Sadly There Is Only One Way Out Of This Mess We Find Ourselves In. Let’s Quit Trying To Delay The Inevitable By Continuing To Vote!

Somebody please explain to me how participating in a proven fraudulent system is going to save our Republic?

If we could only get a few more good decent people elected into office everything will be saved?

If only the “Republicans” can take control of Congress we can put a stop to this madness?

Anyone care to explain to me how that’s worked out for us over say the last hundred years or so?

Their side is playing for keeps. Their side is wielding their power to make sure they remain in power. Their side will do whatever is necessary to bring about their communist utopia wet dream. Their side wants us dead!

Our response is to vote? Vote so hard that they can’t possibly cheat enough to win. Yet we’ve accepted that Brandon received 81 million votes when he couldn’t even draw ten people to listen to him mumble on the “campaign trail” when he was allowed out of the basement. They stole our country from us and the only response I am hearing from many people that have influenced me is “Voting” is our only option.

What happened to us? I just don’t understand anyone still preaching that we have to vote. All we are doing by voting is making ourselves feel good by saying “hey at least we tried”. It keeps us complacent. It keeps us saying “we’ll get them next time”.

Voting is being used to justify inaction plain and simple. Those who advocate for voting in a rigged system are delusional and afraid of the real action that is needed to restore Liberty!

We need to start thinking about actually fighting for Liberty. Remember these people want us dead. This is a fight to the death and right now we’re pretty much letting them know we’re not even in the fight. We need to quit playing by the rules because they sure as hell aren’t. The rule of law is dead and we need to start acting accordingly.

I can’t believe that people are already lining up to participate in “the most important election of our lifetime” yet again. How many more times are you going to fall for this garbage? Our problems cannot be resolved thru voting!

Sadly, our only way out of this mess is to fight, and voting is not fighting. I’m not sure what has caused some people to change their philosophy after so many years, it’s disappointing for sure. I can promise you this, I will always stick true to my words. I have always meant everything I have ever said or written.

I will forever be TINVOWOOT!

Let’s quit trying to delay the inevitable by continuing to vote.


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Lee Vail
Lee Vail
2 years ago

The sooner we get the fighting started the better.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

Yep. Wes’s admonition that the other side is playing for keeps should ignite some kind of fire in us all.

2 years ago

The key here is voting harder. On voting Tuesday, you get up and eat some amino acids and a double-caffeine drink, get a good pump on using dumbells or elastic bands, roll up your shirt sleeves, shave both your forearms and then rub baby oil on them until they’re all shiny. Then, when you get to the polling place, take a moment before you get out of the car and put one palm against the other and repump each arm with the counter pressure of the other arm. Try to hold the pump by flexing when you’re waiting in the actual voting line. And then when you get to the vote table/booth/desk do so with exacting and strenuous determination. If you’re voting hard enough to make the veins stand out in your forearms you’re right on target. If we vote hard enough, and enough of us vote hard enough, everything will be just fine. Then we can hit the golf course or spend the weekend swilling beer in front of the sports! tube without a single care.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Put 3 stamps on your mail in ballot.

2 years ago

More and more corruption is coming to the surface of the American Psych….the sham elections Will Not Happen!…..we will raise some Hell before we get to Heaven!

2 years ago

I have been voting for the lesser of two evils since Reagan -- and yes we can all see how that has turned out!

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago

The Squaw has told me for the last ten years that we were wasting our time but I insisted she go with me and cast our vote . I am now repenting of that mindset . It’s not easy admitting you are wrong but it does free you to consider the other options . Humility is good . Gawd rewards humbleness but resists the proud . I hope to one day vote in a free and fair election in a free and fair country but that day will not come without rebellion and revival . It may not ever come but I am willing to die resisting the anti-Christ forces that have usurped our government . Better to die like a man than live like a servant to demon possessed oppressors .

no mercy.jpg
2 years ago

Yeah buddy! I’m sick off hearing some of these popular, well known pod cast and YouTubers say, “Don’t get violent, don’t sink to their level. If you don’t get violent, they don’t know how to act; then they don’t know what to do with you.”

Serious??!! They don’t know what to do with us,? Looks like they’re doing exactly what they want and all we do is keep trying the same old thing expecting different results. Just like all the other peaceful victims in history, we’ll listen carefully and diligently one the way to the mass graves as we kneel beside them waiting to get shot, listening the sounds of women and girls being raped in droves, intermingled with gunfire, as we non-violently die wondering why our votes, yells, comments and peaceful protests didn’t work.

What I just said is frickin harsh and hurtful and ugly, but that is factual history every time communistic people take over. They make the other side appear as less than human, then it’s easy for the psyche to disassociate them as real people, and they can do all manner of horribleness with no thought of how evil it is. Mental prep now, because they aren’t stopping unless made to stop. We listen to debate and reason and logic: they don’t. We’re in they way and must be removed, it’s that simple.

We need to make them stop.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Well said, brother.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

The ones we hear spewing that trash are cowards and snitches, and have no clue what going on right in front of the faces. MSM listeners no less.

Patrick Grimes
Patrick Grimes
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I couldn’t have said it better Dave. You knocked it out of the park.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

A-MEN Dave!
A bully never stops abusing someone by that person using their face to hurt the bully’s fists to make them stop. I am so sick of these so called conservative commentators ie “controlled opposition” telling us we will get them in the mid terms. I told my wife it’s a load of crap they will steal it again and the republicans will say “Golly gee! we will get them in 24” and that’s it.
I hate the republican uni party more than the demoncrats, at least the demons tell you to your face what their going to do to you and then do it. While the mangina republicans pull their pants down stick their rear end’s up in the air and whimper “Don’t hurt me” at the first sign of opposition or someone calling them a bad name. It’s about time when someone calls you a racist or tells you they are going to hurt you, you break their head open, knock their teeth out and break their pelvis. I can guarantee that will be the last time they ever say that to someones face again. You besmirch my reputation / character I will hurt you so bad you will wish you were dead. They are calling us Fascist to dehumanize us so they can reconcile the evil they are going to bring to us.
They want us to attack them first so they can unleash the police state against us and claim we are the bad ones. “BUT WHEN ARE WE SUPPOSED TO STAND AND FIGHT AGAINST THEM!” I don’t have the answer but I feel time is running out for us. I hope and pray the Lord will grant me his wisdom and discernment so I can make this decision at the right time to fight.
May the Lord have Mercy on all of us.

2 years ago
Reply to  DEFCON 1

Exactly brother!

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I like Yellowstone. A lot of truth in that show. Here is the best quote…”“You can’t reason with evil, son. Evil wants what it wants and won’t stop until it’s won or you kill it. The only way to kill it is to be meaner than evil. It’s gonna be your last lesson son -- how to be meaner than evil and still love your family and still enjoy a sunrise…” John Dutton -- Yellowstone Season 3: Ep 9

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Your right Wes, there is no voting out way out of this, it a hard reality for some to grasp. Every day we are assaulted by this illegal regime and their minions. I am what people refer to as an old geezer, I have no illusions about my God given ability’s, I am ready to take names and kick some asses, and I know how to do it. A braggard some may say, but I guarantee you this, all my training since the early 80s has been for such a day. I forget who asked about what style of Karate I practice it is Kenpo, designed for street fighting, it is a deadly force if you apply it. And I wish to get that chance on our enemies soon.

2 years ago

Waiting for the fall my friend

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

BIDEN’S BABY KILLS AFGHAN ANNIVERSARY! -- JEFFREY PRATHER In his podcast “Send me” is a must see, they here you Wes.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

2 Timothy 4:7,8
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith,
Therefore is laid up for me the crown of rightiousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give to them at that day, and not only to me but also to all them have loved his appearing.”
This is a spiritual contest. The battlefield is in the mind. I cannot control what the dark side does. I can however control my thoughts. I can share the greatness of what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. I can do the job that the ministers in the churches are supposed to do which is expose the evildoers and their plans. Beyond that, all the pounding the table is useless regarding our current state of affairs.
I starting responding to postings on “Nextdoor” and have received multiple compliments. I even had a woman express the desire to learn more from me. We now exchange emails. Don’t try to rescue the country, try to rescue one valuable life.

2 years ago

Wes, go ahead and say it. “I support the armed overthrow of the US government by any and all means.”
You are encouraging people to take their ball and go home, thereby leaving the other side to win by default.
Political suicide, anyone??? Despicable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

I will say it: I support the overthrow of the traitors who stole the 2020 elections in a coup which usurped the Constitution and the Republic. Anyone who is not willing to bear arms to defend our country against domestic enemies is not only despicable but a traitor.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

So please point out where you show up in the Capitol Rotunda videos with an AR-15 in your hands on January 6. Were your comments written from a DC jail while you await trial?
Or maybe you’re simply working for the FBI as bait in order to collect email addresses?
You are playing the “Judas Goat” here. As Casey Stengel would say, “You can look it up.”
I am confident that lots of Keyboard Commandos supporting your approach are posting comments here from their mothers’ basements. I am not saying that there will never be a time and a day to do something other than vote, but what you are proposing is helping the country slide further into the grasps of Communists and Socialists.

2 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

No response needed to your harangue. I was posting a reply to you and a note for our FBI “agents”.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Agreed and understood brother, but he speaks the truth all the same. Martyrs are a dime a dozen, we need leaders. You can’t lead if you died in a hail of FBI bullets or are rotting in a cement box below the potomac. Thats just a fact. Same as TINVOWOOT. They are playing dirty and for keeps. A printout of this thread in a judges hand today is a warrant tomorrow, and your ass in jail by memorial day (or in a pine box if thats your choice). Thats a non-zero percent possibility. Just another fact. Your family will bear that burden, too. I would rather see you lead and continue to fight, in whatever form that takes. Teach people about our history and culture, or Constitution, form grass roots groups and travel your AO, ever expanding. Local, local, local, is more important now than ever.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

I have no doubt that I will be imprisoned. I also have complete faith in the protection of the Lord and His path for me. Neither one of you know me, know what I have done or what I am currently doing. But keep on writing. I enjoyed the part about considering what these traitors will do to my family. That concept alone should prove how evil they are and how willing you are to succumb to it.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

I will not be silenced; fear intimidation and coercion will not silence me. We need to have a call to muster, action is what is called for, waiting and wringing of the hands is not what is called for, I stand with DRenegade and Wes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

Now you are just being disrespectful . Wes does not need your help discerning facts. I think you are trying to show us how more reasoned men would deal with tyranny and this really isn’t that serious. Collectivism is the most powerful military weapon out there . It destroys everything in EVERY country it has bee deployed as a weapon. You may be a bad ass but if you have seen war then you know that will get you shipped home in a bag quicker that 110 degrees in a jungle will melt an ice cube. so don’t come here and tell us how your superior fighting skills an intellect will win the day. You are a very arrogant guy coming in here and admonishing Wes that way I would bet you are not that tough. I was a sailor stationed at Miramar naval air station in 1978 was a bit like yourself but more respectful. I learned that a Navy seal is a bad ass for sure . But I knocked half a dozen out in a six month period in the bars surrounding San Diego. Without the gun you got some training but my left hook would break your jaw even at my age Punk! now get lost!

No Thanks
No Thanks
2 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

I feel sorry for you, that you cant see the big picture and our current situation. Fuck sakes how hard is it for people like you?

Gunny HiWay
Gunny HiWay
2 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

“Survivorman”? Pffff…
Get a grip you commie twink or FBI scumbag.
Either way, you are not the answer, you are the enemy.
You think everyone on this thread is some tattooed punk in a basement?
Get real or GTFOOH commie TWINK.
You are dismissed as the FOOL and TWINK you exposed yourself as.

2 years ago

Wes you are 100% correct that the elections are rigged beyond being valid anymore. There is no law and order anymore in the USA. We would think that the forces against us are too large to defeat. But I’m telling you that the Republic is gone never to be again the way it was if at all The forces of evil are old foes and they do not care about the Republic. This is much bigger than the Idea of America. This truly is good vs evil and the fate of mankind rests in the balance that is for sure. This has been planned a long time ago and they have revised their plans as we have progressed but it has always been The ONE WORLD SATANIC GOVERNMENT as the prize. Up till now they simply did not have the control to do what they wanted to. Now they have monopolized everything under the sun everything and I mean everything we need to survive is controlled by multi national corporations.
I’m a little more optimistic that the whole thing is going to collapse under the weight of the tyranny they have planned for us . Personally I think they simply do not have enough people to take over the country nor do I think given the arms we have in certain parts of the country that they will try in the end. More likely that we factionalize and become more than 1 country. In my opinion it is all going to depend on how much pain and hunger people are feeling. Hungry well armed people are not going to be very cooperative. I drive for a living and meet many people annually hear many opinions. I think if we go off now they will pounce on the easiest demographics first and Martial Law nation wide it will be impossible or at least need kinetic war to secede then. We need to organize and there simply is no leadership. Where are the militias? there are supposedly 1.5 million here in Florida. WTF where are they? wrote a letter of interest never even got a response …I am Over 62 so I was not surprised. Dump is a Psyop to keep us hoping on these elections as if we are going to out vote the fraud. In fact he talked about the fraud and did nothing to stop it he is a complete imposter. I am glad I’m here in Florida as I think we will be freer here at least less controlled than the NE or west coast. The forces against us are easy to identify. But to defeat them we need someone besides people on NC Renegades leading the way. No offence the only place I hear the solutions mentioned is on your site but your are censored at every level and limited in you influence no matter how well positioned. It boggles my mind truly how lazy, selfish and immoral 50+ % of this country is they hate Jesus and the Bible because they love their sin soo much. They live their whole lives as victims with one hand palm up and one in a fist behind their back. I feel your frustrations but I’m not a killer. I will fight do not get me wrong I dread the thought of ever having to kill to defend myself but will when the time comes. Unfortunately waiting for the knock on the door is not the way to win this. I think it was you that said I will just be a wild animal on someone else’s property. Dunno how this will end up but I have no faith In Dump or any politician for solving the predicament we find ourselves in. I just keep praying that God gives me strength and wisdom I pray for his provision and I make sure he Knows how grateful I am for his presence in my life. I trust him I believe his word when he says that he will never leave me or forsake me. Thats all I got waiting for a leader that can motivate men to fight.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bubba1
No Thanks
No Thanks
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

Amen! You are so right. And that Trumpet, he is nothing but a master con artist Trojan horse MF’er.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Danger of a one track mind.
Only way out is to vote.
Only way out is to begin shooting.
And still we can not see the problem? How many see or recognize their fellow countrymen as being repentant? How many on the web do we see as Repentant as in being humbled?
Are we listening to ourselves and the web gurus or are we Truly listening to a Higher power?

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Answer the question child, are your countrymen Truly repentant?

2 years ago

What higher power. The government God? Or some ecumenical version of a God you accept. how about Jesus is that your God?
Because that is very important to say the least. Jesus said in reference to the end times . “Sell you tunic and by a sword” He is not the pacifist you portray him to be. He said “if you think I came to bring peace I tell I came to bring division”
I get a laugh out of you fake Christians coming here and elsewhere tying to tell people that have been reading the bible their whole lives what Christianity is all about. Why not go back To huffpo or porn hub its more your speed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bubba1
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

Spot on Bubba1, just where did this higher power BS start and come from, probable from the new age gurus.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

God may “save” some of us in the end, but he will not save us from what is happening to the world right now. It is up to all of us to fix the mess that we’re in and if it means we have to fight tooth and nail, so be it. This country would not exist if our forefathers waited for God to save them.

Last edited 2 years ago by JeffG
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

Fake Christians, also have this idea that God does not correct, does not chastise, they believe they will escape tribulations. They complain and whine constantly.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Wes -- “I have always meant everything I have ever said or written.”
Can no one see a problem?
Benjamin Franklin-

  1. “Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults.”
  2. -- Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1756
Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Ecc 3:3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to break down, and time to build up; Read it child!

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
2 years ago

You do not love people that are trying to kill you, you shoot them!!!!

2 years ago

What about pedophiles and pederasts “Follower?”
Should I love the men who rape and sodomize children? What do pedophiles/pederasts have to tell me about myself?
Should I love sex traffickers, and the drug cartels who bring misery, destruction and death to families, and to men, women, and children?
Should I turn the other cheek if I see an old women being beaten or raped?
You are following a FALSE Christianity, and a FALSE Jesus.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  lmnop22

Did i address any of this? Or do you assume and rattle on like so many and never look at what i asked Wes.
You see the original question Never gets looked at, the crowd goes wild and turns it into a feeding frenzy.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

What would happen if NO ONE showed up to vote??? You can’t fudge zero.

Mickey N Homan
Mickey N Homan
2 years ago

Sitting on A porch the other evening, there was the inevitable discussion turning to the current and past regimes and the corruption beyond the ability to speak to here. When we as a country went to the sandbox, our “troops” were issued a deck of playing cards to assist with id, and arrest etc. of known criminals. The value of such cards was that everyone was looking for the same ~52 criminals that needed dealing with.
The resulting game of opinions of who in the US today should be on which card, and why was epic. The results of the deck oversea’s had it own eventual solutions. I ask you, who goes on your deck in what position and why. The question is rhetorical as I don’t wish for an answer here or ever. Just a discussion topic that is entertainment to pursue with friends. I won’t print or write such as someone might take that as uncomfortable or worse, but I can damn sure have my own opinion about this topic. Let’s see now the 5 of spades is………..

Mickey N Homan
Mickey N Homan
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

You have to start somewhere.

No Thanks
No Thanks
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

So true! Not even close to enough my man.

No Thanks
No Thanks
2 years ago

I seriously cannot believe how truly pathetic, weak and impotent we are in modern day America. Forget voting, that $hit is as useful as tits on the proverbial bull my friends. How much more clear does it need to become for all of us? We are left with zero “peaceful options” at this point. And now they are going to STARVE us, FREEZE us, BANKRUPT us and on and on and on. When is enough actually enough??

2 years ago

Keyboard warriors unite! What s bunch of bullcrap. A bunch of women calling themselves men.

Patrick Grimes
Patrick Grimes
2 years ago
Reply to  Kate

Kate or whatever your name really is, I for one am no woman. I put in my time in Vietnam 1966 to 1968 with the Marine Corps. I finished my four year enlistment honorably so I am not just a keyboard warrior and I suspect a significant number of the people who comment on this blog are fellow veterans and we resent people like you who have never spent a day in the military calling us a bunch of women. What the hell have you done. What risks have you ever taken?

2 years ago

This is why California is so screwed up. Stolen elections for decades.

2 years ago

If someone tells you that they are qualified to have F-15’s and nuclear weapons, but that you cannot even be trusted with small arms, that person is telling you that they are better than you. Furthermore, a person like that plans for you to die because you are not smart enough to stop them.

Backwoods Squirrel
Backwoods Squirrel
2 years ago

While I agree, Wes, that voting isn’t the answer, I do know that timing is everything. They are trying to flip that conservative switch from ‘vote’ to ‘kill everybody’ before the mid-terms. Now, do I think voting in Republicans will actually do anything? YES! What it will do is slow the roll. Notice I didn’t say ‘stop’ it. AND if the MAGA people already in Congress, such as Marjorie Taylor Green goes through with the impeachment of Biden and other then that’s a start. On the other hand, if there is a big enough turn out and the Commie Dems keep the house and senate by dubious means then…. game on.
My question is why do we vote for the people the DNC and RNC put out there in the first place? Those two entities aren’t ‘governmental’ they are corporations owned by billionares (one of the DNC’s owners is Soros.) Come out of her my people! You as a child want pizza but, mom gives you a choice of liver or tripe. See, you have a choice. Yeah, the one ‘mom’ wants you to have.

Backwoods Squirrel
Backwoods Squirrel
2 years ago

We need to get back to the Constitution where ‘we’ don’t elect the POTUS or VP and we need to repeal the 17th amendment and give the States back their voice. if the Commies get their way and repeal the Electoral College, then we are sunk for sure.

j c
j c
2 years ago

Go ahead and be explicit, what is your definition of “fighting”?
Spit it out.

j c
j c
2 years ago

One phrase to remember…”…by consent of the governed…”
Are you “consenting” ?
Their phrase, “become nu-governable !”
Well? Shall we ?

2 years ago

Even if Republicans take back control of both houses of congress after the Nov. clown show elections, the establishment RINOS who share the same Luciferian agenda as the Democrats (and who control the party’s legislative agenda) will remain firmly ensconced in their current positions of power & control within the party. So nothing will change. The same shared legislative agenda of enslaving the masses will continue on schedule.
Voting in a rigged process only serves to legitimize an illegitimate & fraudulent system.

2 years ago

The middle class still has too much to lose to get the civil war started, but soon with the new 87,000 new IRS agents hired to make them poor, thing will change.

2 years ago

By all means, lead the charge. Many will follow you, but until then it’s just hollow words.

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
2 years ago

This is a war that is not winnable at this point. These criminals have been at this for centuries always moving at a glacial pace until recently. To defeat an enemy you must know who that enemy is. Whoever controls the money controls the world. Our enemy simply put Jews. I know, I know the anti-semite accusations will follow this on swift heals. The plain simple fact is that the vast majority of those who identify as Jews have not one drop of Semitic blood. Virtually no one knows who the Kharzas were or who constitutes the Kharian mafia. This is our and the entire worlds enemy, its who the Russians are fighting in Ukraine. The Kharzas are godless, they eminate from an area that includes parts of Ukraine, Georgia and areas between the Urals and the Caucasus mountains. They control all of the supposed civilized world including Russia by their control and issuance of the worlds fiat currencies. Russia, a Christian nation is in a battle to the death to escape the grip of these satanic monsters. The Kharzas may have over played their hand by forcing the Russians into the world war now taking place. If the world is to survive Russia must prevail in forcibly collapsing the fraudulent money system. This will not be painless, The Kharza / Jews can smell victory and they are vicious enough to take the whole world down lf they feel threatened enough. This is not conjecture, this is real good and evil. Our nation is completely owned and control by these insane psychopathic monsters who buy and control everything and treat we the goyim as puppets to be eliminated.

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
2 years ago

Against whom?

2 years ago

Where is your line?!

Patrick Grimes
Patrick Grimes
2 years ago

Wes better than anyone else expresses my thinking on politicians, voting and the state of our country. I am convinced that ninety eight percent of politicians are power hungry sociopaths or psychopaths and are some of the most wicked men and women on the planet. As Wes says “They want us dead. This is a fight to the death and right now we’re pretty much letting them know we’re not even in the fight.” Do we’ll vote them out of power types ever think about the 100 million body count of the communists. They will kill anyone who opposes them. They will often try less lethal methods first but killing and genocide are always their preferred backup plan for those who opposes them.

2 years ago

Thank you Mr. Rhinier!
I am horrified and bewildered when talking to family members, neighbors, and others. People seem to think that our current situation couldn’t possibly get worse because “this is America”, and that prosperity and order will be reestablished after the mid terms.
How can anyone not see that they are systematically and deliberately trying to exterminate us?

2 years ago

There is no way out of this any longer, only civil war will bring an end to their communist rule in both parties. This is not only a federal problem it’s a state issue as well with communist democrat/republicrat legislatures in red states, so it would be a two front war and maybe three at the local level. and which talking heads are running those counties and city. At the local level it would be swift. then county by county can be locked down by the patriots and sheriffs who are constitutionalists to prevent any fed from entering as well as who is left at the state level. since the Commie democrats love chaos, then chaos is what they would get, where they won’t know what to do and where to go, to many flare ups would be started at the same coordinated time and they will be in total disarray. an entire city can be taken down which just a few good men at different locations in a city to cause the chaos. There not as smart as they make themselves out to be, for the record it’s just the opposite.
you see we are dealing with gangsters and to bet them at their own game you have to think like them. this crop of garbage of our so-called leadership aren’t even wise gangsters, there garbage with warped thinking and reprobate minds. It’s either civil disobedience or watch your families get murdered in front of your own eyes, and when you are the only one left after watching your loved be murdered, they will make you get on your knees and assassinate you, like a mob hit, this is what we are dealing with.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill
2 years ago

Been saying that for awhile. You cannot reason with commies, pagans, kleptomaniacs, or Demoncraps.
They only understand one thing. Their deaths because they know that is the only way you can END THEIR EVIL.
VERY fortunately they are NOT Satan who the LORD will burn alive forever and ever. These guys will be lucky they can only die once to END their evil on you, your family, and your land.

2 years ago

Everyone of us knows our own heart and mind on this subject, and yes THEY also know each and everyone of us too! We’re marked on their lists but really at this point who gives a #*$@! They don’t and we shouldn’t either. When your moment to make your stand arrives at your front door or on the side of a country road or even a very public highway know that not only are we there with you, but also any and all spirit entities you were raised to believe in. THERE IS EVIL in this world we live in so surely there is also GOOD! Those who really know who you are ( family, friends schoolmates from your younger days ) will surely speak of you and for you too! This is how we keep hanging in there till our moment arrives. For myself and my wife of 46 years we’ve known with conviction of this BS that been openly showing its ugly self since the 1990’s. No worries friends, we all have our own F-15’s already!!!

2 years ago

I will close ranks with others but I cannot close ranks with myself.

2 years ago

Sadly the vast majority that get the need to fight are over 65, and face it, they are not a formidable fighting force.
So for me, at 73, the fighting will be left to the tens of younger folks, I will be Praying and voting, thank you.

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
2 years ago

Against whom? Are you gonna lead an uprising?

2 years ago

People do not understand they are going to use force and no amount of passive activity will counter this.
The WH just declared the Gov’t to be the enemy of the people. Complete with threats of military force.

2 years ago

Wes, Two or three months ago, I posted a comment on one of your articles suggesting that instead of starting a revolution, why don’t we start a movement for conservative. Constitutional states to peacefully secede from the Union, which is totally lawful according to the 10th Amendment. Sadly, there was not one comment or response to mine, especially not from you. You sound like a broken record. Every article you write is a passionate appeal for everyone to rise up and violently overthrow this tyrannical government, but oddly, it’s never you leading the charge. Dare I say “hypocrite,” or would “coward “ be more appropriate? It may be worse than that. Perhaps you are a government (FBI) plant to incite conservatives to commit violence in the same way that they incited conservatives on Jan. 6, 2021. You are totally correct that voting for the lesser of two evils, still gives us evil, along with stolen elections, which makes the ballot box fruitless. So I repeat, secession of individual states from this evil, corrupt whore of a nation is the only possible, peaceful solution. If the Federal tyrants then try to unconstitutionally force us back into the Union like the evil, mass-murdering tyrant, Abraham Lincoln did, then mutual defense of your individual, sovereign State is justified. Disclaimer to any government goons who are trolling: I am not advocating violence or revolution or civil war. I am advocating peaceful secession in accordance with the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.

2 years ago

Every single one of the “leaders” of the world are members of a satanic cult named the Freemasons. Their blood oaths and the dirty deeds they have committed keep them in line and prevent them from jumping ship. Their ultimate goal is to subjugate the global population to slavery; that is those who will survive the current global genocide that will likely put to death billions. Who truly knows the final numbers when all is said and done.
Even Republicans are guilty, you may ask. Yep, in my opinion except for the freshmen who haven’t all been compromised and blackmailed. They eventually fall to the power and influence of these Satan worshippers. “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it” pretty much sums it up. They want us dead and until the masses understand an comprehend this fact we will continue to be bludgeoned into submission or killed.
When we’re finally awake to the truth then and only then will we be able to mount a meaningful pushback to the tyranny that we, free minded people, have endured for centuries.

2 years ago

The Worlds a Stage. Biden Trump The ObamaNation Shrub Billy Boy Clinton Bush Reagan Carter Ford Tricky Dick Johnson and so forth we’re given their Scripts. There’s not a lick bit of difference between The DemonRats and The RepublicRats. They all were complicit and working for The Luciferian Satanic Kabbalah Bankster Boys. It’s all a Selection to further divide the Country into a Civil War. Trump is just as complicit as Biden. They are all paying their part on the Stage. Don’t buy into any of their rhetoric. I’m a Christian Conservative but a MAGA I am not….MAGA btw is the fifth degree in the Satanic Church. You people got sucked into Witchcraft by the Snake who is D J Trump.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Tracy

” MAGA I am not….MAGA btw is the fifth degree in the Satanic Church. You people got sucked into Witchcraft by the Snake who is D J Trump.
You have done your homework, as also a few others here. Is good to see.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
Crystal rivers in Eden
Crystal rivers in Eden
2 years ago

You have been on my heart again Wes when on my walk last night, and even today right now as I sit in prayer and meditation in my tiny garden in the sun, with my neighbors loving tiny cat for company. 🙂 Indeed the lesser of two evils is still evi!! The Lord is waiting to give the New Wine of His Holy Spirit to His people.Aka -more power, more comfort an all provision.The key is earnestly seeking Him in prayer, and HE alone will give the strategies and wisdom. Maybe obedience to Him will be similar to walking a around a city and blowing trumpets, and the Lord God Almighty will cause confusion and the city walls will crumble and collapse.The Lord is the commander of the armies.Joshua 6:20. Hebrews 11:30. Also listening to this podvid by one of my faves, reminded me of you. Paul McGuire. Shalom 🕊❤️‍🔥

Crystal rivers in Eden
Crystal rivers in Eden
2 years ago
Last edited 2 years ago by Crystal rivers in Eden
Crystal rivers in Eden
Crystal rivers in Eden
2 years ago 🕊 ❤️‍🔥
Vid is Living in a Satanic World System 9/02/ 2022