Russia’s Gold Backed Currency

John Galt Gold | Riqueza

I read Aesop’s rant (and yes it was a rant, not math) and have some observations for our readers’ consideration:

Russia is a leading producer of coal, diamonds, aluminum, asbestos, gemstones, diamonds, lime, lead, gypsum, iron ore, bauxite, gallium, boron, mica, natural gas, potash, platinum, oil, rare earth metals, pig iron, peat, nitrogen, cadmium, arsenic, magnesium, molybdenum, phosphate, sulfur, titanium sponge, silicon, uranium, tellurium, vanadium, tungsten, cobalt, graphite, silver, vermiculite, selenium, rhenium, copper, and gold. Source

One gallon of gas in Russia costs $2.31. (I did the math).

The ruble is back to its value prior to the start of the war.

IF Russia and China released a blockchain digital currency based on gold, oil and commercial commodities, the rest of the world would rush to convert their worthless petrodollars. And our economy would collapse in a very short time frame.

The part of the world not considered to be the “West” understands that social justice does not put food on the table. They will be “resilient” when this house of cards resets. Americans will riot in the cities when they are not given their “right” to Starbucks coffee.

As I stated in an earlier article, when someone asks whom you support in the Ukraine/Russia war, the correct answer is Joe Biden is a fraudulent president. We need to focus on what is important and the FACT is that our economy, culture and morality is purposely collapsing. Why do I include morality?

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious ...

For the record, Russia’s military budget for 2022 is $48 billion. Compare that to the US military budget of $750 billion. Russia has hypersonic missiles and we have a woke military that pays to convert the gender of a soldier using our tax dollars.

I try not to let emotions dictate my actions. Or in the present situation, inactions. For me, it is hard not be angry and act emotionally when I realize that the Great Experiment was destroyed by power hungry politicians bought off by foreign nations. It is hard to see people spread propaganda and misdirect the focus of what is truly important. It is hard to know the Old Republic is gone. We let it slide into the hands of traitors without any consequences. I understand that the lack of response to our nation’s demise was due to the fact that we the people allowed this to happen. Apathy trumped Liberty as our affluence destroyed our religious foundations.

Do not be deceived by people wanting your approval instead of giving you information in which to make judgments based on critical thinking. If you are deceived, you will pay a high price in the future. But you already know this.

David DeGerolamo

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joe tentpeg
joe tentpeg
2 years ago

Also…Russia’s not $30 trillion in the hole.
They went back to square one in the ’90s.
Unfortunately, now it’s our turn.
Filed under ‘Black Holes Matter’…the financial ones.

2 years ago

Absolutely spot on, thank you! Time is now short.

2 years ago

A lot of my thinking right now is what am I missing in preparations.
I spent a big chunk of change in the last few months buying a new, dual-fuel generator, having a 2nd propane tank installed and buried. Having a new well put in (my existing one was a surface/bore well that was 30 years old and would give me tainted colored water after heavy rains). I bought a hand pump system to use on that old well if and when I lose power.
More rice, legumes, and other staple items. A new, good pair of waterproof hiking boots, t-shirts, underwear, etc. etc. etc.
My retirement nest egg is getting spent before it becomes worthless.
Jeez, I never thought I’d live to see days like these and, with all that is going on around us. The elite are no longer hiding in the shadows but, being presented openly for all with ears to hear and eyes to see. A majority of people who may not like what they are paying at the gas pump or, don’t like to see what things are costing them for groceries and other items, still have no clue what is coming. That includes multiple family members and close friends.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

When this economy goes down it will likely be for years, if not decades!
You are going to need renewable energy, to heat your home and run basic appliances and your water well, for years!

I have heated with wood for fifty years, of course I have a forest. Now days I have an electric chain saw I recharge with solar power. I have a 2KW Solar system with 3K amp hour of storage and a 3 KW sine wave inverter. I can light the house, run two freezers and one large refrigerator. This system was built over a few years, for three or four thousand dollars and it works great! I have had a smaller system for forty years and the original panels still work good.

I still use some grid power but I can get by comfortably off grid. I am retired and on a fixed income, energy cost are going up and likely will be out of reach of us on SS in the near future! It will save you money in the long run. If you decide to go solar be sure to get a system with batteries!

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

Take a breath. We are not doomed. We are being given an opportunity to shine, to prove what we’re made of. The sun will rise tomorrow. If one studies history, one will find that King Solomon’s declaration that there is nothing new under the sun is correct. Nothing lasts forever. The Old Republic may be gone and we may mourn her passing, but there’s no reason we cannot build something new, and even better. That will take time, courage, blood, sweat, and treasure. Our forefathers did it. We can too.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

And exterminate the vermin.

2 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

“We are being given an opportunity to shine, to prove what we’re made of.”

Bless you, you are correct. Eyes forward, back straight, chin up.

2 years ago

Those who refuse to be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.
Willam Penn

2 years ago

Jack Spirco (Survival Podcast) has a video that relates to David’s post here. It is ‘our’ fault that the Republic is gone and what to do about it now. Worth the watch/listen.

2 years ago

Thirty years ago I ran for congress, and I quickly learned the media changed and corrupted my press releases and during my speeches with voters, I also realized most didn’t know what freedom was, didn’t want it and had no clue what a republic was.


I really have no advice for anyone any more, just questions.
I am just glad I lived during a time of freedom!

The question for these newer generations is what kind of world do you want to live in. I am sure they all want the illusion to continue, it won’t! Those still alive after the crash must teach freedom and truth with an iron fist. I certnly failed with my children! In all honestly most of the current blame rest on the shoulders of us boomers, spoiled rotten and delusional most of us!

I was lucky falling in love with a DDR refugee back in the sixties and learned about war, economic crashes and totlatarism. I also learned about inflation from my father in law and inherited 50,005,000 in wiemier republic bank notes. I have a 5,000 note from 1922 and a 50,000,000 note, printed on one side from a year later. The 5,000 note could buy a house and a year later the 50,000,000 could buy a bag of groceries if you could find it.

“So whatcha ya gonna do when they come for you?”

As you know there is a good opportunity for a return to a republic after the crash, I hope I am around to see it.

2 years ago

Thank you!!!
What our side is missing is that THEY ARE DOING IT regardless of how many posts and podcasts deride the reality of the day.The Brics nations have been creating the alternative to the Woke West for at least 20yrs. Are Americans really that stupid to think their standard to living is NOT in jeapordy?
alas they are, consider the following
This Wednesday i called into my local CONservative talk radio (that supports Free Speech) discussing Mr Neo Communist Putins demands to link COMMODITIES to the Ruble. They hung up on my and said, “it will never happen,The G7 will never accept that!” Then told me to ‘catch up’ on the news and ‘educate myself’.
I shook the dust off my feet and walked on.
Just because WE dont want something to happen doesnt stop reality, it only proves how shallow We The People have become.
“preparation does not guarantee success, but the lack of preparation guarantees failure.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Shipwreck
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

We are about to experience a new reality that will be something none of us has experienced before. Freedom and liberty are now dirty words only spoken of by terrorists. I say terrorists because that is what the current regime has designated us to be. They want us dead or dying, they have perverted everything, and I mean everything and still we wait.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Liked the article. Actually, there’s a real good chance that we are doomed. Half the world hates us. Half of our own country is third world. And they hate us. No currency. No energy. No food. No medicine. Violence like you ain’t never seen. Sounds like doom to me.

2 years ago

Aesop jumped the shark quite some time ago. Yells at people authoritatively but often has no idea what he’s talking about. I stopped giving him my time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Swrichmond

Aesop. That self-important dolt hasn’t got one thing right for as long as I can remember and clearly, math and economics is definitely his weak-suit..

Someone/No one
Someone/No one
2 years ago
Reply to  Swrichmond


Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Because Boobus AmeriKanus wouldn’t, God will.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Aeslop is a blowhard. That anyone takes the blowhard serious on anything is just sad. For example, WRSA.

2 years ago

Aesop should stick to what he knows; he started a series on medical gear that seemed promising. Wish he’d return to it.

Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago


Hammers Thor
2 years ago

“As I stated in an earlier article, when someone asks whom you support in the Ukraine/Russia war, the correct answer is Joe Biden is a fraudulent president. We need to focus on what is important and the FACT is that our economy, culture and morality is purposely collapsing. Why do I include morality?”

Right answer. There is a reason they needed to steal this election. Hillary Clinton was supposed to win, but they didn’t cheat hard enough. They fixed that this time. Hillary Clinton was supposed to usher in the NWO under the control of the World Economic Forum. Currently a pandemic treaty is in process that will be in effect before the 2024 election which will put the United Nations and the WHO essentially in charge of all our medical choices.

That’s not all. The Obama cabal (this is who is really in charge behind the scenes) is deliberately erasing our borders, economy and autonomy for the purpose of destroying the Old Republic.

Biden is in control of nothing. He can barely read his orders on the teleprompter. Our lives are being herded down a one-way street to oblivion, and we are obsessing about Ukraine/Russia and two idiots that slap the shit out of each other at the Oscars. Our food supply will be gone by late summer, and the supply chain will be shut down to the point where we (not those here, but the dumb masses) will be slaughtering each other in the streets and eating the corpses.

All by design. They have been working on this for decades, and it is all coming together this year. It is not only much worse than we imagine, it is worse than most can even possibly imagine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hammers Thor
Craig Cosgray
Craig Cosgray
2 years ago

The enemy rules us with the use of Electronic Voting Machines and obvious corruption.
Number one item: We must go to paper ballots.