Yep, we're now at the "arrest this man" phase of our cold civil war. Next will come the "round them up" phase unless we stop it right here. Because you don't want to know what comes after "round them up."
— Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) August 8, 2022
h/t Comments
Yeah, it’s way past time. You wanna know what happens as we go along now? Watch “Schindler’s List” and the “Purge” movies. It’s no secret why they made the name of the twisted sadistic satanic govt the “New Founding Fathers” as they sought to reduce the population. I’ve studied past conflicts and societal collapses, and the Purge series is a good indicator of how people do react when there’s no law, no consequences too actions. Only thing they leave out are the massive amounts of rapes that happen. It happened in New Orleans during Katrina, too, but this is one thing most all the books leave out, because it’s too ugly and horrible to think about.
Just bringing it up so you all are aware that we’re headed in a very nasty direction and don’t for a second think this is like some game or movie where the bad stuff happens to someone else; you are the someone else, I am someone else, we are someone else. They have no sympathy for you or your family but want you gone and if they can get away with hurting you or your family and have pleasure in the process they will; history is full of it. Ordinary people that once lived together peacefully become violent hateful enemies in an extremely short period of time.
They are using the system against us and will continue to do so. We have become outlaws, and yet we still walk the line to the laws they don’t follow and use against us. Remember, evil doesn’t follow good laws, only moral people do. They have evil things in-store for us so fight back hard and don’t use boxing gloves when they’re using brass knuckles and a gun.
We need to remember that good guys don’t always win. I’ll be curious to see if the Trump cult does anything beyond squealing over this latest affront. As for the rest of us, we’d best be on our toes, head on a swivel and go nowhere without our tools.
Don’t hold yer breath my friend. War is the only way out. (((they))) know it.
Absolutely correct Sir. Good guys don’t always win, this is real life and horrible things happen too very nice people, which is why we should have stopped this before. But here we are, watching the enemy within tear down our homes around us as we obey such wonderful new laws they make as we go.
Cordless hole punchers everywhere…
Correct, Dave. Matt Bracken has stated many times that, among our many Enemies, our neighbors may represent our most proximate and immediate threat!
Recall all those triple maskers/triple vaxxed/boosted. Think ye that they will stand with you when TSHTF?
I remember which houses had Pedo Pete’s sign out front.