Purebloods vs. Tainted

I want to state that I do not believe any information from the government. I do not have to remind us how the Old Republic was overthrown by dividing people. The dividing classifications were so successful that they even invented new ones trying to redefine gender and personal identification.

But our side is also guilty of division. We classified people as Pureblood or Tainted. To what end? Looking at the above numbers of people who have submitted to gene therapy is the most discouraging thing that I have seen in my lifetime.

I ask myself how could this have happened:

  1. Why would parents vaccinate their children when twice as many would die from its side effects than would die from Covid-19?
  2. Why would people take a vaccine that would generate spike proteins that are known to be toxic?
  3. Why did people take a vaccine which was rushed out as an Emergency Use Authorization?
  4. Why did people submit to mandates based on vaccination status?
  5. Why did people trust their government and medical community?
  6. Why did people wear masks that were ineffective?
  7. Why ….?

I used the term vaccine in the above questions but we must understand that the mRNA treatment is gene therapy, not a vaccine. The answers to the above questions were initially based on trust in President Trump and the medical community. Based on the “information” as it was “presented” to the world, it appeared that a deadly pandemic with a high R0 value and no cure was our future. We understand today that the same institutions that we trusted initially were wrong. Whether they were complicit or misled by their advisors does not matter: we are now here and must deal with a population of vaccinated/boostered people that represent the majority.

Life insurance payouts for deaths are much higher since the release of the vaccine. Is this the die off that was the point of the bioengineered virus? Regardless of the answer, the real question is how people are going to move forward. Based on comments here and other sites, some people are comfortable ridiculing and watching these people die because of their decision(s).

These people made a bad decision which will cause an early death, debilitating side effects and the scorn of some people. But these people are still friends, family and an integral part of the country. Are we going to make a classification based on vaccination status to divide and weaken us like the traitors who destroyed the Republic? If we do, we will lose the war for freedom, our honor and our nation’s soul.

I know that many readers here have faith in God. I know that many do not. Based on my molecular biology/bioinformatics background, I have no doubt that we were created by a Divine God. What would Jesus do in this case? Would he give table scraps to a dog? Would he heal some or all of our people? That is a question for God to answer. I can only answer for my own actions.

I was and still am surprised at how complicit the medical community was in this pogrom. While I never considered taking an experimental gene therapy (and never would), I have to show compassion to the people who were misled by their faith in the state, doctors and their fear. But I see no point in using this classification to divide people. I am sorry for what is happening to many of the vaccinated but I can no more turn my back on them than I could for any other good soul.

I cannot forgive them because there is nothing for me to forgive. They are responsible for their actions and decisions. All of us are responsible to treat everyone equally:

all men are created equal | All Men Are Created Equal ...

Although our government does not recognize our founding documents, this does not preclude us from acting with sacred Honor.

Thomas Jefferson quote: And for the support of this ...

As I said before, we are now here. How we act now is how we will be judged later.

David DeGerolamo

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a follower
a follower
3 years ago

“I cannot forgive them because there is nothing for me to forgive. They are responsible for their actions and decisions. All of us are responsible to treat everyone equally:”
Excellent way to phrase it.

3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Except you do know that these are self spreading injections, right? That these people who took the jabs are transmitting the bioweapon to everyone they come in contact with? Is that ok with you? Do you think you may want to take some precautions to distance yourself from them? I know for a fact that when I am in a room full of jabbed people, I feel sick the next day and have to do a major detox. Lots of Vitamin D too.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

Looking through many of the comments.
Should we believe anything Pfizer is releasing? Bio weapons etc.
Should we live in fear of it, of them?
Regardless People who lived and worked the Plagues, Spanish flu etc. What did family and doctors do? Did they run and hide from their friends and family? i am sure some did, but many acted with honor and bravery.
Are we to fear what man and mankind can do too us?
Remember those biblical warnings of family turning upon family?
Are we offered His seal of protection? What does His seal of protection protect us from?
If it is our time it is our time, prepare well.
Good to see your comments and thoughtful replies to this article.

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

I agree with your conclusion. I must question those stats, given the source. 75% have really had at least one shot? That seems awfully high to me. That doesn’t help any of those fooled into taking the kill shot but this seems quite high given these are the same people who include anyone who died for any reason as a covid death.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bob

More government bullshit numbers. I work at a hospital. About 47% are jabbed. I am lucky to work at a place that accepts exemptions. I would NEVER consent to this genocide. I KNOW what is in the jabs. The information has been published widely by good doctors, nurses, and lab personnel. Even the slides and videos done under the microscope are now available to anyone who wants to know the truth. As for me I take my duty to warn very seriously. And to do no harm. I have been shouting from the rooftops since this whole scam started.

3 years ago

In hospitals and doctors’ offices here in NC it is the UN-Vaxed that are still the pariahs, being required to take extra precautions like wearing masks. The ‘officials’ seem to be deaf and blind to the myriad studies showing that such ‘preventive steps’ are of any use at all. If anything, the VAXED should, for OUR protection, be sequestered as long as they are shedding the spike protein, which has been reported to last an average of three months post each injection.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Nor here in Statesville. The vast majority don’t wear them (but you do see some in Mooresville but that is a northern liberal shithole now).

Hammers Thor
3 years ago
Reply to  fleurdee

This has been a major concern for my family. Everyone in my household has one or more severe risks from this man-made disease, including a medically compromised son and an elderly mother, which makes us vulnerable to severe illness while the vast majority get through it without issue. For this reason we have continued to quarantine ourselves. We will do so until the disease is nearly gone, or doctors and hospitals reverse course, stop murdering people with remdesivir and ventilators, and starving them to death, and offer what they are supposed to offer, which is treatment that works. This includes therapies that are proven to help people survive.

At this point I will take no risks that any of us could end up in the hospital. This includes seeing the doctor, although since we have quarantined ourselves none of us has gotten sick from anything… almost two years now. We’ll see how it goes. We’re very grateful that most people are finally starting to be able to get their lives back.

Arizona Sentinel
Arizona Sentinel
3 years ago

Forgive? I don’t think so. People in need of life saving operations such as organ transplants are denied them.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

They were denied by the medical mafia. Who have probably taken the jab. What did you mean by “people taking the vaccine”? Just curious.

3 years ago

This is just beyond sickening. It truly is a spiritual war. Don’t let the demons proceed.

Arizona Sentinel
Arizona Sentinel
3 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

Lucy, the government as such does not have my allegiance, why should it?

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

It has always been a Spiritual war, its just ramping up at the end of this age of Grace, as Jesus WILL becoming back soon, and I know all these kids and babies they are sticking with this poison, so I’m thinking our Lord Jesus will be coming very soon, yet all kids and babies under 11 years old are already covered under the Jewish laws of accountability, God honors and keeps his word, yet I know he is getting pissed at these Nazis sticking the little kids and babies.It won’t be long now and all born again believers will be out of here, including all kids under 12 years old. We are the last Generation to see the coming of the Lord Jesus ! Then real judgement comes on earth, for 7 years. If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior you still have a chance, receive him to night ! as Jesus can come any time now, and WILL 🙂

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

This has been planned from the early 2000s, they just needed a virus that would spread easily, they already had the kill shot ready and waiting. This as has been stated is not a vaccine, it is designed for mass genocide nothing else. Paid assassins is the correct language to use in my opinion, they all have the same information available, including every politician, federal, state and local. What do you propose should be done when someone wants and is trying to kill you? Pitiful response by a dumbed down apathetic hedonistic populace, go back to sleep.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

People weren’t misled. They stupidly rushed to get it. They deserve what they get. I can understand the elderly or maybe the “slower” groups but the sheep stampeded into everywhere demanding shots.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Very true but I still feel sorry for them even if they are stupid. Jesus said Forgive Them Father For They Know Not What They Do. My daughter was in medical school when the mandates came out. She is completely brainwashed by her teachers and believes the entire scam wholeheartedly. She and her boyfriend are on their boosters now. I am heartbroken. The AI in those jabs will contribute to mind control and I bet they will turn me in to the goons in the end. I have prepared for that in my soul. Jesus warned of this in the Bible for the last days.

Central FL
Central FL
3 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

Lucy, you have lots of wisdom and compassion, God Bless you for that. I will pray for you and your family.

Last edited 3 years ago by Central FL
Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

Just pray and ask the Lord to forgive them for there deceptions, and do ask your daughter to receive Jesus as Savior, and her boyfriend also !

Hammers Thor
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

That is a blanket statement and it’s inaccurate. It’s not one or the other… BOTH are true. Many were misled, and many rushed to get it without doing their research. Additionally, many were compelled by employers to take it or lose their jobs. Obviously I believe that was a bad choice… lose your job, or risk blod clots, strokes and death. No brainer, but many cannot think that far.

You, and everyone else here knows that critical thinking skills have not been taught in schools in a very long time, and the vast majority of those who have taken the experimental gene therapy injection intended only to protect themselves and their families. Many of these same people now understand what they have done, and are part of the protests against the jabs.

Not everyone “deserves” what they get. The government, which is evil and devious, has done a good job (obviously) of convincing those who are not necessarily like us (educated, prepared, skeptical) that they needed this vile thing. As David says, they are still our family, our friends, our neighbors. I will certainly not shun them unless they shun me first for not submitting to tyranny.

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

That’s why our weapon is Prayer, and the believers ARE waking up, and many patriots are to because the also love freedom as we all do. and some will read of what is and has been going on in this last Generation read 2 Tim 3:13 and 2 Thess 2:11,12 these are the times NOW ! Covid is the great deception being used to usher is there New World Order, so they think !

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Exactly Rob.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

They SHOULD blame the medical mafia, the MSM mafia, and the government mafia. But since their bodies and brains have been severely damaged by the jabs, and they are probably already hooked up through the nanotech to AI, they no longer control their minds. This is what Jesus was referring to in the Bible when he said family and friends will turn against you in the end times. And to trust Him instead, and that we will have to choose Him over family and friends. He was telling the truth. Always.

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

That is true, “It is as the times of Noah, where all the blood was polluted by the Nephilim, and Noah and family were the only pure human blood people left on earth. to learn about them go to youtube and look up Trey Smith, and his video on the” Nephilim true story”, and proves it !

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

They are Bill Gates, Schaub, Fauci and the rest of the pyscopaths, to many to list.

Last edited 3 years ago by tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Yes. It first got a lot of attention in 2001 with the publication of Dark Winter. Also Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. This is all publicly available as far as I know. They are not hiding anything from intelligent people who do their research. Most people are not very intelligent (sadly). They don’t even know about Agenda 21 or 2030.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

Shedding is real. Forgiveness is easy. Getting better and maintaining your health after being in contact with the Vax’x ones may not be so easy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Barbara Noelle

I feel sick every time I am around jabbed people. I have to take huge doses of Vitamin D and lots of antioxidants and vitamins of every kind for two days following exposure. Yes shedding IS REAL. It is in Pfizer’s research papers. Anyone can look it up, if they haven’t pulled it off the internet yet.

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

Quercetin is one of the best take it with Zinc the 2 work together to help protect and build a strong immune system.Don’t forget about Vitamin-C also.Prayers aslo is the best thing, God Bless 🙂

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

But these people are still friends, family and an integral part of the country. Are we going to make a classification based on vaccination status to divide and weaken us like the traitors who destroyed the Republic? If we do, we will lose the war for freedom, our honor and our nation’s soul.
Why would we “take revenge” against vaxxed sheep? They are already fucked. I don’t hold it against them, it was their stupidity…they dug their own grave.
Now the medical/pharmaceutical/politlcal piles of shit…they deserve what they get…however kinetic that may end up.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I have not heard anyone talk about revenge on the vaxed, Lucy stated the vaxed are shedding the virus, I have also looked at numerous studies stating this. I will not associate if it can be helped with someone who is going to infect me period, call it what you will, why mince words.

3 years ago

David, your perspective is spot on. I don’t harbor ill will towards the vaxxed. I’ve made tough sacrifices and followed my instincts and principles. Everything of value comes from doing hard things. Going with the flow and following the herd is easy.


3 years ago

It’s unfortunate people have vaxxed/libshit neighbors and family members. Unlike them I’ll not accommodate their shitty treatment of “me and mine.” I’m not the one who called them “sheep” or disallowed their visitations after vaxxination (although I did consider it). And yes, there is much to forgive. Forgiveness is mine, sayeth me, and unlike cuckolds, my standards are high.

In my neighborhood and at work, the overwhelming majority of vaxxed sheep are solidly on board with the regime and its ever-changing Covid dictates. They would gladly see my children and grandchildren rummaging through dumpsters behind MacDonald’s for their next meal or “hurry up and die already!” To be fair, two vaxxed individuals at work have expressed “sympathy” with the unvaxxinated, but couldn’t be troubled to sign a petition (too dangerous). These two fellow boomer pussies think reading Epoch Times and verbally expressing “sympathy” is helpful.

Libshits are never your friends -- not now, not 58+ years ago when I was a kid handing out cans of “Goldwater” on Century and Crenshaw Blvds in Inglewood. Anybody who says otherwise is disseminating propaganda for public consumption or has never been on the street, in the trenches, arrested for exercising his so-called “freedom” of speech and assembly, or had to find the money and time to purchase the services of “sympathetic” libshit lawyers (assuming they could be found).

All men are NOT created equal. To believe otherwise indicates stupidity or severe brainwashing. Unfortunately equality, which doesn’t exist, is a sign “proudly” worn on the backs of ‘Murican blightwingers everywhere. The sign tells their enemies, “I’m a moron, kick me moar harderer!” And believe me, the libshits delight in kicking harder. That includes libshit family members (unless there is social/financial incentive for them to behave better). Libshits use “equality” as a rhetorical device. Unlike blightwingers, they are not so foolish or stupid as to actually believe in it.

The fictions we believe are partly why we are in this position.

Last edited 3 years ago by Oldtradesman
3 years ago

This may be a time of healthy separation (and of necessity), situationally. For instance, non-covid-19 gene therapy-injected women wanting to get pregnant and use only sperm from men who did not get these shots. Also, should injected persons be more susceptible to the next serious illness or plague, people may voluntarily separate, i.e., reports of children getting covid-19 after being around an injected parent. With the boosters being so prevalent and numerous, how generous with regards to exposure should non-‘vaccinated’ individuals be?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

I look at as I look at other things in life. They made a choice like the drug users has. They need to live with what they have done. I will not pay for their medical expenses. They partook in a medical experiment. If they are not shedding, then I have no issue at all with them. If they are shedding, then there is a real threat and they should be looked at as someone with say smallpox. We all sit down to a banquet of the consequences of our actions. It may sound harsh, but it is true.

No the religious part. I do believe we need love one another as much as possible. But we also are to look at the saved differently than the unsaved. In the Bible where it says brother, it does not mean the unsaved. To be clear, I have a hurt in my heart for all unsaved people and I really do wish they would come to know Christ (if you question let me know, I will give you an example of how much I do care). But they also make their own choice and will kneel before Jesus and give an account of theirs (like the saved). If the shot is the Mark of the Beast (they described it as so), then there is not hope for them, they will burn in Hell. I personally am not sure exactly how to think about them in that aspect. But they are marked as Satan’s and will act in his behalf. So keep that in mind.

As to what Jesus would do. Jesus walked away from people and groups of people. The Bible is clear on those that are turned over to a reprobate mind. It is also clear on what happens to all that receive the Mark. In those cases Jesus will judged them and the Bible states they will burn in Hell.

He gave the scraps because the woman was accepted who He was. She believed in him (“O woman, great is thy faith”) and as all that do, was rewarded. Nowhere did Jesus ever reward an evil deed.

As far as it did not matter if people knew they did wrong. Yes it does matter. We are talking about murder at best and the eternal damnation of souls at worst. They have committed crimes worthy of death according to the Bible. Most of those that took the shot have supported murders. This cannot go unpunished. If it does we are no better off than when we started this mess.

Sometimes we just have to look at people and say you made your bed live with it. That is what all those that took part in a medical experiment should be told. Remember a lot of these people where and still are looking for our heads because would not partake in their folly. Call me cold or whatever you want. But propping up people’s bad mistakes get us partly where we are today. Back to the religious part. There will be no excuses on judgement day. So I guess Jesus will take no excuses.

Last edited 3 years ago by Thomas Angle
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Most of those that took the shot have supported murders.”
Could you explain?
The woman in the video above. If this is indeed the mark of the beast , why would she be warning others? Does she appear to have a reprobate mind?
And yes i do see that this is a precursor or has elements of this mark.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

Most that get the shot push the shot on others. That is supporting the shot. Most that get the shot follow all the other criminal acts that government passes. That is support, since they government is a murderer.

Judas was remorseful, was he saved? I did not hear the woman confess Jesus as Lord, so she could be.

If it is the Mark, she will burn in Hell. The Bibles is very clear about that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

“Most that get the shot push the shot on others. That is supporting the shot.”

That is absolutely correct.

Almost everything comes down to local, local, local. These regime minions provided the all important social pressure at home, at work, and in the neighborhood that induced so many weak-minded individuals to take the jab. They were the first to flag our anti-vaxx comments on Fakebook, Youtube, and elsewhere. “Friends,” we called them, and “Family.” To hell with them!

It matters not a bit that a small minority have come to regret their decision. Even now, when I hear some express a small amount of skepticism re; the death jab, it’s always accompanied by a double down defense excusing their original decision to be jabbed. No amount of facts will turn them on this matter. Why? Because it takes a very special type of person to admit error, especially on such a momentous topic. These sonsofbitches helped enable regime goals by harming people. And every one of them want us to uncritically excuse, believe their bullshit post-hoc justifications for doing so.

Fuck them.

Forgiveness? Forgiveness is mine, sayeth me, and unlike political and religious cuckolds my standards are high.

Last edited 3 years ago by Oldtradesman
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  Oldtradesman

My step father was recommended the jab by my fine veteran brothers (who also took an oath) at the veteran administration.
You say “Fuck them.”
“Forgiveness? Forgiveness is mine, sayeth me, and unlike political and religious cuckolds my standards are high.”
You are another one who quite clearly thinks of himself as a god.

3 years ago

Better to think myself a god than be a cuck.

Last edited 3 years ago by Oldtradesman
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

From her video i got the impression she was not pushing the shot.
Is she still alive and able to repent?
perhaps we could offer up some prayers for her and the many others while we are in our prayer closets?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

I pray for all kinds of people. I pick up hick hikers just to ask them if they know Jesus. I walked in to a homo camp alone with gifts to try to get get them to talk about Jesus. Then there was the drag queen at the library thing. So maybe we need to get out and proclaim the Gospel more than hide in our fear closet? I mean all of us, including myself. We all do not do nearly as much as we should. This is the problem.

3 years ago

A former boss at Vodafone talks about 5 G and the virus. It’s imbedded in The Perfect Storm Radio Show on RBN that aired on 2/7/2022. I think around the 20 minute mark if you want to fast forward. https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org

3 years ago

“for any other good soul”

consider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE0JbX8bhqQ

Father Savvas Agioritis: What is to Come for Those Who are Inoculated

this is not just a physical harm people have chosen for themselves!

don’t expect them to be the same as you or me.

help as much as is accepted, but be wary.

Last edited 3 years ago by Anon
Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
3 years ago

Deservedness is judgement. I’ll leave judgement to God.
I seek to slay the dangerous, not the innocent. If the innocent become dangerous then they are not innocent.
To all who mis-read and stumble at The Word of God, I say, I want to be left behind.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Hanna

i agree,
It is an honor to be ‘left behind’ and serve Him for as long as He deems this fruitful.