Response to ‘Isn’t it About Time’

This meme says it all. We either stop with the brow-beating over religion and nit-picking on trifles and come together, or we perish.

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1 year ago

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out…Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable. H. L. Mencken

1 year ago

Thought the onslaught on children and innocence would have been the red line that would bring us together against the left.
I was wrong and now we’re at the point where pedophiles are close to becoming a protected class. Don’t want a 60 yr old in diapers who identifies as a toddler banging your 1-2 yr old? Straight to jail for you, bigot.

This bill in Minnesota, introduced by a transgender Democrat, wants to make sure nobody discriminates against… PEDOPHILES.
“Minnesota Bill Could Make Pedophiles A Protected Class”

Last edited 1 year ago by bidenTouchesKids
1 year ago

If only they would all join up together in a physical group like in the cartoon.
Problem could be solved real fast.
They are fighting 5th generation tactics against us. We are adapting to slowly

1 year ago

“And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God. That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse, and against His army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, which with he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that had worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of His mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.” The Revelation, 19:17-21

1 year ago

We are there, most just dont get it yet

1 year ago

Malachi, the meme reminds me of the discussion about whether or not it will be possible to find common ground with them.

1 year ago

Focus needs to be on who is funding this. NGO’s etc. Cut the head off and this filth whithers away. Consider that these ngo’s and foreign entities are the equivalent of platoon leaders. Take a lesson from the vietcong.
“The life expectancy of platoon leaders in Vietnam was two weeks and I’m not embellishing this; in a firefight, it was seven seconds.”
Targeting the zombie pack is a waste of resources. The left never does that. They always cut down the leaders. Trump, carlson, etc. The right(gop) is a bunch of bumbling feckless cucks. A defeat mechanism of the marxist. I wonder what the IC has on the leaders. Even now not one prosecution even though they control the house. Just talk, talk, talk.

1 year ago
Reply to  grif

The “right” is like a spider. Cut its head off and the body dies. The “left” is like a starfish, cut its arm off and you’ll have two starfish. Yes, there’s a book titled the starfish and the spider (or vice versa). It’s well worth the read.

The “right” needs to become a lot less spider and a lot more starfish.

Mark Tompson
Mark Tompson
1 year ago

I am here writing again because the astounding postings continue. I am not here to stir the pot or to nitpick you. I want to be clear on what I am and what I believe. I believe in 99.8 % of the things in which you believe. I am appalled by the ever-worsening horrors we face today. Over the years, I fought the good fight: educating people at the individual level, educating children within my world about truth and the nature of the evil we face, writing for appropriate website and political efforts and even being politically active – I was employed by Jesse Helms in various capacities for nine years. In the larger sense, we are brothers under the skin.
But now, I find I must oppose you on a single point of view: your periodic reference and encouragement of others regarding “the one option that is left,” and regarding “coming together to pursue that one option that is left.”
I would absolutely believe in continuing the fight, even into extremis, if there was a point to it. That’s the problem – there is no longer a point to it. We do not have and will not have the numbers to do anything. If there was an even chance for victory, I’d go for it. I would even go for it if the odds were against us 60-40 or even 70-30, but we don’t have even that. I’ve said this part on here before and I’ll say it again by way of explanation.
It’s over. It’s been over for a long time. We lost. It’s just that simple. The masses are sheep, easily led. Not 50% of the people, Not 60 or even 90%. But rather 99.899%. The one one-hundred thousandth of 1% that is willing to go your route is such a ridiculously small number that it is meaningless. There is no longer a point to stirring things up and “rallying the people.” There is no one to rally. There’s nothing to stir up. Throwing your life away over an impossibility is ridiculous. There will be no martyrdom here; the people have spoken. It turns out we’re on the wrong side of history and there’s nothing, absolutely nothing – to be done about it. Except to try your best to live through it.
A few examples.
Three weeks ago, we had a special private event at the VFW for some guys who were in town for a special event at the VA Hospital in Asheville. 28 guys – all of whom had been out of the military for no more than two years. The most recent had been out 11 weeks and the furtherest out had been out just short of 24 months. Deep and horrible subjects were discussed. Important questions were asked. The answers surprised many but not me. Of the 28 guys, asked if they were reactivated and were called to disarm American civilians and to actually fire on American civilians, what would they do. Without hesitation, 22 said they would do both without even thinking about it. 4 said they would do neither, even under pain of “treason.” 2 said they would go over the wall and join the resistance. These numbers are typical.
I am a member of a large church. I “know” a huge number of people there. But I only know 40 or so to talk with at a personal level. 30 of the 40 are Republicans. 20 of the 30 Republicans are everyday middle-of-the-roaders, 16 of whom said that they will vote Dem next time because of the abortion thing and because “they’re going after birth control next.” Of the 30, 23 are ‘Never Trumpers.” Of the remaining 10 Republicans, 8 are hardcore MAGA and each says they will stay home for the general election if someone other than Trump is the GOP nominee. The remaining two are hardcore for “the final option.”
Can you see where these examples lead? I hope so.
“I’ will die a free man!” Okay. Well, no you won’t but I know what you mean.
“You are a coward!” Okay. I’m not; I just won’t throw my life away (and the lives of my family) for 10,000 to 1 odds. But I know what you mean.
“The masses are starting to wake up.” No, they are not. You are dead wrong. It’s pie in the sky and the events of every passing week show it more.
“People will come together when the children are threatened.” Hardly. The last few months have put that one to rest too.
The numbers are not there and they never will be.
Nothing will change basic societal truths. The values that you and I share, despite a little lip service and puffery proclaimed here and there, are not shared by many others; that time passed several decades ago. Here again, your current frustrations and protestations show that you are slowly learning this the hard way. It is midnight in the USA and there is truly nowhere to go. And again, I post in hopes of speeding up recognition of the obvious, given the observations you have made. Hoping you are able to find the acceptance and the peace of mind needed to get through this.
If the worst happens, I will not raise a hand or a voice against you. I will never speak of things I know to our masters. I may even secretly cheer for you in the desperate moments. But I know how it all ends. For you and yours, it is simply … death. For me and mine, we live on to influence another day.
Not all the false bravado in the world will change any of this. The numbers are not there for us. They never will be. Do what you’ve got to do to live and get through this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Tompson

There is always more than one way out. Some ways are quickly discarded and some are discarded over time. Many of our options will produce bloodshed; mainly because people did not stand up for their God, morals, children and honor earlier. I personally believe that the ballot box and jury box are not valid avenues. We have an illegal pResident validated by the Supreme Court’s inaction. Everyone reading this knows of other examples of voter fraud and our two-tiered justice system.

A good case study of what may happen is outlined in the 299 Days book series. WWIII is much more likely than CWII. While your story concerning soldiers is telling, they will not disarm the people if they are not being paid. The soldiers who say they would disarm patriots are the product of a failed educational system and propaganda. We have already seen the people in New Orleans being disarmed due to a hurricane. The point here is that we should already be thinking of what we will do if that time comes: fight or get on our knees.

While some speak about only one option left, even that option of taking arms against an illegal government has multiple pathways. Soldiers may follow orders but colonels have other options. Look to the Lord for guidance and you will not be led astray.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Again I will say. Most people on this board dont deserve you or Wes

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Tompson

This is one of the most important posts I’ve ever read on this wonderful site. Many thanks, Mark! Common sense is all over this post.
Ignoring a bad reality does not stop the consequenses of that reality from happening. God can always intervene, but when has that not been the case? God is a just God. Whatever He does or doesn’t do will be just.

Billy Rally
Billy Rally
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Tompson


1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Tompson

How many supported the rebellion against the british? Ahh never mind. Your right God cant beat the marxist. Better to live on our knees than die for what is right. I am sure God will understand our explanation when he questions us why we didnt fight against evil.
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Tompson

One example of the world your willing to live in. Question for you Mr Thompson. Lets say you live in Minnesota. The state wants to forcibly take your kid and transgender him or her. What do you do? They will not allow you contact with him or her. Do you just say well me and the rest of my family will go on to influence another day? Just curious to what level you will go just to survive to ultimately die one day anyway. Not to nitpick you