Sam Culper – Read the Thread and Plan Accordingly

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Hammers Thor
1 month ago

Any chance you can post the thread? I don’t have an X account. Thanks!

1 month ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

Use this link. Does not require an account on X.

tom finley
tom finley
1 month ago

Their backs are against the wall, just listen to ex- co chair of Congress Hakeem Jeffries telling people to take it to the streets.

1 month ago
Reply to  tom finley

Reading prior articles on the acting DOJ leader, he is directing the DOJ to investigate Senator Schumer for threatening SCOTUS

tom finley
tom finley
1 month ago
Reply to  Crawfisher

Yea, their little heads are exploding he is one of many left and right that needs to be indicted.

1 month ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom: When “they” take to the streets, you can bet Hakeem, Reverend Al, and the rest of the grifting race hustlers are not going to be leading the charge. Also, where will this happen? It will take place in the Blue Hives and the white, leftist, gentrified, woke, SJWs will be the first and most visible targets. If ever there was a group who needed culling, it is they. The rest of us just need to keep vigilant and plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

Tree Mike: eff bee eye code name, Foghorn Leghorn
Tree Mike: eff bee eye code name, Foghorn Leghorn
1 month ago

Technically, I think it would be called a rebellion.

1 month ago

No, I think “Civil War” is the correct Term; as in, Factions are fighting for Control of the existing ‘government’. A Rebellion is when Citizens fight to Overturn/Destroy the ‘government’.
Dweezil is also correct in saying that if the (((left))) initiates Violence, it will be in the ‘blue hives’, pitting their own supporters against the ‘useful idiots’, a.k.a. White Liberals. This will be done with the Intent to create enough Chaos that they can convince the “Right” to support a Fascist Crackdown on the rest of the Country…. but 500 Million Guns say otherwise.