REPORT: Evidence Suggests FDR Let Pearl Harbor Happen to Force America into WWII

Most of us already knew…

83 years ago yesterday, America was brought into war with what was described then, and has been described consistently since, as a “sneak attack” by Imperial Japan.

Then-President Franklin Roosevelt gave a speech on December 8th before Congress where he described it as a “Day of Infamy” where America was suddenly and deliberately attacked.

What Roosevelt failed to mention is that he knew the attack was going to happen, the government had received copious warnings about what was going to happen, and those warnings were not only ignored but steps were taken to facilitate the Japanese attack.

A series of events and factual matters strongly suggest that Roosevelt not only wanted war, but employed his top officials to help him in that effort.

Read the entire article here…

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Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
3 months ago

Robert B Stinnett, a young naval officer in the US Navy intelligence department in 1941, wrote a book entitled Day of Deceit: The truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor. Published in 2000, the author spent over ten years trying to get to the bottom of what happened with FOIA requests. His book is essential reading for anyone who is interested in what really happened on 12/7/41.

3 months ago

This is well known old news. Not only did FDR let this happen, like Bush -Cheney, but FDR and his son profited from war, just like the Bidens

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 months ago

There was no ‘sneak attack’ on Pearl Harbor. There was in fact a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. And of course Roosevelt knew full well in advance that Japan would attack US vital interests in the Pacific--somewhere. Anywhere would do the trick. And that somewhere had a very high probability of being Pearl Harbor.

Roosevelt’s embargo/s against Japan assuredly would bring about a violent response. This is the intended consequences of the embargos, as Roosevelt needed an entry into the European war against Germany. The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor had the intended effect on the American people--as you can see by the MSM propaganda and the tens of thousands of men lining up at recruitment centers throughout this country.

Rinse and repeat many times to this very day.

3 months ago

Read “the bad war” by Mike King if you want to know the rest of it.

3 months ago

Read “The Secret File on John Birch” by James Hefley.

Roth Harbard
3 months ago

Much of American history, sadly to say, is myth. This is just one example.

Jeffery in Alababama
Jeffery in Alababama
3 months ago

Read “Ten Days To Destiny” by John Costello.

Alex Lund
Alex Lund
3 months ago

Some years ago I read a thick magazine about the year 1941. It was from an “evil” publishing house. (evil meaning a german loyal publishing house that doesnt kowtow the official line)
They said, that in 1940/1941 there were so called Staff Treaty meetings: First the ABC and then the ABD conference. Both were put together in the ABCD conference.
The letters are about the countries involved: America, British, China and Dutch.
In wikipedia there is an article ABCD line -- Wikipedia
And to the conferences I can find only U.S.–British Staff Conference (ABC–1) -- Wikipedia
But to the other two conferences I couldnt find anything.
In the magazine it was implied that there were three conditions which automatically had the USA in war against Japan.
One of the conditions was when a japanese fleet would cross a point / line close to the Kra peninsula.
Kra Isthmus -- Wikipedia
This happened three days before Pearl Harbour.

3 months ago

FDR was told by his bolshevik/little hat masters to get into the European War any way he could to destroy Germany forever (Which they accomplished, along with every country in Europe who are now being wiped out). FDR couldn’t have cared less about Japan, that was just a means to an end.