As promised, Romney has folded on ObamaCare too, although had I wagered money on the timing, I would have thought that he would have lasted at least a week. But apparently the revenue curve from stupid, imbecilic suckers giving Romney money in the wake of the SCOTUS decision fell off hard enough that the Romney people felt that it served no more purpose to perpetuate the repeal charade.Here’s the link.I hope every single one of you who gave that forked-tongued jackass money feel the full shame and embarrassment of your own gullibility and obtuseness. This slackjawed sentimentalism WILL BE THE DEATH OF ALL OF US. Your rah-rah loyalty to con-artists who wrap themselves in platitudes so that you can have a “team” that makes you feel good about yourself isn’t noble or admirable. It is nauseating and disgusting. It is truly sickening to see people elevate false sentiment over truth – all for the sake of a truly shallow SOCIAL EXPERIENCE.

Ignorance is one thing. Abject stupidity in the face of mountains of pounding evidence is another.

-Romney wrote and implemented ObamaCare’s template in Massachusetts.

-RomneyCare destroyed the Massachusetts economy. Romney refuses to this day to acknowledge that there is anything wrong with RomneyCare, or the economic damage it had done and continues to do to Massachusetts.

-Romney’s top aides and inner circle were frequent visitors to the White House and were instrumental in the drafting of ObamaCare in 2009.

-Romney has VOCIFERICOUSLY defended the concept of the mandate that people must, as a condition of their very existence, purchase a specific commodity.

-RomneyCare funds abortion with a mere $50 co-pay and forces all people under its control to pay for contraception and sterilization, including the Church in Massachusetts. The reason you never heard anything about this is because Archbishop Sean O’Malley is a slack-jawed idiot who is a Marxist and, like most bishops today, doesn’t actually believe in Catholicism. He’s just a narcissistic, politicking little shell of a man who is desperate for worldly approval – particularly from other men. Sad but true. Someone needs to say this.

So, not only has O’Malley not complained about the horrors of RomneyCare, but he embraces it and supports ObamaCare. And, as a result, he still gets invited to all of the fancy parties with all of the rich, powerful men whose approval his entire existence revolves around and self-esteem depends upon. And I’m sure that he also lives in complete terror of having some rich, powerful man like Mitt Romney come up to him at a party, smile, lean in, and ask, “You don’t really believe that a piece of bread turns into God, do you?” The vast majority of bishops today are embarrassed and humiliated by the Eucharist. Hence the entire problem. It all really does come down to that, whether you understand that or not. Someone has to say it.

-Mitt Romney will never, ever repeal ObamaCare. The Congress will never, ever repeal ObamaCare. The only way to get rid of ObamaCare is a junta or civil war and the establishment of the Second American Republic. The First American Republic is dead, and it is never, ever coming back.

I will not be celebrating Independence Day tomorrow, because to do so would be utterly hypocritical and a lie. The First Republic is dead, and to pretend that it isn’t only feeds and enables the usurpers and tyrants who are desecrating its corpse in order to give themselves the appearance of legitimacy. If I live to see the establishment of the Second American Republic, THAT date will I observe.

The Black American Flag, flown in distress, is my flag now.

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12 years ago

Barnardt’s logic is hard to fault, but the cold world she see’s leaves nothing to the heart God has given us and the imagination He imbue’s us with I still have hope this disaster called Obama who really has just opened up an existing wound can be healed with the awakened patriots now on watch

12 years ago

There is not a dimes worth of difference between the the two, Obama and Romney, neither one pays any mind to the constitution. Romney said in the debates that he would do another Tarp bailout, sign the NDAA and Patriot Act and go to war anytime the “generals” told him to,