Satire Gives Us Food for Thought

According to our federal government and militarized police, patriots are terrorists. If you believe in the Constitution, you are a terrorist. If you believe in God, sovereign rights or are a veteran, then you are a terrorist. Or a possible terrorist. What is the difference? That is the point: in our country, the NDAA and the president’s kill list render the distinction between the two moot.

Should you develop code phrases that seem innocuous (or not, as in the above video) in order to bypass government surveillance? Of course. In fact, these phrases should have already been developed along with contingency plans for your family and friends. What would your family do if all forms of communications were down? Where would you meet and within what time frame? What would be a secondary meeting point?

These points and questions only prove a simple fact: we no longer live in the United States of America that our parents did.

I miss America but I will not forget.


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11 years ago

My goodness , my father and grandfather must be spinning in thier graves ,both of them fought in terrible wars for the preservance of freedom liberty and love of God . For what so a dumbed down populous would vote for a wannabe Caesar , that they would sit back on thier laurels and appluade while the precious freedoms that thier forefathers cherished and fought and die for where disintegrating right before their very eyes.
Sad times for America and the world , sad times indeed

Larry Porter
11 years ago

Strains from Archie Bunker. When so many planes were being hijacked to Cuba he got on TV and gave an opinion piece. “My answer to the hijackings is that we issue every passenger a gun. Then see how fast they try to take over a plane.” All in all not a bad idea.

11 years ago

Jeff Marshalek
Jeff Marshalek
11 years ago

Penn State is requiring that every employee fill out a 9 page health form which not only asks about health history but also personal info regarding habits and current degree of happiness or lack there of. If we refuse to fill out this form we will be fined 100 dollars per month. So it has been suggested by those who despise this encroachment of privacy that we fill the form out in its entirety, yet with obviously bogus information.