Revolution: An Instruction Manual

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11 years ago

The presentation begins with “The Conscious Revolution Paradigm”:

1. Clearly defined common interest
2. A clear vision of what you are working towards
3. A plan of action

So, I return to my observation and proposal in my post from 5 June 2013 …

Jefferson’s’ definition should be easily embraced as the compelling vision, the goal, the desired end-state for participants in the “liberty movement”. Yet it is not.

My challenge remains to each and every person who did not comment either to contribute or criticize …

What is your version of common interest, clear vision, and plan of action ??

11 years ago

I agree dismantling the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) will serve the purpose of Item #1 in the Conscious Revolution Paradigm.

We must adopt the tactics of Alinsky and fully demonize this target as a common enemy. Perhaps embrace the metaphor of FedGov = Mordor and the Obamacare as the Ring(s) of Power:

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

However well this is done, it still falls short of satisfying Item #2 … We can rally a temporary coalition against a common enemy (the Ring, Obamacare) but the Fellowship will disolve once the immediate danger is past.

Unless we articulate a clear and compelling vision of a society where Rights of man are absolute and unalienable, with Life Liberty and Property held sacrosanct, we can never expect people to agree on any specific plan of action.

… my 2 cents.

fed up
fed up
11 years ago

I believe America will sit on its fat asses and become dominated. There are to many clowns in the city that are hooked and fed by the government to do much more than change the channel and text about their useless lives. The real struggle will come when TSHF and the remainder of the population stands and stops them from crawling out of the cities in search for goods and say, “Well, I actually was for you guys and against the establishment”, too late.
The first item, Clarity and common interest. There is no clarity because we hate what is happening so much on so many levels we can’t see clearly enough to concentrate on the “thing”. It’s hidden behind closed door, money and lies..
Item two, Clear vision of what I am working for. I am working t words survival/independence. My family and I have been aware for some time now that the end is and will be coming. I don’t see things going past 2015 for the USA. Marshal law be damned. “come and get it”. How’s that dollar standing up?
A plan of action; prepare for the worse and pray for the best.
I do not live in the city. I do not subscribe to the government nor the news medias views. If I see a politician talking I know he’s lying when his mouth moves. The public is enamored by the “Royal baby”, Tot mom, Zimmerman, IRS and the list goes on. The real stories are the Volcano’s that are erupting, food poisoning by chemicals,water, diseases created, the list goes on. When I walk into a restaurant and see 4 out of 5 at a table texting I see they don’t care about anything other than the social network. The under 40 crowd values friends over family. The US dollar is dead yet the sheep keep eating the poison grass. The advertisers created a world of utopia “we” all must join and wear the fashions of.
When I read all these blogs I look at the title and ask how can I change it and how does it affect me. Then I answer, you can’t change it and it doesn’t matter. The end is coming. I do applaud those writers and fighters but I am at the bottom of the list. I cannot go march alone. They have cut off our legs. They can be slowed down but it all will happen. Nothing goes on forever. The USA is done just like the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Meds, Persians and all other great nations that had their time in the world history.
Make your plans. Plan your work and work your plan. Weather you agree or not it is just a matter of time before it all implodes on all of us.

fed up
fed up
11 years ago

Now, excusing my rant if you will, I have one more comment about an instruction manual for a revolution. Our founding fathers didn’t have one and neither did all the many countries that revolt. I understand your blogs view but believe if or when a revolution happens it is spontaneous. My last thought is …….. and who exactly would we be leaving the country to after we have won a revolution? I don’t believe the “kids” (80+ % under 40 crowd) are capable of much more than giving it back to those that we had fought. I see their common interest as a selfish and entitlement welfare society, unable to fed nor think for themselves. Vermont is a good example. There is the take Vermont back crowd and the take Vermont forward crowd. The USA is a forward or back country, forward being gimme a back being a revolution mentality.
This isn’t 1775.