Oh, Staff Sergeant Cindy Bronson has got some sassy "intellectual" responses about how it's okay to point her weapon at a civilian "enemy" if she's just following [unlawful] orders. This doesn't fly. pic.twitter.com/eKnUVQ2EaW
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) August 27, 2021
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WOK soldiers are loosers all the way. Hooah
Jack, we must be related. Clan McDoo from Scotland. I’m a McAfee
All of what went down in Afghanistan sickens me to the core. For you all that were military, what is your take on all of this? Why would all that ordinance, the choppers, the planes, the MRAP’s, the Humvee’s, the small arms, etc., have been just left lying around? Why weren’t assets flown out, driven out, or blown up? And, if I can believe the short video in the clip that was in that other post that David put up with the pallets of cash, WTF is going on??
I would value clarification but it is my understanding that most of what you are seeing as gear and such was/is abandoned Afghan National Army holdings. You and I spent alot of money to make sure they were well trained and equipped
Your explanation at least makes sense. However, it was still a FUBAR to the nth degree.
Much better equipped than we are allowed to be it seems. Yet we can only help pay for it, can not afford it or obtain this stuff ourselves…UNBELIEVABLY INSANE!
THEY, Knowingly did that also.. They could/ should have destroyed it all. They had the intel to know better and still ignored it.
Have we sat back and waited too long asleep, is it too late?
This seems like the end of road for sure and there is more mil personnel back home “on leave” I’ve noticed.
Something big is ahead. Maybe Martial law is coming sooner than we thought.
It was by design. Someone in our government WANTED to arm these people. Someone wanted them to have all of our encrypted communication devices and laptops. Now the Chinese are there buying all of it.
Heard a very good opinion regarding the military industrial complex. What happens when all of our “highest tech” is compromised, secured by enemy states, reverse engineered to be completely useless in defense of our country. I’m betting Raytheon, Boeing and other def contractors are already lined up at the trough with the latest and greatest next gen weaponry that “you wouldn’t believe” for the low, low price of…your first born for 10 generations. Like Don Cheadles character in Iron Man, “we’ll take it. Which one? All of it!”
xiden residency wants to arm the taliban. the communists running this country are in solidarity with them and the CCP.
Would be happy to burn that uniform, without cleaning the loaf of crap out of it first. Every troopie gets a first trip to to the burn pit…
Is that a female?
A female that wants to butch up. I’m surprised she has not decided to trans male yet.
Sure meal team six, what ever you say….
This ‘person’ is an actor at best--more propaganda. Don’t feed that beast. As for what was left in Afghanistan…..anyone ever think this was deliberate? We don’t need those weapons.
I hope they are filled with tracking devices and C4 personally. Idk
Yes, it was deliberate i believe also. For whatever is up their sleeve. Or simply put, China made him do it that way. Unfortunately, that is always a possibility now.
Hahaha haha Hannah haha hah🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣. This has to be satire.
I think she is a character in one of Kurt Schlichter’s Kelly Turnbull novels.
Just remember (insert pronoun here) bullets fly in both directions.
This is very sad. That b*tch puts every other soldier in danger -- because we won’t know whether the others are friendly or murdering psychopaths like her.
Well said. This carpet-munching freak is endangering every other person in uniform.
REALLY…. Is this Saturday night live or something? 🤣🤣
As we watch American citizens go on home confinement, i am sure it will fly over clean and quiet.
I guess they might say it is to “reinstall rightful pres Trump”right… to keep the “domestic terrorist” from pushing back. They have been 10 steps ahead for decades.
This is just more infuriating! ISWEAR they want it happening, and won’t stop pushing until they get their way.
The military and police i have supported with all my heart… they will just turn on citizens and own families now too? These shots for GOF, the mil could be full of already, or am i wrong about that?
I figured they took whatever jabz told to i guess… this should worry all of us.
So, again, defaulting back to the “I’m just following orders/doing my job”. That’s what the Concentration Camp Nazi guards all said, too. I’ll remember that. I’m a Marine, and my job is to rid this land of cancer like this. Soon, very soon, it will be time to move, and then no quarter will be given to evil.
No quarter expected, none to give.
To the death.
You tell me to get in my house…You are The Enemy, bitch
A satire song for all of the WOKE military!
There was another version that came out right after Clinton implemented Don’t ask don’t tell. First part was “Falling Faries from the sky, I broke a nail, Oh I could cry”.
I’ve made grown ass Rangers cry in SERE training. This will be a pleasure
hi guys, I’m Sgt dikeface, i joined for the free sex change, I’m really scary and dangerous. Ill be leading this new unit called the queen berets, I saw wonder woman and so yeah,”girl” power. Humpf!
Where is the chain of command to deal with this?
That tweet glows
Soooo….Nuremberg 2.0, this woke female soldier, she gets a front row seat, charged, and found guilty of treason, and to the guillotine, or a taught rope from a big oak tree, I rest my case…..
[…] At this point, I see no use in reminding anybody involved of their oath of enlistment, wherein they swore to uphold the fucking US Constitution, not any particular elected official. They know full well that they’re in violation of said oath, and are flaunting their complete disregard for the principle behind it. And then there’s this: […]
I have seen the enemy and this lesbot feminist moron with “her” M4 is just one of the many. Actions do have consequences, just like stolen elections.
[…] to mandate the jab now that they forced through approval with the FDA. Afghanistan??? Then some crazy dyke truck driver from the Army threatened to shoot us in a Martial Law Situation. That story really had me laughing. I’m really looking forward to hearing more from the Lt.Col. in […]