Bring it. We are Americans. Our predecessors crossed a frozen lake on christmas eve night to slaughter the world’s most feared military with their potato farming mercenaries.
They love pain for us, our kids. So if they come at us, we will give them what they want for us.
3 years ago
Getting tired of seeing these idle threats. The day I have to show proof of a passport. “Common man” if the American people was really fed, up this would have stopped over a year ago. We are divided! Unfortunately that is the ole communist play book divide and conquer.
3 years ago
Today, the AP has floated this:
“Still, while more severe [coronavirus] measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed. The administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment.”
So here it comes — health insurance and interstate travel.
We are at war. Ready on the right?
3 years ago
That day has arrived… fact it arrived quite a while ago.
100% agree with you. Back in 1776, there was a leader, and we have no leader today. No one to organize and stop this push toward communism. They will establish a passport…then what do we do? They will stop interstate travel without one…and again, what then? Right now I am facing the end of my career as a healthcare worker in Maine because I won’t take the jab. We did organize and protested in Portland (Maine) yesterday, but they don’t care. Nothing will change and thousands of us will be out of work, with patients suffering because of this mandate. We are told to fight at the local level. I believe we are doing as much as we can, but their machine has gotten too powerful to be stopped by a handful of people protesting.
We had 56 leaders sign the Declaration of Independence. While some later recanted, the majority paid a heavy price for their “treason”. We will never have one leader stand up to restore Liberty. We need another score of refounding fathers to take the lead.
Arch Stanton
3 years ago
Time organize the American equivalent of the Vietcong.
Time to burn it down.
All the signs point to this and FEMA camps. You would have to be blind not to see it
Check Mike Adams report on FEMA camps and Tenn governor going even further
Bring it. We are Americans. Our predecessors crossed a frozen lake on christmas eve night to slaughter the world’s most feared military with their potato farming mercenaries.
They love pain for us, our kids. So if they come at us, we will give them what they want for us.
Getting tired of seeing these idle threats. The day I have to show proof of a passport. “Common man” if the American people was really fed, up this would have stopped over a year ago. We are divided! Unfortunately that is the ole communist play book divide and conquer.
Today, the AP has floated this:
“Still, while more severe [coronavirus] measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed. The administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment.”
So here it comes — health insurance and interstate travel.
We are at war. Ready on the right?
That day has arrived… fact it arrived quite a while ago.
100% agree with you. Back in 1776, there was a leader, and we have no leader today. No one to organize and stop this push toward communism. They will establish a passport…then what do we do? They will stop interstate travel without one…and again, what then? Right now I am facing the end of my career as a healthcare worker in Maine because I won’t take the jab. We did organize and protested in Portland (Maine) yesterday, but they don’t care. Nothing will change and thousands of us will be out of work, with patients suffering because of this mandate. We are told to fight at the local level. I believe we are doing as much as we can, but their machine has gotten too powerful to be stopped by a handful of people protesting.
We had 56 leaders sign the Declaration of Independence. While some later recanted, the majority paid a heavy price for their “treason”. We will never have one leader stand up to restore Liberty. We need another score of refounding fathers to take the lead.
Time organize the American equivalent of the Vietcong.