This is a television show called “Utopia” which was on the Amazon streaming platform last fall.
Filming was announced to be completed on October 17, ARSH 2019. Event 201 was held in New York City the next day.
Watch every second of this, and spread aggressively.
h/t WRSA
This makes me ill. After much research into government programs I ran into the psyops perpetuated on the world and US in particular. As a personal aside, I was tagged and segregated for a special education, by the government as a “genius” in the late 1950s. What I realized quickly was that “we”, “the real, natural leaders” were a group of VERY peculiar people with all the innate intelligence to do whatever we could think up. The problem was, we were anything but “normal”. I ran away from MENSA. I rebelled against academia. I hid from recognition. I struggled to be happy in an ordinary life. Now I am seeing the fruition of generations of “geniuses” empowered by three letter agencies, technology, and the complete indulgence of the “vanities of the mind”. Let me warn anyone who knows themselves to be above the “stupid people. the simpletons”: This type of genius intelligence is the direct inversion of retardation, idiocy. All that we can create is only our own nightmare unless we love with an open hand. God is love. We are not. If we are fortunate, we will experience the true love of God because of someone who knows and loves Him. That’s the secret of successful life on this planet. We can only transcend our own limitations through the loving hearts of those who have gone before us. No one gets to do it alone. We, the ones that can run circles around the ordinary, are the deformed, the withered, the impotent…the dictators, the destroyers, the monsters. Only by surrendering the dark ambitions of genius can you or I offer ourselves to participate in the remedies this world so desperately needs.
As soon as I saw the date using the term ARSH I knew it had to have come from the uber-Catholic crazy Ann Barnhardt. I’m surprised that a loony “musloid” as she likes to call them has not jihaded her yet.
I seem to have missed the point of your comment as it relates to the information presented.
Per my reply to HB below, if I could delete it or alter it I would so, Touche, admin. I was off topic.
Well, that “uber-crazy” Ann Barnhardt posted her address and even directions to her home in the clear along with a note that she can shoot and inviting any musloid to come and try something thereby demonstrating a huge amount of manliness. What have you done lately?
Lighten up, Francis. You don’t know me and I don’t know you so, you have no clue what I’ve done lately.
Also, if I could, I’d retract my statement only because like David stated above, it is not specific to the information presented. And, truth be told, I’m a Christian, just not a Catholic, and my words were not kind. (I was in a crappy mood at the time). I followed her for some time in the past and saying Ann is eccentric would have been a better statement.
Finally, I don’t have a problem with Catholics. Several of my family member are. The only thing I don’t care for is I can’t take Holy Communion when I attend their church (because I’m a protestant) and they believe anyone that is not Catholic is outside the church and is going to hell.
Ok, enough of this before admin chides me for this post not being relevant to the OP.
Learn what you can from Ann. Yes, she isn’t always right. She was way ahead of the curve seeing the unfolding economic collapse. She is amazing when analyzing traits of sociopaths and psycopaths. Yes, as a downer, she embraces Catholicism. However, God rewards us when we use our brain. She uses her brain.
Agreed…she does do that; use her brain that is. And, she is either courageous or, not too smart daring Muslims to come and get her.
Brewer 55,
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
As far as Ann, you can do a lot of daring when you’re single without kids. Sadly, I think she still believes Mooslims with boxcutters did 9/11.
I think of geoengineering and how some of the most woke writers on the internet never mention it. I’ve written some of them. They won’t even respond. That’s the way the brain works. You decide what to do with the info you receive.
Yeah, this is the spark. Entire family is screaming for me to vax when I know it is depopulation poison, and by the time my own family understands this, they’ll be thinking in the dark of how life slipped away before they were ready. The ground is full of people who thought they had more time, and wouldn’t even encumber themselves with their own self-preservation.
Been working like mad since 98 to prepare for the 24 karat shit show that’s coming, if I cannot father children because of tyrants death cult, this is all the spark needed for the next chapter.
The roaring of the fire to come is deafening in its silence. God bless us all.
Good lord that’s scary accurate….and probably more true than we know. Watch cancer and infertility spike and now that it’s delivered as mRNA, it will be genetically passed down.
And now this: they can’t get their genetic poison out fast enough.