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- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
We will allow our fools to kill us all.
Maybe so, Tom. But I think our nemesis is in a basement in DC.
Russia has Nothing to loose, by Joint Chiefs Own Words.
Listen to the whole speech. He knows that parts of America do not support Mordor on The Potomac. There is an olive branch in there.
The list of bidum’s dishonors that Putin gave a couple days ago, shows how astute he is and how well he knows and sees what is happening here in the USA.
I’d take him at his word.
Gail, that’s the basement in Rehobath, he’s scared to go to the people’s house.
At this point, in light of living in an actual episode of the Twilight Zone that we can’t wake up from…
Please put us out of our misery Vlad.
Putin may be no saint, but he is the cleanest shirt in the dirty clothes basket. Given a choice of world leaders, I’d take Vlad, Victor Orban, and perhaps Brazil’s Bolsonaro as the only one’s worth following. Surely all the Western leaders are criminal.
Is he then the lesser evil?
Putin is not sick and dying this week (???)
Considering that we have shitferbrains as president and a two peso lap dance for VP, if I were Russia or China now is when I’d make my move.
Remember, Putin’s Russia is an enemy of New World Order as should we. He has a righteous side and the balls to stand firmly against all this sheep dip.
Bluster….the main tool of Russian apparatchiks. Without their nuclear warheads Russia is AT BEST a turd/third world power whose vaunted military machine is having trouble with TINY UKRAINE. Keep blowing your own horn Vlad….and wasting what little military power you have in Ukraine.
Dan, tiny Ukraine had the largest army in Europe. They had more military equipment than any other European country. They were trained by the US military for 8 years. Total military of Ukraine was about 450,000 troops, counting reservist, etc. Russia only used 200,000 troops. If Russia wanted to do a scorched earth attack, they would have. Kiev could have been totally destroyed, but the Rooskies held back. Historically, Kiev was the first capital of the Russ people. Destroyed in 1240 AD by the Mongols.