Rick Santorum Knows How to Raise the Roof at a Campaign Rally

The opening for a Rick Santorum campaign rally is causing some controversy here and in the United Kingdom. The latest Socialist doctrine now classifies preaching the Bible as rightwing. I may not agree with the statement for all non-Christians to “get out” of America but he is correct: America was founded upon Judeo-Christian tenets and morals. Recommended reading for those who disagree:

The Bible
The 5000 Year Leap
The Declaration of Independence
Every state constitution
The Harbinger

As for the following editorial from the United Kingdom: they did not understand freedom in 1776 and they still do not understand freedom today. Our current fight is not with the UK but with the people in this nation who do not understand what freedom represents. Or more importantly: what the lack of freedom represents.

David DeGerolamo

Rick Santorum under fire over ranting rightwing pastor

Rick Santorum is facing some awkward questions after footage emerged of a radical evangelical preacher opening a campaign rally with calls for all non-Christians to “get out” of America.

In the footage, filmed at the Greenwell Springs Baptist Church in Louisiana yesterday, Pastor Dennis Terry told a crowd that anyone who doesn’t worship God should leave the country, before calling on people to “stand up” against” gay people, liberals and women who have abortions.

“Listen to me. If you don’t love America, and you don’t like the way we do things, I’ve got one thing to say, get out!,” he said. “We don’t worship Buddha, we don’t worship Mohammed, we don’t worship Allah. We worship God. We worship God’s son Jesus Christ.”

To a rapturous applause, Pastor Terry continued: “As long as they continue to kill little babies in our mother’s womb, somebody’s got to take a stand and say it’s not right. God be merciful to us as a nation. As long as sexual perversion is becoming normalised, somebody needs to stand up and say God forgive us, God have mercy upon us.”

Republican contender Mr Santorum was shown clapping approvingly in the background as the rightwing pastor delivered the ranting fire and brimstone address. He later received a personal blessing from the preacher who called on God’s will to be done in the upcoming election.


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Guess Who
Guess Who
12 years ago

The scribes and, the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat:
All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do;
but do not ye after works: for they say and do not.

For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,

And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the churches (original says, “synagogues”)

Matthew, Chapter 23