If you are a regular follower of this site, you have noticed that the site’s content has not been as “profuse” as in the past. The reason for this is simple: the time for sitting on our collective asses is over. Sorry to be so blunt but the war is upon us as Communists have taken control of the government, court system and social media/media outlets. Reading and writing is not an effective strategy to winning back our freedom. Operational security, training, preparing, community organizing and removing ourselves from a fiat based currency are our main concerns.
We will continue to provide content but we would rather that you spend time doing something to fight this evil government.
David DeGerolamo
Agreed. My wife and I were talking earlier that we are in fact at war, a war where it is only going to take one side or the other to turn it into a shooting one. Sad times. Times to prepare and teach. Thank you for your help.
Thank you for the update, I joined team America some months back @JeffreyPrather.com. They have nation wide teams you can hook-up with. Time to get busy.
Prather site has malicious software warning attached.
I have not seen this warning, I listen to his podcasts Tuesday and Thursday.
David -- -- Many thanks for the insights and wisdom over the past few years.
May the Good Lord Bless You and Yours….. sic sempter tyrannus. !!
You’re welcome.
Good move. Most Americans don’t realize we are painted into a corner. The time for talk is over.
Hardest part is finding trustworthy like minded people that are not attached to one of the alphabet agencies.
Good call, and thank you for the interesting, thought provoking content. NC R. has been eye-opening, and all the great posts have helped me not feel so alone in my patriotism and grief the last crazy mind-blowing year and a half.
Blessings to all, be safe, keep the faith, which is our true strength, and no matter what happens, we win!
If you are referring to me, I am EXTREMELY HUMBLED that I was able to offer anything useful to even one person. Anything I add here is nothing compared to the wisdom and vision that David and Wes share.
NC Rob,
At least you seem to know whom the (((enemy))) really are and I appreciate that.
Far too many patriots do not and are sealing our fate by refusing to look into it and accept the evidence. Impossible to win not knowing who’s behind it all.
Most are buying into it being commies & China. Those are proxies of the (((real enemy))). Anyone involved not part of the tribe are sold out and beholden to them.
Get it figured out real fast folks or we’re guaranteed to lose. Stop making the same mistake throughout history.
I don’t know anyone hiding under their bed clutching an AR-15.
The Person I fear is the Lord Jesus Christ, if you don’t have a sword sell your cloak and buy one AKA ar-15
“… the time for sitting on our collective asses is over.”
I am greatly concerned that out of the entirety of the patriot blogosphere, you are part of the .10 of one percent saying this factual truth.
“Operational security, training, preparing, community organizing and removing ourselves from a fiat based currency…”
Regardless that those tasks are certainly not about “sitting on our collective asses,” they are also not actual fighting….certainly not the fighting that’s now required of is. Those necessary tasks were part of the long slog which should have been ongoing for countless years, prior to the moment and dire circumstances we free individuals (of Western culture & civility) now find ourselves.
Thanks for all you do , God bless you and keep all patriots safe and enlightened with the truth . Pray for America and prepare , yes I fear we are being attacked on all fronts , the evil that has taken over are government has our destruction as there intent .
I can’t run or walk MS, but by damn I still have a military eye and can still shoot, and I’m ready !!!!!!!!
Let’s start by stop paying taxes to this lying, chicken shit government that being “lead” by a man who couldn’t organize a two car funeral.
Also, never, ever take the vaccine that has already been outrun and rendered ineffective by the variants. Not that it was effective in the first place. Whatever Biden says do…do the opposite.
Agreed. Our only appeal now is to Heaven our orders are to stand for the truth.
Thank you Wes and David for motivating me to be a better disciple, patriot, husband and father.
There is no way to have a effect with elections or litigation in the courts. It is full court pressure by the globalists. Only thing that can work now is removal by force.
gre 81, You put your finger right on the problem. There are thousands of treasonous politicians and bureaucrats, currently in government, who are enemies of the people and our republic. But it is the billionaire globalists who have bought them all. They call all the shots and are the real power behind the throne. Do I need to name them/ No, they have, in recent years, revealed themselves. That is how confident they now are. They have come out of the shadows.
We must stop hacking at the limbs and sever the ROOTS of The Tree of Evil. Then, the Tree of Evil will die. Cut off the HEAD of the venomous viper and its body will die.
Are there a couple of hundred retired, patriotic, dedicated, special forces soldiers out there who remember the oaths they swore and are willing to take on this task? I pray there is; your country and your fellow citizens desperately need you. God be with us.
I agree for the most part but not only do we need to remove the roots but we need to hack the whole tree up (the limbs, small branches, twigs, leaves, seeds) and burn ALL of it. Any part that is left will just grow a new tree sometime in the near future.
If we could get the good men and women who blindly follow trump and falsely believe that he offers hope and is their savior, to wake up, then we could have quite a strong army of white Christian men to stand with. There is a reason that trump doesn’t fade into oblivion, where he belongs. He has been instructed to “provide hope”, by his masters, so his followers will not take the steps that are necessary and will continue to believe in taking freedom back at the ballot box. And -- Thank you DRenegade!
please check out & pass around this book,
there are things we can do now,
without risking our lives (yet).
(don’t be fooled by the title, there are some revolutionary ideas inside!)
thank you David & Wes & whoever else has contributed to this effort
good luck
If anyone is in the New Hanover County or Wilmington area, a group formed about three weeks ago. It grew in two days over 500 patriots. Work done was already picked up by national alt media. If your in the Wilmington area please join.
This was uncovered already, and picked up by The Blaze.
Doctor in leaked video says hospital’s COVID-19 messaging should be ‘more scary for the public’: ‘You don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re gonna die’
With anything.
Excerpts taken from: Remarks delivered to the Ron Paul Institute Student Seminar, September 3, 2021 http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2021/september/16/it-s-later-than-you-think/
“…In sum, what could not be implemented over decades solely by fear of climate change and “rising oceans” is now being swiftly achieved via fear of a submicroscopic infectious agent. No one should doubt that the old, pre-2020 world is forever gone.
This brave new world, my young friends, is your world. This is not something that is going to get fixed by the next election, or any election, by a new political party or movement, or by a convention of the states to write new Constitutional language for our Executive, Legislative, and Judicial authorities to ignore or pervert like they do the current language...
…Not only are we more divided than at any time since 1861-1865, we are even more aliens, indeed enemies, to one another than were Northerners and Southerners back then in terms of fundamental questions of who we are, what man is, Who God is, and how we should order our lives and our country. In 1861 they worshipped the same God, read the same Bible, honored the same Founding Fathers, claimed fidelity to the same Constitution. In today’s America, like in the rest of the Woke Woke West, we can’t even agree on our pronouns…
In the end, my young friends, the impact any one of us can expect to have in the face of world-historic trends before which the fates of nations and empires fly like leaves in the autumn winds is vanishingly small. Already baked into the cake will be, I believe, hardships for you that we’ve become accustomed to think only happen to “other people” in “other countries” far away, not seen here since the Revolution and the Civil War, or maybe in isolated instances during the Great Depression:…
Nevertheless, for what it is worth, I put before you three practical tasks for your consideration.
Firstly, be vigilant against deception, in a day when assuredly evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. Admittedly, this is a tough one, given the ever-present lying that surrounds us and the suppression of dissent. Try to sift truth from falsehood but don’t become obsessed because, in many cases, you won’t be able to be sure anyway. Focus most on what’s proximate to you and on the people most important to you. It sounds terrible, I know, because everyone who’s denoted as an “expert” or an “authority” isn’t necessarily unreliable, but that’s a good starting assumption. Be skeptical – about everyone. In communist countries, this was the norm: listen to what the establishment media say, to foreign sources if you can access them, and to anti-establishment dissidents (then it was samizdat, now it’s internet “conspiracy theorists” – but don’t get sucked in by Trojan Horses like the infamous Q.): then triangulate and take your best guess. There may be a cost. As Solzhenitsyn said, “He who chooses the lie as his principle inevitably chooses violence as his method.”
Secondly, as stewards of every worldly charge placed on us by God and by other people—as fathers and mothers, as husbands and wives, as sons and daughters, as neighbors, as students, as workers, as citizens, as patriots—we must prudently care for those to whom we have a duty within the limited power and wisdom allotted to us. Start with yourselves. Be as self-sufficient as possible. Get involved in your community; that leftist slogan is actually a good one: think globally, act locally. Befriend your neighbors. Learn a real skill – electricity, plumbing, carpentry. Farm! DON’T go to law school, for goodness’ sake. Get in shape. Eat and sleep right. Have plenty of the essentials: food, fuel, gold, ammunition. Learn to shoot. Limit computer and phone time. Cultivate healthy personal relationships – real ones, not virtual ones. Marry young, have kids – especially women, don’t get seduced by all that “career” nonsense. Read old books. Cultivate virtue. Go to church.
Simply being what used to be considered normal and leading a productive life is becoming the most revolutionary act one can perform. With that in mind, find the strength to be revolutionaries indeed!
You’ve seen the meme: Hard times create strong men; Strong men create good times; Good times create weak men; Weak men create hard times. Well, take it from the weakling generation that brought them to you: the hard times, they is a-coming. But they won’t last forever. If you live through them – and some of you will not – we’ll see what possibilities, as of now literally unimaginable, might then exist. But you will need to be personally fit to take advantage of them. You will also need to be part of some kind of sustainable community of likeminded people.
Third, for those of you who are believers, particularly Christians, we must pray without ceasing, firm in faith that, through whatever hardships may lie ahead, even the very hairs of our head are all numbered, and the final triumph of Truth is never in doubt.
Thank you, and good luck. You’re going to need it.”