Russia. Last Hope of the West?

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I’ve been following the Ukrainian situation since 2014 and the Russian Special Operation since it began. I’m a history buff and enjoy following geopolitical developments. The US government pulled a coup in Ukraine in 2014 to replace a democratically elected president because he was partial to Russia rather than the EU. Since then, the Ukrainian Nazis (yes, they’re REAL Nazis) have been genociding the Russian speaking people in the Donbas, which was always part of Russia until the Soviet days. The US and NATO have been feeding the flames with weapons, ammo, and encouragement. The US had bio-weapons labs playing with ethnically specialized pathogens, NATO was threatening to allow Ukraine to join the alliance, Zelensky mentioned getting nukes, and it appeared the Ukrainian military was poised to invade the Donbas. Putin acted first with his Special Operation.

I support Russia 100% and hope the US and NATO fail. My reasons.

1. We promised when the Soviet Union collapsed not to extent NATO beyond East Germany. Like the US always does with promises and treaties, we failed to honor our agreement. We are the aggressor having pushed NATO into all the former Warsaw Pact countries excepting, until now, Ukraine.
2. The US and NATO overthrew a duly elected government, replaced it with a puppet regime that was threatening and committing genocide on the ethnic Russians in Ukraine.
3. Putin is a nationalist, as am I.
4. Putin supports family values, as do I.
5. Putin is protecting the Russian people, not allowing non-Russians to invade his country.
6. Putin supports the Church, as do I.
7. Putin appears to be attempting to defeat the Globalists who are my enemy (enemy of my enemy being my friend).
8. Putin gave the West ample warning and used every diplomatic measure before resorting to arms. The West refused to recognize legitimate security concerns of the Russian Federation.
9. NATO missiles on the Russian border are as unacceptable to Russia as Russian missiles on our border with Mexico would be to us.
10. Russia is attempting to break the back of the Khazarian (Jewish) mafia’s hold on world economies by destroying their central banking system and returning to a commodity (gold, etc.) based currency rather than continue with debt based currencies.

I’m aware that Putin is an oligarch and a bit autocratic. However, anyone who would suggest that we still live in a democratic republic has been smoking too much weed. I view this is a battle of good versus evil and the West is governed by evil. I thought some weeks ago that we only had a 10% chance of nuclear war. I’ve now moved that up to 50%. We are in WWIII right now. Have been for some time considering economic, propaganda, and monetary warfare. Russia’s Special Operation in Ukraine began the kinetic and I’m not at all sure the West knows how to stop this madness, or even wants to. The Globalists seem willing to fight to the last Ukrainian, indeed the last Western civilian, to bring about their Great Reset. Russia, IMHO, will not stop until they secure the safety of their country and I wish them well in their effort. Perhaps they’ll save Western Civilization in the process? That is my hope.

Tell me I’m wrong …

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2 years ago

You are not wrong, I agree with you 100%.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  JeffG

He’s smart. He doesn’t expose 9/11, geoengineering or the Jewish banking cartel. What else matters after that? All wars are banker wars. Government leaders do not decide when to go to war.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Yes I agree, Putin is who he is and does not want his people to suffer from the wests globohomo sickness that now infects the world.

Hank Thompson
Hank Thompson
2 years ago

100% agree.

2 years ago

Putin is a KGB thug. Everything you say about the west is true. There are NO good guys in this war.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Compared to those leading the West, Putin looks like Lee Iococca and Gen. George S. Patton combined. And Dr. Cox (if you used to watch Scrubs).

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Who is said to represent the Bear, in the Bible ?

Fred Day
Fred Day
2 years ago
Reply to  Texaswatcher

The Ukraine people, and the Ukraine military are good guys. The Khazarians, ashkeNAZI’s, deep state, democrats, and israelis are the bad guys. It sucks when you just want to be left alone, and politicians screw it up!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Texaswatcher

There may well be good guys. They just aren’t worldly players?

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

I agree that Russia may very well be the weapon that destroys the Globalists. I wish the Russians well. And I wish the Ukrainian people well, also. The Ukrainians need to drag Zelensky into the street and hang him. He destroyed their country.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

He-Zelensky, and John Kerry, ol’ what’s her face, and Barry Sotero destroyed their country.

Lee Vail
Lee Vail
2 years ago

I’m another in 100% agreement.

Elder Son
2 years ago

Or, one could just support the filthy, degenerate Western Globohomo.


Meh… imagine what some of us were?

Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 11-40-16 Welcome To Western Globohomo Inc.png
2 years ago

And yet Another Here!
Well said and written.

2 years ago


Mr Ed
Mr Ed
2 years ago

Not wrong; I agree with all your points. It’s disconcerting that the White Hat Alliance doesn’t seem able to stop these arms shipments to Ukraine with which they will continue to kill civilians …

2 years ago

The enemy of my enemy is my friend! Russia, the last chance for western civilization. Putin may be a thug, he certainly is no angel, but he fights for his nation and culture!

2 years ago

Agree 100 percent. He fights for his country. Putin, the man we wish Trump would have been.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tigg


Alvin Robedeaux
Alvin Robedeaux
2 years ago

Has NATO become the enforcement arm of the deep state? Since it appears that NATO has no inherent capabilities, is NATO just a force laundering operation for the U.S. deep state? Is the U.S. actually this heavily involved in order to cover the malfeasance of the communist democrats, and biden/harris/pelosi RICO cartel? Is the bus totally driven by the dark side?

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
2 years ago

Putin was a young leader in the WEF. I trust him as much as any other scumbag sellout who is also a member.

2 years ago

Many great points there. The one thing you may have overlooked is that support for Ukraine and their cartoon voice-over guy that reportedly has relations with trannies IS the latest thing. Its how people with no redeeming qualities bond with each other, feel better about themselves and show the social media world how awesome they are.
But please don’t get me wrong about trannies. I had a 67 Dodge with a 727, and a 81 Jeep Wagoneer with a 727 also, which were both great, durable trannies. Also, both the manual and auto trannies on the powerstrokes I’ve owned over the years have been great for hauling, towing and {very rarely) rolling a little coal. We also have a little vdub diesel (45-48 mgp, no lie) we call our “Scooter Car” that has an auto trans AND paddle shift also which is handy in the hills. We did have a 01 Chrysler with the 3.5 liter motor that was losing its tranny before my stepson rolled it evading an antelope. He’s fine, but the car was totaled, so it never did actually lose its tranny. Overall, I’d say I’m very much pro-tranny. JUST NOT THE HUMAN KIND!!!

2 years ago

I don’t support either side in the sense that one is good/one is bad. Nor do I believe Putin will be the savior of the West and that he will bring the bankers to their knees. And…this is a big AND…Putin is no worse that 99% of the people in charge here in America; and the oligarchs of Russia are no worse than the criminals who control our media, entertainment, education, business, security and legal system.  Neither Russia nor China are our friends and never have been with the possible exception of pre-Bolshevik overthrow. However, and I’ve been criticized for this, given the choice between being ruled by China or Russia, I would choose Russia for a number of reasons not the least of which our ethnic backgrounds have more in common. That does not negate my desire to fight and die to thwart a land invasion.

I think a lot of folks misunderstand the ramifications of this conflict. The Western banking system planned this situation well in advance for a number of reasons. It has been known for a long time that the U.S. dollar is at a breaking point. Everything leading up to the conflict has been designed to cover the backside of the banking cartel by giving it a scapegoat to blame when the dollar crashes. They knew it must crash and they want to implement a new and more restrictive means of exchange – one that is able to control world population. In this regard, Putin is the helper and key player. We only pretend to hate him. Our, by any other name, Communists here are hell bent on destroying this country and its constitutional hangers on. Whether by plandemic and its offshoots or economy or stolen election or dollar crash or a phony war that could wipe us out, it makes no difference.

Do not pick sides. Everyone hates us. We are the last of the Mohicans. 

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago

I am with you on this.
F**K Ukraine and joe biden.

2 years ago

America is a failed state and now the center of all evil on this planet. It has been captured and is controlled by Israel and must be destroyed. Straightforward?

Southern Dan
Southern Dan
2 years ago

I agree. The arrogance of the administration now residing in the capital is an embarrassment to any thinking person. They have pushed us further down the road to destruction. Godless is the word that comes to my mind. Rest assured, The Almighty will not be mocked. The remnant of His people should pray: “Lord, in judgement, remember mercy.”

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

Ditto. Thanks for saying it. I see Putin as a real statesman and that is a true compliment.

2 years ago

You are wrong.
Communism never fell in the nineties. That is the orignal error.
Have we become so cynical and disilusined to not see the true evil amongst us and to cling to some thug like Putin as a hero? The right in this country is being lied to with this meme that Putin in Conservative, a Christian, saviour of the West.
This could be not further from the truth. Putin is and always will be a Leninist, he even said as much in justification for invading Ukraine. UK is a set up and ya’ll are falling for it. Commies have no qualms killing folks as long as the ends justify the means.
Our battle is to conserve Americanism at all cost from enemies foreign and domestic. IF you really beleive Puty Put is a champion for Americanism then, i cant help that level of stupid. Do you REALLY believe that he will restore OUR Bill of RIghts and Repubic because du Deep State new world order khazarian blah blah blah .
Damn, you would think after 2 years of the CCP covid attack, our side would have wised up. Looks some missed the training. Beyond my pay grade. All i can say is ‘Bless your heart child.”
Our enemy is the ideology of Communism that is currently taking over the GLOBE. The White House is Red and our Nation is falling. Yet we look for someone to save us other than ourselves.
I’ll make this simple:
Your are living through a Communist convergance.
No ONE is coming to save you.
Not Putin, not Trump, not by voating moar hardur.
Good luck betting the House (America) on Vlad Putin vs “the New World Order”. For those wishing America to fall, be very careful because wishes do come true.
Here is a simple equation:
Armand Hammer + Al Gore Sr. = Commie Joe Biden and the FUSA
Prove me wrong.

Last edited 2 years ago by Shipwreck
2 years ago
Reply to  Shipwreck

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Last edited 2 years ago by Shipwreck
2 years ago
Reply to  Shipwreck

 “Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep. We want to accomplish three things: One, we want the Americans to withdraw conventional forces from Europe. Two, we want them to withdraw nuclear forces from Europe. Three, we want the Americans to stop proceeding with Strategic Defense Initiative.”

MIKHAIL GORBACHEV’s speech at the 70th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution (1987): 

2 years ago
Reply to  Shipwreck

So true,
Pray for the Godly, the times of persecution shan’t be far off now.