammenwerfer

4 years ago
Reply to  NightBreaker

Gab is intermittent. Page loaded once for me, but that was all. Yesterday Torba said there’s a massive influx of newbs. That was *before* parler is getting shut down. The hamsters are running as fast as they can. I’ll check intermittently, but otherwise will avoid putting extra load on the poor hamsters.

4 years ago

Be stoic. Read Marcus Aurelius’ “Meditations” and Epictetus’ “Enchiridion.” Both books are slim and composed of (mostly) brief fragments, excerpts, and quotes. Easy to pick up and set down. Good by the bedstand. Admiral James Stockdale picked up his philosophy for surviving in captivity in North Vietnam from his readings of the stoic philosophers of antiquity.

Also, get outside and away from all the noise on the net. Dogs still need to be walked and they don’t care much for what’s going on in Washington, DC.

E M Johnson
E M Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  billrla

8 dogs, walks in morning before sunrise and walks in afternoon following work. news and social bs down bout 85% reading non poli books instead. less stress that way

Myamoto Musashi
Myamoto Musashi
4 years ago
Reply to  billrla

It is a good time to carefully read or reread Sun Tzu Wu’s thoughts on all of this.
‘All war is deception”

4 years ago

Your a good man,

like above, I’m tired of the blog daddies institutional bullshit. You do your viewership a disservice when you continue to propagandize the propaganda. Your getting used, by the left. We know theve got it,Dicked, when the left have our blog daddies spewing their horses shit.

By continuing to use the tools, the vocabulary of the left, you eventually become the left. ” We’re their Brother”

Sadly I see our side has achieved THEIR goals.

I’m not saying this out of hate, but in an attempt to open you good guys eyes. Guess what. The absolute best thing that could happen at this point is, in fact shutting down the continuing shit show.

I know their is a better way out their, we’ve been so busy using the easy tools, ” the tools of the left, out of convience” we’ve stopped trying to even put our fingers in the dike.

I’m tired of being angry all the time. End of the day, not a dam thing has changed on my mountain, nada!

Onward, upward brother.


Fred sieber
Fred sieber
4 years ago

My wife’s IPad had an update this morning first thing. Don’t know what changes were made as yet. I’m kind of a dinosaur.

4 years ago

I have a few MacBooks and iPads. I checked and all but one of them show software updates in the hopper. I turned off automatic updates on all of them. The older 2012 MacBook is too old for the latest and greatest operating system and it shows no update pending. Turned off auto updates anyway. Maybe I should pull out the Linux machine and get it going again, if there’s still anything left to connect to.

Michael Seden
4 years ago

I just checked my phone and it will not allow me to enable Presidential Alerts or Severe Threats on my Android.

4 years ago

Trump is gone; we are not. He only pointed the hesitant in the right direction. It is up to us to continue. Phrases to remember: center of gravity, infrastructure, logistics. It is time.