
Nothing to add except I share his opinion.

h/t Western Rifle Shooters

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Yea, agree Malachi it is funny what people can get used to.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Pretty well covers it.

2 years ago

He won’t say it, but I will. Each and every treasonous dog in the political arena and the entire bureaucracy must be hanged as well as every constituent who supported and voted for these Marxist communist dogs . So the only answer to the comment is civil strife.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

C’mon Bill. They don’t fight fair. When TX talked secession, they got a shocking freeze. Water pipes exploded. Any uprising will result in weather warfare. We fund the weapons they use against us. Starvation is a time tested weapon that is now on the table for these masters of mayhem.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

So…you’re saying we shouldn’t do anything? Please clarify, Stan.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

I’m all ears. What would you like me do? I’ll follow your lead. Ignoring reality doesn’t keep reality from happening.
In the meantime, I’m writing. I’ve had letters to the editors of 4 TN newspapers published since moving here in 2015. I’ve had numerous postings on “Nextdoor.” My weapon of choice is the keyboard.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Cool man. Maybe you should create some memes and really browbeat the fascists into submission!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

All I want to do is help people wake up. I was asleep in the past and someone helped me. I’m proud to stand with you in this fight for freedom and against tyranny.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

No, Stand is suggesting the US political right STOP fighting fairly.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Do not believe much in Harp. Do not believe nor fear anything man can or says he can do. Rumors.
These weather extremes are because of our Creators design, they are not of man!
Signs from above that man is trying to get credit for!
Also: Starvation is also something we are warned of. Starvation of the Truth primarily, and also starvation of food etc.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

I recommend with Dane Wigington.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

sounds like you have given up Stan …. Too bad you fail to realize that they have a tall order to kill all 100 million of us the system they propose is based on lies and must be enacted by force no one is going to want to be a slave. Guess we should single file into the camps eh Stan? IF we resist and yes this means we might get killed but they have no GOD “If God be for us who can be against us?” This is pure evil we are fighting and extreme malice should be used with all the traitors . You only have to go as far as your TV to find the targets of your wrath. We out number them 200 -1 So Stan you go ahead and give up, me I’m gunna fight and if I am certain to lose then so be it I have had a great life God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams and he will keep me till he sees fit. but as I go into the next life I hope before I die I can kill me some commies again …just a few.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

I am with you Bubba1, till every last one is wearing a dirt shirt.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

hey az compatriot, i was at a range in az and overheard the range masters talking amongst themselves to keep an eye out for CHINESE.
I saw a chinaman at the long distance range a while back. He had a semi-auto 6.5CM tool. Hewas no chinsee-american. This man was full blown gook.
I open carry at the asian store. They hate it. I just want to advertise to the chinks not all american men are woke faggots.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Yea the current governor doucey is a CCP sympathizer. We now have an illegally elected communist as governor.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

“It is infinitly easier to kill a million people than control a million. Zigibiew Bredzinski [or close to that name!]

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

I’m very involved in the fight for freedom and against tyranny. See comment above.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

The Roman empire thought the same thing and look what happened to them, they were invaded by Germanic barbarian tribes and sacked Rome. even with all their modern armaments of war for that time it did not help them. Hi tech weapons don’t truly win wars and we can see this in Afghanistan, guerilla tactics win wars and put fear in the hearts of the ones who are trying to murder all of us. If the patriots do not stand up at some point, then prepare yourself to die at the hands of satans army.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

I agree Bill, every last one of them no exceptions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Deep a deep hard look at that person in the mirror…sooner or later we gotta Man Up. Deep down each person here knows what must happen. Our choices are limited….

Lee Vail
Lee Vail
2 years ago

Only violent rebellion can fix the situation but 70% of the population is too cowardly to take that course.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

i bet if they came door to door for the kids to take them to quarantine camps, many parents would be happy to comply!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Normies are being red pilled. Pour gas on the fire!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Well said. This is where i try to reside.

2 years ago

The khommie problem will only be solved the way God commanded the Israelites to solve the Canaanite problem.
The Canaanites worshipped the false gods and demons that are spoken of in the Babylonian Talmud. The Khazars were adherents to the Babylonian religions; due to their murderous, lying, thieving ways, the Russian Tsar(?) of the 9th-ish century told them they must convert to Islam, Christianity or Judaism. The Khazars hopped onto Judaism-with its traditions and false teachings, much of which was rooted in Talmudic teachings,
The khazars and their teachings and traditions begat khommunism, atheism, Darwin and his nonsense, Margaret Sanger and the murder of babies in the name of ethnic cleaning (sacrificing babies to their wicked dieties), multiculturalism (did you know that “adultery” in ancient Hebrew connoted both unfaithfulness to a spouse as well as racial mixing?), homosexuality, transgenderism, and sex-drugs-and rock n’ roll for the purpose of destroying humanity.
And now-here we are-faced with the same problem God presented to the nation of Israel.
Had those Canaanites and their satanic religions been eradicated as God commanded, would we be facing this khommunistic uprising we have face the last 120 years?

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

well, carpe them diems!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

” How do we prevent ” present trends” from “continuing?”
i do not believe we do. We have passed the point of return. We are to navigate through it. Come to grips with this.

2 years ago

Rejoice when these mainline churches are taken down, in which many of the congregants are so stilted, stultified, and dumbed-down (many claim that the arts are evil and no christian has any business being in them, or expending energy towards those pursuits, for instance) and thereby wholly incapable of civic engagement or shaping the circumstances in which they live, as they are largely the culmination of freemasonic doctrine purveyed through its paid agents (the pastors) in entrenching willful ignorance as a tenet of mainstream religion. Also absent is political agitation (which would be viewed as sin for the most part); anything that could give way to momentum in rectifying bad political policies is viewed as something outside of their realm because they posit that’s not the role of the church, but rather show deference towards establishment republican politicians that largely perpetuate failed agendas, albeit with approval from the pulpit, rendering the churches as contained units in many respects, and further are detoured from developing and providing a workable economic and social framework to those within it’s reach, up to and including cultural Christianity. ln providing a counterpart to this, having something socially to replace obsolete churches with that’s edifying and enriching seems as though it would be strategic in organizing political directionality. That’s part of activism, not letting a crisis go to waste.

2 years ago

There is only one solution to this and nobody wants to address it. So I will wait it out until I meet my maker

2 years ago

Well, I could be wrong; but I’m pretty certain chaos will be the order of the day very soon, in which case we will have no alternative but to fight. Unfortunately, we will be fighting everyone but those in control. And, I’m of the belief that we will not prevail. I realize that opinion doesn’t settle well with most folks. But that’s the way I see it. It is impossible to alter prophesy. Man being what he is only paints himself into a corner without windows. So be it. I’m ready.

2 years ago

He forgot to add that they are trying to kill us. “They” being the international power elite in our government and on the world stage. I think they have taken the multifaceted takedown off civilization and society too far at this point for anyone or anything to stop it. Since there is no saving or reforming our nation/civilization/society, then this is their greatest vulnerability and our best hope. By destroying everything that makes the world run, they destroy the core of their power over all of us. Our task should be to stay alive, withdraw our support, approval, and production from everything they control, evade their evil designs for us, resist as required, and contribute to the destruction of this evil any any way we can.
When it all breaks down, the unprepared, the unwilling to adapt, the weak, and the foolish will be sept away. TPTB will be reduced to the same boat as everyone else without their mechanisms of control. When the time comes they and their armies of enablers should be purged from the Earth by fire without mercy.

2 years ago
Reply to  mike

That is how I see it too. Their arrogance will be their weakness.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

They who have the most “support” ($$$) wins!
Sorry this is what i hear when i receive garbage in my mail. Money makes or breaks the winners and looser. Even across state lines.
This is why the Republic failed.
Nikki Haley (

To:you Details
Lon, I won’t sugarcoat it…

This Georgia runoff election is going to be an all-out DAWG FIGHT, and Herschel Walker needs us every step of the way.

Early voting has already begun for the December 6 runoff election, with the fate of the nation hanging in the balance. So much is at stake, and Herschel needs to know that you are on his team and ready to FIGHT for America.


Lon, grassroots supporters like YOU are the backbone of the conservative movement. What you do right now will determine the future of our nation.

Will you sit back and allow the Democrats to push Biden’s disastrous agenda and destroy the America we love? Or will you stand up and FIGHT to win Georgia, flip this Senate seat, and get America BACK on track?

It’s going to take a LOT of resources to make sure Herschel can meet with as many Georgia voters as possible, which is why we’re calling on YOU to step up and bolster his efforts. A small contribution of just $5, $10 or $34 from each person reading this email will add up quickly.

Whatever you give RIGHT NOW will help Team Herschel knock on more doors, make more phone calls, distribute more signs, and put new ads on the air. Every single dollar will be critical in helping Herschel win this race.

We’re counting on you right now, Lon.

My very best,

2 years ago

I got one email for political purposes at my work email address which was unsolicited. I unsubscribed and proceeded to get more Republican emails from “new” addresses. Kari Lake, Herschel Walker and Lauren Boebert were the predominant ones. I am not talking one or two emails but hundreds every day for elections for which I was unable to vote for even if I did vote. Vote moar harder and vote Republican is not the answer to treason from the uniparty.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

…and an out-loud reminder to NEVER donate to the GOP, but donate ONLY directly to candidates (that you perceive to be genuine of course).

2 years ago

I upvoted this post (5 stars). There are many trolls on this site as shown by the poor rating on this post. But that does not change the truth.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Trolls, some.
Many are having a difficult time coming to the Truth.
we have been lied to by so many for so long…..

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Last few winters, some have been forecasting much the same. We will see. i believe we have a few more coming.
Many of us wish to get this show on the road (i am one of them) yet i know the timing is not ours.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

I do not think that there is anything that we can do over the next few months. I am using this time wisely to watch, train and prep. I am also using this time to temper my soul according to the Word.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

That is because I fear the Lord.

yes. it is time.
yes. it is time.
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I love your site, d on’t wish to be offensive here. But i will offer my experience and if you are offended please see and accept this opportunity for forgiveness.
Power does not oppose. You cannot be fearful and strong because you cannot feel fear and not feel weak. If what God creates is perfect, then what part of you CAN experience fear? Not the Eternal part. So ‘satan’ speaks through you and offers the temptation of fear TO God’s Creation, and so I reject your fear of God.

2 years ago

This is the reference concerning fear:
Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

A very clear, sober and concise summary of the facts and our present situation.
As far as “”how do we prevent “present trends” from continuing?”” goes, in a nutshell, we can’t. However, we do know that things will continue to get much worse, right up until the time the situation becomes so unbearable that it literally explodes into a massive and nationwide fireball of civil unrest and violence. But that is when things will go from bad to worse. The backlash, from the formerly peaceful and silent right, will be swift, merciless and devastating.
So, until then; keep prepping, keep praying and keep on speaking the truth.

2 years ago

Nothing I can add to that dismal list, it’s all true. Nor is there anything that I can think of to do, in the immediate future, to avert disaster. Like Francis, I’m old, and have no stomach for a fight- but I reckon a fight is coming, whether I want it or not. Chaos brings violence, and it’s coming down the track like an out-of-control freight train. Be prepared!

2 years ago

I recommend this book by Billy Roper called The Balk. It’s very sobering, but this may be our way out. Demographic statistics and shifting Census data indicate that growing political polarization, racial tensions, and the element of change in America’s culture and society brought on by both legal and illegal immigration are all leading towards the Balkanization of America. Looting and riots. Culture Wars. A looming minority majority. What will this mean for your future, and for our nation? This nonfiction book will help you get your head around what is coming, and prepare you to survive the collapse and breakup of the United States! This is the book that Thomas Chittum would write today, if he wasn’t so politically correct. Written by Billy Roper.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Alright now, action has been taken. Drag queer story hour cancelled in Columbus Ohio. Good on you Ohio!