There is going to be blame and recriminations a’plenty following that debacle.
- The usual suspects in the Republican establishment and other assorted hangers-on will be out in full force demanding a retreat from “MAGA” populism and back to milquetoast “conservatism” that basically means losing gracefully to the radical Left. Already I have read Alex Berenson, who does good work on “vaccines” and is awful on literally every other topic, blame overturning Roe v Wade for the GOP losses. I watched a “Bush speechwriter”, the very worst appeal to authority imaginable, on Fox News calling this election a disaster and demanding the GOP get away from “radical” candidates. The “solution” will be the same one we have heard for decades: pander to minorities, only select inoffensive lovable loser candidates and avoid any hint of “extremism”.
- The Republican party is more of a joke than most people realize. You could have picked a random middle aged White guy off the street, ran him as a Republican, and defeated Fetterman. Instead “Dr. Oz” was the nominee, thanks in large part to Trump who continues his trend of being the worst judge of people in human history. Herschel Walker had all sorts of baggage and is dumb as a bag of hammers. There were some good people that lost but lots of clowns as well. I don’t see political ads because I don’t watch TV, have an ad blocker on my computer and live in a deep red state without competitive races but the GOP should have inundated the air waves tying every Democrat to Biden and inflation/crime.
- Speaking of Orange Man Bad. The knives are out and he is getting the blame for this loss. The Babylon Bee’s “Not The Bee” news page ran this article: A red wave turned into a purple puddle, thanks to an orange man. Lots of normiecon Trump voter comments on Faceberg saying Trump is done and DeSantis is the standard bearer for 2024. Ron’s victory speech last night was 100% a stump speech making the case for him as the 2024 nominee. This could get ugly.
- The voting system is irrevocably broken. Perhaps the longest and most significant impact of the “pandemic” is going to be the widespread embrace of voting by mail and early voting. The more you get away from the “show up and cast your ballot on election day” model, the easier it will be to manipulate the vote totals. When voting happens earlier and counting takes longer, it adds opportunity for shenanigans. How many of the undecided races as of Wednesday morning do you think will go GOP?
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MAGA is the only way forward -- the lying -cheating establishment must be replaced and they truly are the enemies of the people -- Fox is again showing itself again to be a bunch of lying hypocrites -- that what this is shows us -- We must take down the entire establishment -- President Trumps movement will prevail and we will not desert his principles —
And, we still haven’t sought something Communist to destroy… why?
Jail … mostly, I think.
But, show us the way.
Incarceration’s upon us, whether we do something or not. We’re practically being unpersoned, as it is.
Maybe if the Republican Party would have told the people what they would do to make America great again with a new “Contract with America”, people would have voted differently. I am not saying there was no voter fraud; I am saying that the Democrat lies work on an ignorant population.
False information concerning the overturning of Roe v. Wade, student loan forgiveness, suppression of the true issues and the vilification of white Americans were all used to attack America and turn it into Amerika.
I do not want to offend anyone, but the Republican party’s arrogance was their downfall. For those who understand that voting is not a valid path forward, we may have made a difference but putting a band-aid on severed artery will not stop the bleeding out of America.
What now? | Eatgrueldog What now?
The GOP isn’t all bad, they all made a lot of money! That is what life is about, right!
change needs to come from the ground up, not behind a podium or desk and not with words.
change must begin in our hearts first, because those that refuse to be governed by God’s law, will be ruled by tyrants….
[…] h/t Comments […]
Idiot Trump said he had dirt on DeSantis. You never attack your own. Period. If DeSantis runs, the Dems will run that Trump sound bite over and over again. The damage is done. I actually wish Trump gets arrested in order to get him out of the way. He needs to stfu.
Is he, though?
Seems to me that the worst judges of character were those who trusted in Trump; who thought he was some conservative or constitutionalist.
It may already be to late to salvage America, as the White productive population is almost irrelevant and very soon will be the shrinking minority due to the ongoing invasion by low IQ low trust people, mostly males, crossing the southern border. The White population remains in a state of denial regarding their situation. They hope and pray that someone will save them, so that they will never have to take a stand or have to fight for their freedom.
The White population was sold out by their government, communist, White zionist politicians, and jewish / zionist organizations. I am not sure if anything would motivate the White population to resist the communist / globalist take over of America -- maybe they would begin to resist if the communists shut down all high school and college football. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
I agree with much of what you say. Add to that most of the expert shooters and hunters are mostly happy they are permitted to continue as usual; but I doubt they will be enthusiastic about a war. These are the folks we need and likely won’t get. I’m pretty certain we need martial law or a military invasion or broken doors before anyone will awaken to the threat. Our enemies foreign and domestic are desperately hoping we will start first. But they are growing impatient and will likely have to be the ones to initiate the war. I wish something would happen either way. Too old and infirm to keep waiting for something I may miss before I die. Sure, it will be bloody. Gonna be that way whether we like it or not. I will say we will have nothing left to save once it begins. Last man standing is all we can hope for. Hard to say who that will be.
What is local? You know. Look around.
Drive thru burgers and coffee drinks and tire makers and publishers fund our enemies so why would we sponsor them?
Texas is supposedly a pro 2A state-and they have been working to improve things on that front for a quite a while.
Well, I was back in south Texas a couple weeks ago for a funeral. Almost everywhere we went were merchant signs “No open carry allowed. Pursuant to blah, blah, blah..” .”or No Concealed Carry Allowed, pursuant to blah, blah, blah” or similar postings. I assume by these that if a place of business posts “no carry” then it becomes some sort of felony to carry there, regardless of the law. These signs were seemingly everywhere and prevalent where even no alcohol was sold. What that tells me is that WAY too many folks simply shrug, put their weapon in the console, and then go in and get their business done.
If they had any conviction they would refuse to do business there and make their view known to the proprietor. Pretty soon these businesses would likely acquiesce or close due to lost revenue or the fear thereof.
Truth is, I never saw one Texan carrying the whole time we were there. I used to live in Katy (I carried always then, as I do now), and the whole thing made me embarrassed for Texas and left me wholly unconvinced of the strength of the 2A there.
Similarly for on line retailers that support our enemies-we should treat them with the same disdain and contempt for the communists working to steal our nation-because they are them. For example the folks that make the fancy and expensive coolers you buy at the outdoors store are rabid anti gun. Yet I see those stickers on 4WD pickups everywhere. What the? They use our money to persecute us. Big banks, grocers and big box stores are notorious for being run by wokesters that want us dead in the streets. We have to stand up with the same outrage that we have against school boards pushing the tranny agenda against such companies even though they are convenient and/or sell things we like to buy. Buy local, boycott local and global.
Another question-how many of us that believe earnestly that we are now at the cartridge box phase of our situation, train daily for physical fitness? I do except on The Sabbath (which is the 7th day of the week by the way, not the 1st day of the week like how the pagans in the vatican want you to practice). How many of us refuse “the dainties” (delicacies) that we are warned about repeatedly in Proverbs and Psalms? If you are 160 lbs and can eat what you want, good for you. If you are 50 lbs overweight, you cannot eat whatever you want. You can’t, and there are really good reasons God warned us against eating the delicacies. Cuz they clog our arteries and make us fat and unfit. And spoiled and lazy.
The reality is the NWO is actually the old world order. The world order that existed before The Flood when fallen angels bred with women and sin covered the earth and “men’s thoughts were evil all the time”. Caine-the seed of the serpent and Eve-killed Abel-the original pure born, pure blood. Today’s upper echelon-the Rothschilds-claim that they are the descendants of Caine-the Kenites. Kenites, not inconspicuously made the first cities. And, if you know your Old Testament, you know the kenites are the tares and that God commanded the angels to not destroy the tares before the harvest. Because God has a plan.
This country was founded by the sons of English aristocracy, and freemasons. We traded the Rothschilds’ king for an elected “king” and the pretense of freedom. The USA is the legal remnants of the Virginia Company and is still subject to the Crown -- the royal lineage which was installed by the Rothschilds-and claims that they are descended from Vlad the Impaler. The legality of the Crown’s claim the the assets and wealth of the Colonies is all in the treaty of Paris of 1783 and Ben Franklin was of the number of the first traitors that were in fact beholden to the Crown. Five of the signors of the Declaration of Independence were in fact members of the Temple Bar and therefore were representing both parties. The Rothschilds are taking back what is and always was legally theirs, albeit through criminality and deception and the communists. And we know they will use whatever means necessary to make things chaotic and horrible enough on earth so that they can usher in lucifer as their god-the fake messiah.
We’re very likely not going to save our country, partly because it never was, and partly because we are reaching the close of the generation of the fig tree. The best we can hope for is to take care of our own the very best we can until the True Messiah-our Kinsman Redeemer-returns to set all in proper order. Be fit spiritually and physically for the job.
Everything you stated is right on-point. Well said! Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
Thank you. I am humbled.
Very well stated.
Thank you. Again, I am humbled.
Two days after the election/installation and ABC News is showing 211 Republicans and 201 Democrats in the race for the House. I think they’re jerking the system around to finagle 218 votes for the Dems while stealing the House from the Repub’s. Watch for the flip. Elections have no credibility anymore. So why not pick and choose what laws to obey or not obey? Boycott and embargo the Dems, RINOS, and the Federales too!