Ron Paul Lectures Ben Bernanke

Why ask Ben Bernanke any questions when he testifies at a Congressional hearing? If you are Ron Paul, you know the answers to the financial questions that need to be addressed. Dr. Paul’s example of the value of silver vs. the value of a federal reserve note is classic.

David DeGerolamo

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13 years ago

I just wish, that when he (Paul) got this position, he would have given some thought, or made more effort, to actually DO something constructive. I think most people understand his point -- even though he rambles like most men (and women) his age -- but I would have liked some hard questions, demands for some serious answers, and we got neither…just seems like he wasted his time, and I wasted my time watching it…sigh… isn’t there ANYBODY who can be a REAL champion of the cause?

13 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I believe that you, Hans, Larry, Bubba, and many others could have done a better job with 5 minutes of questioning…would have gotten more than just a patronizing, smug, smartass comment that Ron Paul got. Putting up that coin, while he thought he was doing great, was silly. How about using 20 minutes of time from one of his staffers to simply create a chart demonstrating the difference in how inflation is calculated now, vs. the past, and what the REAL inflation rate is? Or how about the question we discussed earlier about QE3 and how all that money has gone to Europe? SOMETHING worth videotaping? SOMETHING to help the people who don’t understand what is happening… If you can find the video where the democrats were praising him, that might be worth posting on here…I don’t know…I just know this -- NOBODY is effectively challenging Bernanke…Where is this generation’s Jesse Helms? LOL