RAW: Pastor Artur Pawlowski speaks after release from jail

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

No different than china or cuba, that is what communists do.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

These men are already Christian martyrs. I can’t imagine any of our current, high level pastors rising to take on this fight. The Catholic bishops? No, they are funding Antifa through their Catholic Charities. The Southern Baptist Convention pastors. No, they are ‘woke social justice warriors” now. The United Methodists? No, they are completely ambiguous believing we are all good in God’s eyes once we enter the church and worship together regardless of the sins we bring with us. The evangelicals? No, they are so fractured that each church is an entity unto itself. So, here we have Canadian, not US, pastors who are not only being martyred but putting it out for us all to see. Praise God for them. Praise God for Ezra Levant & Rebel News. Could Artur and his men be our end time witness prototypes? How will we receive that?
I am praying deliverance prayers and fasting for them today. I am praising God for them. When I get some $ I will send it to them. I will write them letters of encouragement. Here I am, Lord
A serious thought: Christians are meant to slay evil where they find it. Evil is always cowardice and always succumbs to Godly certitude.

3 years ago

This is not a question of what will happen because the communist take over is complete. All of the brutal power freaks are in full control. This is not a ballot box issue any longer. This is now force on force actions. We are witnessing thugs who have murder in their hearts. They are not messing around. This is the hill to die on!

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago

In the words of SC Justice Louis Brandeis; “Our government teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.” “If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable”.
You saw how the cops made a show of the arrest. It was over the top. Theater. For a couple of pastors? It was to intimidate others into submission. Doesn’t work that way.
When this goes kinetic there will be Patriots specifically looking for bullies masquerading as LE.

Praise God for the courage of these pastors.

3 years ago

God bless you, Pastor. Thank you for your faith, strength, and conviction in Christ -- I pray many more pastors join in this fight as it’s not just Canada.

3 years ago

THE PATRIOT NURSE NAILED IT WEEKS AGO..like she said ,the HERO’S OF AMERICA WILL BE COMING,.”RED FLAG LAWS AND CATTLE CARS”,I was just doing my job,same thing the devils in the NUREMBURG WAR CRIME TRIALS SAID..now the NAZI’S are everywhere in america to,I don’t think we’ll have to worry about seeing any of them in heaven…BUT THEY SURE WILL KILL A LOT OF BUTT LICKERS before the people wake up and realize they aren’t anyones heros…except maybe SATAN…