Riyadh, Ankara Call on Al-Qaeda to Declare War on Syrian Kurds

Riyadh, Ankara Call on Al-Qaeda to Declare War on Syrian Kurds

Riyadh, Ankara Call on Al-Qaeda to Declare War on Syrian Kurds

Saudi Arabia and Turkey aligning with al Qaeda? Obama will like that. But then this is probably just Iranian propaganda.

David DeGerolamo

From Fars News:

The al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups, the al-Nusra Front and the Sham and Iraq Islamic Emirate, have already started their attacks on the Kurdish regions of Aleppo after Saudi and Turkish governments asked them to do so, the Arabic-language Al-Watan newspaper reported.

The Takfiri and al-Qaeda groups are trying to bring the Kurdish regions of Northeastern Syria under their control by getting rid of the Kurdish militias.

The attacks against the Syrian Kurds came after Ahmad al-Jarba, president of the Syrian National Coalition called for participation of Kurdish representatives in the upcoming Geneva II Conference.

Last month, a main Syrian Kurdish group issued a call to battle extremist militants in the country after an eminent Kurdish politician was killed in a car bomb attack.

“We call on the Kurdish people… to step forward… . Anyone fit to bear arms should join the ranks of the Committees to protect the Kurdish People (YPG) and repel the assaults of these armed groups,” said a recently released YPG statement.

According to a source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the politician identified as Isa Huso was assassinated outside his house in the Syrian town of Al-Qamishli late in July.


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