I must admit that when I was younger, I never would have thought that one of my major shopping outlets would be a feed store. Since it is getting to be the time to plant our gardens, I went shopping today and one of the seeds on my list was front and center next to the cash register. I picked up three packs of bush beans and the clerk promptly put two back: bush bean seeds are limited to one pack per family.
David DeGerolamo
Now you know why I plant Blue Lake Pole Beans . One pack will feed the whole state of N.C. if you throw a bit of goat poop on them . I plant mine on the garden fence . Goats get what’s outside the fence .
Bush beans will produce extremely well.
We all should learn how to save seeds for next year. My wife loves saving seeds and growing things. Makes it easy on me?
We do save seeds. We are planting more this year based on current events.
It was a statement directed towards everyone. I figured you saved seed. I feel you can never have too many.
6 weeks ago I put the deposit on a new, 500 gallon propane tank. Today, it was buried and connected. The owner told by me that the $3,000 tank I paid for has now gone up to $4,000 for anyone buying one.
Seed Saver’s Exchange….go now, don’t wait!
I have had to branch out beyond my local feed and seed as well. Hoss, Martin’s, Seed Treasures, and South Georgia Seed ironically located in Ellijay.
I am a recent convert to Provider bush beans. I use to grow white half runners but I kept getting a lot of flat beans off the vine like the seed line might have gotten crossed. Far better yield with provider in my North Georgia red clay.
Johnny’s Seeds. Get online now and get as many as you can, before you can’t. That day is coming very soon.
Johnny’s is great, very descriptive catalog that helps determine what works in your area.
Adaptive Seeds is another good online dealer, so is Hancock Farm & Seed, but always save some from your own plants, your own seeds are best adapted to your own environment.
Seeds are an essential to the continuation of life. The US President is sworn to protect our seeds! Ice Age Farmer has many great points of information and ideas for the food crisis we face. The one I am most impressed with and can’t seem to get anyone to understand, is a seed library. Westerbrook suggests gathering seeds from crops and then cataloging them for the next season or replant. You borrow seeds and return seeds. The seeds take 2 to 3 seasons to adjust to the vicinity but ultimately become extremely robust. It cuts out the GMO, localizes the integrity of the seeds and builds community.
A pack of melon seeds was almost $5 this Saturday at my local Aldi store! Individual garden plants have been getting more expensive each year also. We better have alternatives for fertilizer too. We just had a fertilizer plant catch fire in the south.
Marysheirloomseeds.com Recently moved her operations from Cali to Texas. Great products I have been using for over 5 years.